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Charles Green Statement


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Well that was the point....green was trying to call his bluff....the fact he came up with anything was a surprise but he was quite categoric in the fact he did not accept the money as payment for anything therefore he did not take money and has tried to return this going back to your original post....perhaps I was quite short in my response however I am sure you can understand how frustrating things are when posters add to speculation and innuendo with no fact!

Green played him like a fiddle.

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Well that was the point....green was trying to call his bluff....the fact he came up with anything was a surprise but he was quite categoric in the fact he did not accept the money as payment for anything therefore he did not take money and has tried to return this going back to your original post....perhaps I was quite short in my response however I am sure you can understand how frustrating things are when posters add to speculation and innuendo with no fact!

Its a football forum, its full of speculation and innuendo. Its the nature of the beast. (tu)

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How the fuck is it unethical?

Screwing Whyte over after all he has done to us is the opposite of unethical! or would you rather have had Green pay Whyte even more money? screwing over a conman who has hurt Rangers more than any other man is not unethical I would have lost trust and confidence in Green had he gave Whyte money.

If someone steals off a thief they are just as bad. Whyte is despicable. The club shareholders and creditor's lost out, CG and his consortium gained. I am grateful he came along, but trust him far less.

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Jog on.....listen i will denounce any post that I think is moronic or trouble rousing....if you or anyone else doesn't like that fair enough but like them I have the right to voice my opinion....in this case you and the poster are both wrong! Green did not take money off of whyte! That was his question....maybe you should read it again aswell before ranting!

'Moronic'? You really are an endearing person aren't you?

Why someone with over a thousand posts would like to make 'trouble rousing' posts is beyond me and I see them more as concerned posts, but that's just me being sensible I suppose.

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Its a football forum, its full of speculation and innuendo. Its the nature of the beast. (tu)

To an extent you are right but when people read statements (pip yeates/green) and then interpret it in a negative sense despite their being no substance to that interpretation all it does is add ammo for those who would seek to constantly berate us!

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It is all a bit murky for my liking. I appreciate that business deals can be like this and that they had to get CW on board. But do the ends justify the means? Probably.

Unethical, yes. Lost a wee bit of trust and confidence in CG, hope there are no more surprises.

He's stated all along that he had to deal with Whyte if he was going down the CVA route. What he did was necessary at the time and the means undoubtedly justify the ends.

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Good! After the panic of today this statement should ease the fears of some people. (though not all) Some people may call it unethical but what else would Charles have done in order to get that brass necked bastard to relinquish his shares. The sun is a fucking do disgrace for giving this mutant a platform to spout this bollocks. And now every tom dick and harry is willing to accept his version of events? Something seriously wrong with that..

well done Charles Green, precise and to the point. And the googly eyes dig was minted.

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OK Charles just sign over the fuckin lot to google eyes and the apologists amongst us and the taigs will be so happy!

That ok with you apologists now and stop your fuckin rants? Course not! Clearly developing a malcontent trait from those from another part of the city.

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The media are a shower of 2 faced bastards the lot of them. When Whyte was here they said he was a conn man they never believed a word he said etc....

So whats changed? Is it maybe because they want it to be true because they know Charles Green has his nut screwed on and knows what he's doing and takes no shit. I am confident Green is not like Whyte simply because he has came up with the money that was needed at the right time. Also he managed to get us back on the stock market which Whyte got us banned from.

They don't just let any one on there and thats why they banned cretin Whyte from it.

Also because of Whyte Green has been watched alot more closely than any other CEO of Rangers and he never fails.

If Charles Green never released a statement about this then i would have been worried. If Green knows he's in the right he will release a statement and talk to the media ie Skysports which he has done.

The truth is everyone in Scotland wants to see Rangers fail they want to here bad news coming out of Rangers every day thats there life as long as things are going bad at Rangers fuck all else matters to them.

And it's only these idiots that are getting all excited about it.

It's Ironic that everyone in Scotland says we are "dead" and a "new club" etc.... If we're a new club why do they still hate a new club?

That question is one that i would love to here an answer to.

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My problem with this is why didnt green tell is this at the start. Why wait till whyte goes to the press?

He told us he met Whyte what more do you want? He's not going to go into the whole thing about what was said.

He said he met him so don't see what more he could have said?

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My problem with this is why didnt green tell is this at the start. Why wait till whyte goes to the press?

Why would he....it's an irrelevance! Green admitted at the very beginning he had meetings with whyte to secure the shares but when a CVA was rejected he became a complete non entity....the better question would be why is whyte/press just coming out with this now when these "explosive tapes" have existed for a year?

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Why would he....it's an irrelevance! Green admitted at the very beginning he had meetings with whyte to secure the shares but when a CVA was rejected he became a complete non entity....the better question would be why is whyte/press just coming out with this now when these "explosive tapes" have existed for a year?

He must have known it was gonny come out at some point.

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Exactly what the majority of the sensible and balanced posters have been saying all day! No doubt some will some focus on the negative but hey ho! As green says take us to court or shut the fuck up!

or maybe it's made up like your allegations against Neil Alexander taking payment from the record for his interview ?

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it was probably money he had stolen from us anyway (the Arsenal shares or something) no doubt.

We should keep it so he can't take it back.

Just read the money thing why did CG takes CW money? Why would you take mo ey off someone whilst trying to secure their shares?

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or maybe it's made up like your allegations against Neil Alexander taking payment from the record for his interview ?

You really are a sad little old man....having read some of your posts away from the ally as manager debates I was starting to value your view but you are once again interpreting something to suit yourself which has no relevance to this thread....my exact comment was went to a tabloid for a story he was probably paid for! I think he was paid....I'm not saying he was just giving an opinion....what's wrong with that, not an attack on Alexander was more a point about me being unhappy he chose to go to the record to give Jackson a story whilst still an employee of the club!

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Ulike ALL of our ghests ive got a girlfriend and a life so am away to wash ma boady and ma baws and take her out for a nice meal a few swallays and take her to my bed and make LOVE to her!! whit you Mhob gonnae be doin??..hehehehe..I LOVE BEING A RANGERS MAN. I LOVE BEING A BEAR. I LOVE HAVING A LIFE WHERE HATE AND NEGATIVITY DOSNT RUN/RULE MY SAD LONELY LIFE..toodle pip..saddoes..x :ulster::7326::cgreen: "now go get a life before you get GOOGLE EYES!!"

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