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What we all need....


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You just dont get it. Our mission is to become a better football team and win as much as possible. Given our resources we should get back to the top division easily but with current management I have severe doubts.

Don't say the obvious mate.

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We currently have in our hands the opportunity to blood good young players who can be the mainstay of the club for many, many years. We also have in our hands (with the calibre of players we have - SPL quality and Scottish youth internationalists) to create a better brand of flowing football that plays from the back and uses a pass/move mentality.

It seems that we aren't taking our chance. We have this win at all cost brand of football which is not working when it matters. We should be ripping up the playbook and training methodologies and taking this chance to get back to the top stronger. Ally has a chance to leave a legacy behind him and he isn't taking his shot.

Look at Kenny Shiels as a prime example (i know some guys have used him as an example here before). He has got his team playing a nice brand of passing football, playing from the back and they are starting to see the benefit after a tough start.

I would rather see us take a chance to improve and lose some points in the process, rather than play ugly and still lose the same points. I sometimes feel that this win at all costs football makes the players feel they can't be trusted to play tight football, or request a ball in a small space for fear of being mugged.

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Ally has been managed in 70+? games now and still making the same mistakes with football style, tactics and player choices.

Only this season that matters. What happened before given the circumstances shouldn't be held up as representative of McCoist as a manager. No other manager in Scottish Football history has had to deal with the sort of shit he has had to put up with. Yes, judge him from a year in charge with charlatan Whyte in charge, bargain basement free transfers, perhaps one player signed he actually wanted.

The least we can do as loyal Gers fans is give him a bit of time. Its quite sad, although not surprising, the attitude of so many.

The title of the thread is "what we all need". The simple answer is a "reality check" because some people on here are totally and utterly deluded.

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Only this season that matters. What happened before given the circumstances shouldn't be held up as representative of McCoist as a manager. No other manager in Scottish Football history has had to deal with the sort of shit he has had to put up with. Yes, judge him from a year in charge with charlatan Whyte in charge, bargain basement free transfers, perhaps one player signed he actually wanted.

I judge him based on the team he had on the park compared to the oppositions. We were outplayed by many minnow teams (and removed from 4 cups) last season while having a team full of international players. This season we have been removed from 2 cups already and still playing shite football with baffling tactics.

Ally has one of the easiest jobs in football right now. Second highest budget in Scotland v teachers, plumbers and postmen and he is still making a mess of it.

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We currently have in our hands the opportunity to blood good young players who can be the mainstay of the club for many, many years. We also have in our hands (with the calibre of players we have - SPL quality and Scottish youth internationalists) to create a better brand of flowing football that plays from the back and uses a pass/move mentality.

It seems that we aren't taking our chance. We have this win at all cost brand of football which is not working when it matters. We should be ripping up the playbook and training methodologies and taking this chance to get back to the top stronger. Ally has a chance to leave a legacy behind him and he isn't taking his shot.

Look at Kenny Shiels as a prime example (i know some guys have used him as an example here before). He has got his team playing a nice brand of passing football, playing from the back and they are starting to see the benefit after a tough start.

I would rather see us take a chance to improve and lose some points in the process, rather than play ugly and still lose the same points. I sometimes feel that this win at all costs football makes the players feel they can't be trusted to play tight football, or request a ball in a small space for fear of being mugged.

I agree with everything you say, but its quite obvious the fans won't allow that to happen as they "demand" victory in every game, regardless of the opposition. If we want the club to change the footballing philosophy we ALL need to get on board, that's not going to happen is it?

Threads like this prove that defeats will not be tolerated and therefore the vision you paint is IMO unrealistic; and we are as much to blame as the management team and the players.

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I agree with everything you say, but its quite obvious the fans won't allow that to happen as they "demand" victory in every game, regardless of the opposition. If we want the club to change the footballing philosophy we ALL need to get on board, that's not going to happen is it?

Threads like this prove that defeats will not be tolerated and therefore the vision you paint is IMO unrealistic; and we are as much to blame as the management team and the players.

You assume changing our football philosophy at this time is going to result in worse results than we currently see? I doubt that very much. It cant get much worse than now....

