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The Scotsman


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I wouldn't even post links to their website. It gives them hits which is what they want.

In Gibbons and English they have 2 enemies of our club as their main sports 'journalists'.

I'd recommend all Rangers fans to:

1. Never buy the newspaper.

2. Discourage anyone else you can from buying the newspaper.

3. Do not visit the website.

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The bit about season ticket prices being halved is a blatant lie.

It was well documented that prices were cut 30% from last season

Why does he feel the need to blatantly lie?

A real journalist would 'feel the need' to do proper research and tell the truth, it should be second nature to them.

But then a real journalist would hope to be working for a decent newspaper.

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A tired old rhag Scotsman/Scotland on Sunday that has jumped onto the The Rangers Story thinking that it will help their circulation, but unfortunately for them they have punted the wrong horse with help from their choice of journos tom english/gibbons etc who are only helping an old institution die because of said journos alliance to their religion and the ira athletic wing. Ta ta scotseireman, we won't spill a tear ! :sherlock:

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So wait Rangers hope to make £20 million from a share issue, thats negative news How ?

Fucking press and all the the other Rangers haters will be desperate for this to fail.

Hope we continue with our amazing recovery and our fans give a big GIRUY to the SPL.

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(tu) Posted this on it-----This is an article about Rangers FC 1872 but no Rangers fan can have a serious debate about our team for you lot going on about--- dead, died, liquidated, new club, no history, I keep having to remind you all that in Law according to LNS we are the same club!!! You lot have already closed down the DR comments page, now go away and comment on your own team, I have never commented on a celtic story because I do not support them therefore, they are irrelevant to me but, you are only here to comment on the Rangers!!! sad,

(tu) Must admit cant even be bothered reading any more the same piss and drivel that has been spouted about for months like a broken grammaphone record.

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(tu) Must admit cant even be bothered reading any more the same piss and drivel that has been spouted about for months like a broken grammaphone record.

I know what you mean, just boring now! I singed up on the Scotsman for a few days and fucked about with the tims, singed off with this:

It was fun winding you all up for a bit but, the scotsman really!!!


Anti-Rangers propaganda, in a failing newspaper?

That'll keep you in business.

Then,now, forever!!! WATP!!! Ha,Ha, No Surender.

Don't forget to put your wee disapproving vote now.

They are furious. :7325:

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Crapadoodle. If I went back to school I'd undoubtedly fail those old scholastic English comprehension tests they used to give! :lol:<cr> Thanks for pointing out the mistake.

But you'd still have passed based on your spelling and grammar, which is first class :sherlock:

Edit - Plus, crapadoodle is my favourite word of today!

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The most blatant example from the Scotsman (1st link) and note;


"IT HAS been billed by the Ibrox club as the “original Glasgow derby”. It might equally be argued that their hosting of Queen’s Park in the Third Division on Saturday is the newest Glasgow derby.

Yet, whatever the view of the history belonging to Charles Green’s Rangers, a team playing out of Ibrox facing up to Scotland’s first powerhouse club in a league fixture has a genuine resonance."

It can not be "argued" in Law as I have demonstrated by "THE RT HON LORD NIMMO SMITH" Definition regarding the status of Rangers FC.

Contrast the "Scotsman's" article with the "heraldscotland" article (2nd Link)


Both these articles were produced on the same date.

Inaccurate and biased reporting? You bet!!! :angry:

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The 'Hootsman', believe it or not, is a bastion of Unionism.

Their Owners and the Political Staff they employ are unremittingly anti Scottish Independence.

It's a strange auld world where even your apparent friends are your most bitter enemies.

A dichotomy as it were.

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The 'Hootsman', believe it or not, is a bastion of Unionism.

Their Owners and the Political Staff they employ are unremittingly anti Scottish Independence.

It's a strange auld world where even your apparent friends are your most bitter enemies.

A dichotomy as it were.

That's what I thought too but, it appears that the Tim infuriation has no bounds now!!!

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