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FIFA president refuses to comment on Rangers upon arrival in Scotland

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They just want give up will they, who will they be asking next for their views on it. On one hand they tell us we must move on and forget but these clowns keep dragging more people into it. Anyway i am sure liewell would have sent him a full report on the verdict anyway.

FIFA President Sepp Blatter has declined to comment on an independent commission’s verdict into undisclosed payments made by oldco Rangers upon his arrival in Scotland.

Blatter has arrived in Edinburgh for the International FA Board conference.

They were fined around £250,000 by the Scottish Premier League after being found guilty of failing to correctly register players.

Asked his thoughts on the matter by STV, Blatter said: “I cannot enter into details now. I am happy to be here and answer principle questions. I am sorry but I’m not going into any details.”

The 76-year-old was keen to talk about match fixing and goal-line technology.

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Blatter is an idiot.

Goal line technology should have been in place over a decade ago.

He reminds me of a pensioner when they get their first mobile phone and still carry around an address book and manually type the numbers into the phone.

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Blatter is an idiot.

Goal line technology should have been in place over a decade ago.

He reminds me of a pensioner when they get their first mobile phone and still carry around an address book and manually type the numbers into the phone.

The old fud will ask to see a game tomorrow,he will say let's go to the bigest game in Scotland and the game has to be live on TV. Regan will tell him there are only cup games on this weekend.

So his wee mate Joe took him to the biggest show in town.

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