The fans will soon start voting with their feet given this awful football we have to watch every week. Maybe if they see we are trying to do something similar to what Ajax do they may have a shred of hope that things will get better and we will have a very strong team when we get back to the top divisions. At the moment my hope is rock bottom with the current management.

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Ally has one of the easiest jobs in football right now. Second highest budget in Scotland v teachers, plumbers and postmen and he is still making a mess of it.

Really... No pre-season, entirely new squad, didn't even know which league they would be playing in. He has everything to lose and nothing to gain. If he won every game 5-0 people like you would say; "So he should, its the 3rd division".

I've said before I should simply ignore these threads they piss me off so much its not worth it. He deserves criticism, don't assume I'm against criticism etc, I just think the expectations levels are a complete and utter joke. Ultimately it holds the club back from attempting exactly the sort of thing we all want. Which is to take time and build a footballing team with the footballing philosophy we all crave.

Anyway what is clear that we will never agree so there's no point really is there?

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That highlights perfectly exactly how unrealistic you are.

Unrealistic to expect a team with the second highest wage bill in Scotland to beat part time teams who employ janitors, plumbers and milkmen? (only 1 away win and its November and out of a cup by the might QOS at home! Thrashed by ICT at home in another cup match. Losing to Stirling Albion the worst team in Scottish football)

Unrealistic to expect a team full of international players to beat teams like Malmo and Maribor? First division Falkirk? Dundee Utd? (out of 4 cups!) Outplayed many times by teams like St Mirren.

Sorry this is Glasgow Rangers we are talking about here. We have high standards to maintain.

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Unrealistic to expect a team with the second highest wage bill in Scotland to beat part time teams who employ janitors, plumbers and milkmen? (only 1 away win and its November and out of a cup by the might QOS at home! Thrashed by ICT at home in another cup match. Losing to Stirling Albion the worst team in Scottish football)

Unrealistic to expect a team full of international players to beat teams like Malmo and Maribor? First division Falkirk? Dundee Utd? (out of 4 cups!) Outplayed many times by teams like St Mirren.

Sorry this is Glasgow Rangers we are talking about here. We have high standards to maintain.

As I said, highlights it perfectly.

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You know m8, Ive not long joined this forum but always read forum regularly and enjoyed when we were all rallying around to get behind our team but lately I read more about the piggory, Black, Ally and few other players get ripped apart on here. I joined this forum because I thought it was all about getting behind your team we are 9 games into season top of the league ok out of a couple of cups but hey that was more of a pay day for them than us,yet its not good enough for some. I agree not pretty football but hey thats life at the moment. I get lots shite off guys I know well that are eastside supporters about oldco newco shite I thought I could come on here chill get bit of banter. I really dont care at the moment I just want to win the leagues and get back to where we belong I really dont care how we do it as long as we do it. At moment we can do nothing on the coach and playing side of things because of the transfer bans, but we have to be careful some of our player decide sod it im off before our transfer ban is over. I will still be there regardless of results or how we play, afterall thats what real supporters of a football team does.Edit Would rather wins games at these lower league games than play pretty football and get pumped every week


Saved me typing it.

Some posters on here need to have more than a cup of tea.

It reminds me of when I started watching rangers.

Early 80s JG was in charge. We were shit.

Every week I was in he enclosure right behind the home dugout with my mates enjoying the game and the banter.

Every week the same guy was in the same spot on opposite side of tunnel (except v celtic games).

Every week he was fucking purple in the face screaming about how shit we were (must have been his only release - who knows).

One game in a near empty stadium - all you could hear was the purple faced guy. Until someone yells back

" Have ye tried the glue?"

What's the moral? None really........

Enjoy whit ye have we nearly lost it!!! FFS

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I fully understand the frustration of some of the fans on here.

Yes Rangers theoretically should be walking this division in. However reality bites and hard.

We have a team of new players, youth team players very few who have played a great deal of football as a team. Yet we expect top quality football.

We are playing against teams who are not expected to beat us for all the reasons listed in previous posts. So they have nothing to lose.

