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Ch. 4's Rangers-hater Alex Thomson in Glasgow today?


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The man is an attention whore first and foremost.If Rangers fans stopped following him on twitter and stopped feeding this troll he would go away, this time last year if anyone wrote the name Alex thomson on here 99% would say "Who?" now everyone on here and who reads RM knows him so he has done what he set out to achieve.As for his blogs before Rangers they were on such global events as the jeremy kyle show and Newcastle utd changing the name of the stadium total comments on both were about 10 or 11. When he blogs about Rangers he gets 100s of replies and he starts to trend on Twitter which is his aim.I used to get upset reading his pish but would never have had a clue who the fool was unless his name was printed on Rangers forums, so in that respect we have kind of created our own monster here.Best way to stop the fool is to stop giving him the attention he loves by not answering him on Twitter imho.

Here, here mate. If we stopped paying attention to this fud he would go back to being another nondescript journo nobody. The attention just snowballs and we end up getting tarred on national TV what a joke.

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I agree 100%. Just to clarify though, i'm not even on Twitter, and if I was I certainly wouldn't follow or reply to him. I just googled his name today to see if he was going ahead with this non-story. I'd rather know in advance than suddenly have umpteen calls and texts saying "ooh, did you see the big bad Rangers fans on the news" and not know what they were on about.

Interesting what you say about his work before the Rangers story, wasn't aware of him at all prior to that. Which proves your point I suppose.

Sorry mate maybe did not word my reply right i was not talking about any one Rangers fan or yourself on Twitter just the general trend of fans sending him tweets about our club or his blogs.Like i said above i had never heard of this fool till i seen his name on here and other Rangers sites.

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think Timmy will be setting a world record tonight,most guys wanking over c4 news at one time,possibly world bukkake record too if they can find the pause button,personally I'm off for a bath (for ghuests look up dictionary) then it's off to set up that old ss-20 i bought from dodgy dmitri down the barraskovich market,wonder if i can find a big enough jiffy envelope for it? I've dipped it in aids,ricin,ebola,jobbies,soap,shower gel,bleach and sellotaped a job application form to it,just got to hope there's no substandard journalists reading this who could get wind of this fiendish threat and phones plod cause they can't understand satyr

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think Timmy will be setting a world record tonight,most guys wanking over c4 news at one time,possibly world bukkake record too if they can find the pause button,personally I'm off for a bath (for ghuests look up dictionary) then it's off to set up that old ss-20 i bought from dodgy dmitri down the barraskovich market,wonder if i can find a big enough jiffy envelope for it? I've dipped it in aids,ricin,ebola,jobbies,soap,shower gel,bleach and sellotaped a job application form to it,just got to hope there's no substandard journalists reading this who could get wind of this fiendish threat and phones plod cause they can't understand satyr

Ricin is used in Chemical warfare. Thompsons a fuckin mental case.

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think Timmy will be setting a world record tonight,most guys wanking over c4 news at one time,possibly world bukkake record too if they can find the pause button,personally I'm off for a bath (for ghuests look up dictionary) then it's off to set up that old ss-20 i bought from dodgy dmitri down the barraskovich market,wonder if i can find a big enough jiffy envelope for it? I've dipped it in aids,ricin,ebola,jobbies,soap,shower gel,bleach and sellotaped a job application form to it,just got to hope there's no substandard journalists reading this who could get wind of this fiendish threat and phones plod cause they can't understand satyr

After all that I missed it! So can I take it from that that we're now using chemical warfare against journalists?

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I just watched this and my missus and I both our Jaws dropped.

Astonishing this has been allowed to be Aired.

Honestly did he mention any of his Ibrox disaster comments at all.

I really am astonished this guy is allowed to come out with this crap.Oh and he hurles out the RR chairman.Priceless.

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Scotland is historically Presbyterian Protestant - in the early 19th Century, Scotland accepted & helped a group of refugees, who's culture was foreign to ours.

That culture, or those people have generationally developed their culture in our country, to the detriment of the indigenous people. And although paedophilia causes huge damage to society that they bring with them, and attempt to hide, the main issue is that they bring a religion that Scotland purged itself of, as corrupt & demonic.

So - the truth will come out - just as it did with jimmy saville, as well as the best, failed attempts of jock stein & their kelly's. The truth will come out of this cultures opposition to Scotland, the nation that helped them, as well as Britian, the nation that financially assisted to prevent their former country from liquidation.

And these refugees, criticise us.

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Did you know that goverment statistics show that oirish catholic descendants have the highest mortality rate in Scotland. By that reckoning they will be extinct, but not quick enough for my liking.

Also for the record;

- They are over represented in the prison population

- The visit their GP more than any other group.

- They have a higher incidence of psychiatric illness

- They have higher levels of poverty

None of it a surprise of course and goes some ways to explain their levels of hatred as they just hate themselves. With their rap sheet who wouldn't and any cunt who worships paintings, idols and paedophile priests must have some serious fuckin issues. Their suicide rate must be fuckin phenominal, although not doing enough of it methinks!!

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I think its great that we've moved on from boring old fisticuffs and on to the manufacture of chemical and biological warfare agents. How cool is that? Maybe someday we'll add the Nobel prize for Chemistry to our trophy cabinet :lol:

I think Thompson's sleeping with Mad Phil. It's the only explanation for his madness.

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QC gets briefing on anti terrorist precautions reference mail.

How many suspicious packages received? What intelligence was there for this?

Absolute balderdash and biased article.

Indeed. Mad Phil's best mate says Rangers fans are the worst for threats, no need for a second opinion, report it as fact.

Hutton says someone threatened to torch the stadium. Source? Corroboration? Nah, just report it as fact.

Mad Phil's editor says she was threatened? Play an audio of someone telling people to tweet her, and shock horror, calling her a bitch! Get him locked up!

Utterly ludicrous report. His C4 days must be numbered if he keeps turning up to work with scoops like that.

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