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We were told it was coming and should have expected it, for most of the first year of Charles Greens tenure the fans have loved it and stood firmly behind him as he has taken on all comers.

Recently there have been one or two ill advised comments made which we could do without given our mhedia, however there seems to be a bit of a change in sones attitude towards our CEO.

His opinion on the current playing staff should have stayed behind closed doors no matter if many of us agree and the paki comments were just plain stupid for a man who seems most of the time to be savvy.

The articles this week concerning the Sevco situation has again saw people question Green and how we can trust him after his actions in purchasing the club, done again wanting the "Walter consortium" to come in to play.

Sorry but I can't believe that response, the group involved in that had plenty of time to gain control but left it until the very last minute. As for Whyte......well poor man that he is, stole and raped our club yet still thought he should be kept on board and receive shares and money, I have nothing but thanks to say to Green and Ahmed for playing him for a fool and lets face it they got the club and have turned it around.

Fans wanted a voice, now that voice is to vocal for some. I have said it before and will say it again Charles Green over dignified silence any day, do not let recent events blight what he has brought in so far and will hopefully continue to do as we work our way back up.

I hope he continues to speak and continues to fight,although sometimes just sometimes keep comments and opinion to himself.

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We were told it was coming and should have expected in, for most of the first year of Charles Greens tenure the fans have loved it at stood firmly behind him as he has taken on all comers.

Recently there have been one or two ill advised comments made which we could do without given our mhedia, however there seems to be a bit of a change in sones attitude towards our CEO.

His opinion on the current playing staff should have stayed behind closed doors no matter if many of us agree and the paki comments were just plain stupid for a man who seems most of the time to be savvy.

The articles this week concerning the Sevco situation has again saw people question Green and how we can trust him after his actions in purchasing the club, done again wanting the "Walter consortium" to come in to play.

Sorry but I can't believe that response, the group involved in that had plenty of time to gain control but left it until the very last minute. As for Whyte......well poor man that he is, stole and raped our club yet still thought he should be kept on board and receive shares and money, I have nothing but thanks to say to Green and Ahmed for playing him for a fool and lets face it they got the club and have turned it around.

Fans wanted a voice, now that voice is to vocal for some. I have said it before and will say it again Charles Green over dignified silence any day, do not let recent events blight what he has brought in so far and will hopefully continue to do as we work our way back up.

I hope he continues to speak and continues to fight,although sometimes just sometimes keep comments and opinion to himself.

Well put.

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We move on together with Charles and his Team.

Anyone who wishes to not do so can as is their choice , but we do what Fans do, and get behind and Support the Players who Play for the Club.

The rest of the Political stuff is a load of shit , and there is a Massive Power struggle to get their Grubby Hands on Rangers .

All those so called Rangers Men had their Chance, and they all Ran away when we needed them to Put their Hands in their Pockets to Cough up the Money.

They can all Piss off and are not welcome around Ibrox as far as I am concerned .

All the Mhedia can Piss of too as they are Bigots, and Scum balls who Print Lies and Old Stories from the Past to discredit everything about Rangers and Rangers Fans.

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Well said that man!! Agree with this. We should support the 'team' through this adversity and turmoil - we need to be together and vigilant to those from without rather than fighting amongst.

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We sold 30,000+ season books in less than a month last season, when no-one had a clue what to expect from Green or his consortium.

I have complete faith that the Rangers supporters will step up again over the next 3 or 4 months and match that at least. This revolution is not for stopping, hell mend anyone getting in its way.

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Far too many threads on here over reacting the the fact Charles Green has said a cpl of things he maybe shouldn't have in public.

Way too many so called bears are showing signs of surrendering their support and falling, hook line and sinker for this mhedia campaigns agenda.

We need to ALL open our eyes and see whats going on here.

Great post WCPRANGERS (tu)

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Talk about divide and conquer......

The mhanks are fucking LOVING this; they are seeing how divisive our fans are over Charles Green and are polluting the airwaves/tv/tabloids with their bile.

I hope this doesn't come to a head and Charles Green fucks off. I know he just opens his mouth and says what he feels, but the club has been saved and turned around, let's not forget about this.

We have a spokesman.

We have a charismatic, no-holds barred businessman.

We have someone who will stand up for us in the face of adversity.

We have a man who doesn't take any shite, and will bite back.

We have a man who I believe, the SPL cohorts genuinely fear.

Let's not lose him.

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Talk about divide and conquer......

The mhanks are fucking LOVING this; they are seeing how divisive our fans are over Charles Green and are polluting the airwaves/tv/tabloids with their bile.

I hope this doesn't come to a head and Charles Green fucks off. I know he just opens his mouth and says what he feels, but the club has been saved and turned around, let's not forget about this.

We have a spokesman.

We have a charismatic, no-holds barred businessman.

We have someone who will stand up for us in the face of adversity.

We have a man who doesn't take any shite, and will bite back.

We have a man who I believe, the SPL cohorts genuinely fear.

Let's not lose him.

Agreed. At last we have a man who will fight our corner. Our enemies want to push us even further down as they fear our revival.

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Agree with the entire OP. We are now seeing a real awakening across the whole of Scottish football that the " closed shop " SPL has exerted massive negativity into the club game. To counter much of that CG has been chipping away manfully and steered us over some massive hurdles. It would be tragic if this progress is derailed by careless talk which our detractors will sieze upon to rekindle the dying embers of their celebration bonfires. Put away the vanity and self righteous waffle and keep the fight- back on course. There's been a massive amount achieved, on and off the pitch, and we cant take our eye off the long game. Sniff them out, hunt them down, tie them up and march them back to the bright light of retribution. We can " out " all of these weasels if we stick to OUR agenda but don't let's shoot ourselves in the foot when there's still so much to be achieved.

Slowly slowly CG.

Catchee monkey :SPLbroken:

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Tremendous post

I also don't think we are helping ourselves, some of the comments on Rangers 'social media websites' regarding Charles have been well out of order from supposed fans

For now, we should all be backing the man that saved our club

At the end of the day all the high profile so called Rangers men had the chance to buy the club for a paltry 5.5 million and backed off so CG deserves to call the shots now (at least up to a point)

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