They set out to upset our style by hard tackling and closing us down quickly and if they do nothing else all season but beat the famous Rangers they have had a successful season and made more money in two games than they have made in five previous years.

So lets not be too hard on our team, give them some latitude, but yes expect them to win the 3rd division. :21::clap:

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"Winning 3 divisions in a row will be a mighty achievement."


But is it a mighty achievement! Had we retained our SPL status and had this squad...I would fully understand how difficult it would be to try and play football and get results but some on here seem to be missing the fact we are in the 3rd division...

I play amateur football and have came up against some of these teams in pre-season friendlies and played with some of these guys....yes they are better than me but not massively I would really like to hope someone of 4-7k a week playing full time would be a massive jump above that....

Winning these leagues should be a given...introducing a philosophy of play and a structure for youth development that will stand us in good stead for years to come should be the aim...

if it makes me less of a fan for wanting to see my team improve and for getting frustrated that we are missing this great opportunity away from the pressure of the old firm then do be it!

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You assume changing our football philosophy at this time is going to result in worse results than we currently see? I doubt that very much. It cant get much worse than now....

The fans will soon start voting with their feet given this awful football we have to watch every week. Maybe if they see we are trying to do something similar to what Ajax do they may have a shred of hope that things will get better and we will have a very strong team when we get back to the top divisions. At the moment my hope is rock bottom with the current management.

I've never seen a positive post from you Jogra. Never ever (can you prove that wrong?). You are continuously negative and insulting about our manager and our team.

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Really... No pre-season,

fucking hell are people STILL spouting nonsense regarding this excuse

we had no pre season, but our guys are full time professionals coming up against guys that most likely work 38 hours a week in another job, do you think they had a proper pre season

honest to fuck some people need to stop spouting any excuse possible and start looking to the fact that club legend or not, ally mccoist may well not be a top quality manager

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fucking hell are people STILL spouting nonsense regarding this excuse

we had no pre season, but our guys are full time professionals coming up against guys that most likely work 38 hours a week in another job, do you think they had a proper pre season

honest to fuck some people need to stop spouting any excuse possible and start looking to the fact that club legend or not, ally mccoist may well not be a top quality manager

It's like talking to a wall with some mate, just not willing to accept that for a large part of our season so far we have been below par and negative.

It's as if some people actually think we enjoy saying things like this, a few on here think being negative means you are not supporting the club when in actual fact it could not be more further from the truth. I love this club with all my heart and want the best for it.

I have watched every minute of our jounrney so far from the pitch and TV when I can't get to a midweek game and I'm seeing nothing to suggest we are prgoressing game to game, it's one step forward and 2 back at times.

But never mind, it will all come together....

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It's like talking to a wall with some mate, just not willing to accept that for a large part of our season so far we have been below par and negative.

It's as if some people actually think we enjoy saying things like this, a few on here think being negative means you are not supporting the club when in actual fact it could not be more further from the truth. I love this club with all my heart and want the best for it.

I have watched every minute of our jounrney so far from the pitch and TV when I can't get to a midweek game and I'm seeing nothing to suggest we are prgoressing game to game, it's one step forward and 2 back at times.

But never mind, it will all come together....

Constructive criticism is how we grow and evolve. Criticism for the sake of it is fucking useless and divisive. I wish some of you would grow up and get on with supporting, remember that. Supporting. Being there in good and bad times. Through success and failure. Having the belief that together we are strong enough to see the course of this journey. Nah, you're right lets just keep criticizing til something changes.

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Constructive criticism is how we grow and evolve. Criticism for the sake of it is fucking useless and divisive. I wish some of you would grow up and get on with supporting, remember that. Supporting. Being there in good and bad times. Through success and failure. Having the belief that together we are strong enough to see the course of this journey. Nah, you're right lets just keep criticizing til something changes.

Grow up?

Fuck off and stop telling some how to support the club.

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Grow up?

Fuck off and stop telling some how to support the club.

I'm not telling anyone HOW to support Rangers. I'm telling them that blind criticism is not supporting the club. If you see critcism as your way of supporting the club then you need to learn the definition of 'Support'

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