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Rangers fans must demand an inquiry.

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Actually, I'm sick of reading threads about tax.

We are where we are and we should just work our way back to the top, which hopefully will not be the SPL.

Good plan dude.

Make sure you ask the haters to put on their jackboots as they walk all over us safe in the knowledge that people like you will never call them to account.

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Did the BTC influence the decision on our demotion to third division? Can we demand that its reversed and if not sue for loss of revenue? maybe clutching at straws, but a few top lawyers could go to fucking town on all this.

The BTC case did influence the vote as that accounted for £94 million of the total debt. The CVA would have been accepted without that liability as the other creditors accepted the CVA and we only needed 75% to agree. HMRC accounted for 80 - 85% of the total debt.

Corrupt to the core!!

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Actually, I'm sick of reading threads about tax.

We are where we are and we should just work our way back to the top, which hopefully will not be the SPL.

So am I.

But there is a timeline that has to be acknowledged.

This is not the disgrace that has been rejoiced and put forward by the media.

There has been a systematic attack on our club.

We will not Surrender, nor withdraw,

We are not persecuted, we are under attack.

When our backs are to the wall,

This is when we are at our best.

Stand up and be counted and we will reap our revenge.

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I think it would be unbecoming for Rangers to go demanding inquiries. I think we'd get a greater response for other teams and their fans by remaining diginfied and then maybe then others will demand change after seeing what's been going on with us over the last few months.

I doubt very much any demands will be meet by the authorities if we start demanding inquiries. Surely it has to be the whole of Scottish football that is enlightened to the bigger picture of the lies and cheating that's gon on.

If we attemp to stand up like the big kid, we're just as likely to shouted down and add to any hatered developed by these falsities.

Anyway, it;s my way of thinking about these things, you don't need to agree with me if you don't want to.

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They can't get away with this. They have caused this whole fuuckin situation with there fannying about. This could have been decided a year ago and none of this shite would have happened. They must be brought to take task for this. Surely they can't just get away with it?!?!?

Fuckin fuming

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Apart from the joy to be had in getting, "sporting integrity", "financial doping", "cheats" etc removed from discussions about us, one very real consequence is the advantage handed to our rivals.

SPL prize money, European ban etc, first-team squad given away for ten bob - we are financially disadvantaged - and someone must be made to put that right.

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If someone was jailed for committing a crime and then down the line was proved to be innocent,then he'd be entitled to compensation.The 'haters' of Rangers FC have used every trick and taken every opportunity to destroy the Club,they cannot just walk away with a smirk on their collective faces.THEY MUST BE MADE TO PAY BIG TIME.Thankfully Charles Green is now in charge and I'm sure he won't be found wanting. :cgreen::7325:

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I think it would be unbecoming for Rangers to go demanding inquiries. I think we'd get a greater response for other teams and their fans by remaining diginfied and then maybe then others will demand change after seeing what's been going on with us over the last few months.

I doubt very much any demands will be meet by the authorities if we start demanding inquiries. Surely it has to be the whole of Scottish football that is enlightened to the bigger picture of the lies and cheating that's gon on.

If we attemp to stand up like the big kid, we're just as likely to shouted down and add to any hatered developed by these falsities.

Anyway, it;s my way of thinking about these things, you don't need to agree with me if you don't want to.

Unbecoming as it may be (did you really mean unbecoming, how strange?), I think the other teams/supporters will revert to type, they will most likely twist the knife and try to kill us as they did before.

By the way, what medicine are you on dude? This may well be the wrong planet for you.

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I think it would be unbecoming for Rangers to go demanding inquiries. I think we'd get a greater response for other teams and their fans by remaining diginfied and then maybe then others will demand change after seeing what's been going on with us over the last few months.

I doubt very much any demands will be meet by the authorities if we start demanding inquiries. Surely it has to be the whole of Scottish football that is enlightened to the bigger picture of the lies and cheating that's gon on.

If we attemp to stand up like the big kid, we're just as likely to shouted down and add to any hatered developed by these falsities.

Anyway, it;s my way of thinking about these things, you don't need to agree with me if you don't want to.

No more dignified silence those Days are over now.

Heads should Roll im afraid.

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i am sure there are many more to add to that list.

think of what was said recently regarding someone related to the savile enquiry.

those who were commenting from their employers computers could mean a lawsuit not just on them but their employers.

as usual the laywers stand do gain.but only those who are able to stand.....

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Dutchy they already have proved how much they hate us. Now is the time for justice and that means the truth coming out and that means an enquiry. We have been the victims of a corrupt swindle; people have tried to tarnish our name through lies, speculation and distorting any known facts. They must now be held accountable for their actions and the damage they have caused Scottish footballs finances and reputation as they have caused this by their actions towards us. So if these people are held to account it will serve Rangers and Scottish football by clearing out corruption within the games organisation.

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I think it would be unbecoming for Rangers to go demanding inquiries. I think we'd get a greater response for other teams and their fans by remaining diginfied and then maybe then others will demand change after seeing what's been going on with us over the last few months.

I doubt very much any demands will be meet by the authorities if we start demanding inquiries. Surely it has to be the whole of Scottish football that is enlightened to the bigger picture of the lies and cheating that's gon on.

If we attemp to stand up like the big kid, we're just as likely to shouted down and add to any hatered developed by these falsities.

Anyway, it;s my way of thinking about these things, you don't need to agree with me if you don't want to.

I can understand where you are coming from mate, but I feel we as a club need to get the facts out there, if this is left the way it is then people won't realise we were screwed over. Regardless of all the ifs and buts our club would not be in the place it is now if we had got this verdict earlier. There has been a lot said about our club by a lot of influencial people that will take years to un do. I realise everyone just wants to get back to football after a long and emotional year but questions have to be answered.

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Actually, I'm sick of reading threads about tax.

We are where we are and we should just work our way back to the top, which hopefully will not be the SPL.

Agree we are were we are but considering we could have easily missed all of this, so fuck them and make it as uncomfortable as possible for everyone involved.

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I dont believe they rejected it because of the BTC, i believe the rejected it because of the non payment of PAYE. (tu)

Following today's verdict, it is now not certain that HMRC would have been the largest creditor in which case the CVA could have gone ahead.

It is still not definitely finished as HMRC have 8 weeks to lodge an appeal although it isn't clear if that is from today or the date on the verdict release date of 29 October.

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Following today's verdict, it is now not certain that HMRC would have been the largest creditor in which case the CVA could have gone ahead.

It is still not definitely finished as HMRC have 8 weeks to lodge an appeal although it isn't clear if that is from today or the date on the verdict release date of 29 October.

How can they appeal? When it was HMRC that found us not guilty? or have i got this wrong?

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Following today's verdict, it is now not certain that HMRC would have been the largest creditor in which case the CVA could have gone ahead.

It is still not definitely finished as HMRC have 8 weeks to lodge an appeal although it isn't clear if that is from today or the date on the verdict release date of 29 October.

Not a certainty, but not withstanding that, had we paid all our taxes up to date while Kunty was in charge, we wouldnt have got to that position anyway so its all very hypothetical.

On your second paragraph, whilst the appeal route is open to them, its my opinion that they wont appeal it. They may come out with a statement along the lines that "We would have appealed but its no longer in the public interest to waste money chasing a result that will give no return"

People have said all along this was about setting a precedent. Ive disagreed from Day one it was anything of the sort. (tu)

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