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funnily enough there is a maori skinhead geezer in Christchurch who is a Rangers fan (im not making this up)

This guy is a legend in the skinhead scene here and you dont wanna mess with him cos he will turn you inside out like a sock within a couple of seconds with his martial arts moves

he came to a Christchurch Rangers AFC game once all amped and looking for a bit of action and shouting no surrender but the crowd was like ten old men and a dog

Ah fuck, I quite liked the idea that I was the only Maori Rangers fan...ah well, maybe I'll bump into him when Im next over and give him a piece of my mind :lol: or we can set up our own firm...the MFC ( the Maori fight club ) or the whakataigi billy boys ( wh is pronounced like a f just incase you didn't know )
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No-one fucks with you?

You have been machete'd and all sorts! What's that if not fucking with you?

Your attitude of seeing a mild mannered guy turning into a 'fucking lunatic beserker!' as a good thing really sums up my point.

I don't agree with running to a steward because someone said a bad word, but I think the idiots that still sing that shit are harming the club. I would personally have a word with the guy myself. Would I be angry if the guy continued, and then someone else shopped him in? Probably not, after all they are looking out for our own clubs wishes.

Singing that pish hurts our club. Anyone who deliberately shames our club, should not get the honour of coming to watch us.

Do you agree with fans still singing the songs that the press use to vilify us, the songs our own club have asked us to stop singing?

Fuck off ya prick

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No-one fucks with you?

You have been machete'd and all sorts! What's that if not fucking with you?

Your attitude of seeing a mild mannered guy turning into a 'fucking lunatic beserker!' as a good thing really sums up my point.

I don't agree with running to a steward because someone said a bad word, but I think the idiots that still sing that shit are harming the club. I would personally have a word with the guy myself. Would I be angry if the guy continued, and then someone else shopped him in? Probably not, after all they are looking out for our own clubs wishes.

Singing that pish hurts our club. Anyone who deliberately shames our club, should not get the honour of coming to watch us.

Do you agree with fans still singing the songs that the press use to vilify us, the songs our own club have asked us to stop singing?

Fuck off ya prick

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No-one fucks with you?

You have been machete'd and all sorts! What's that if not fucking with you?

Your attitude of seeing a mild mannered guy turning into a 'fucking lunatic beserker!' as a good thing really sums up my point.

I don't agree with running to a steward because someone said a bad word, but I think the idiots that still sing that shit are harming the club. I would personally have a word with the guy myself. Would I be angry if the guy continued, and then someone else shopped him in? Probably not, after all they are looking out for our own clubs wishes.

Singing that pish hurts our club. Anyone who deliberately shames our club, should not get the honour of coming to watch us.

Do you agree with fans still singing the songs that the press use to vilify us, the songs our own club have asked us to stop singing?

Fuck off ya prick

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Shut up you fucking moron.

So you are actually saying, what the club really needs is a fucking support of football hooligans going directly against the request of the club and singing sectarian songs?

I cannot find the words to sum up just how retarded you are.

Kinda shooting yourself in the foot a bit there doh

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Of course I don't agree, it's fucking stupid.

It's not acceptable to sing about being 'up to your knees in Fenian blood', it's offensive and its illegal. It is also illegal to monkey chant at black players, so I'm guessing by your logic, it should be allowed as it never physically hurt anyone and is used to intimidate or wind up the opposition.

Time to get with the modern world mate. The songs we sung are no longer acceptable. Everyone realises that now apart from some knuckled staggers left in our support who are too thick to get it through their heads.

The authorities realise, the police realise, the courts realise, our club realises, and most importantly most of the fans now realise.

oh get a grip great mighty mould master :7325:

i dont find Billy Boys offensive; its a lovely wee ditty and i like singing it on my way to work :crab1:

whether something is deemed legal or not by what is a crazy political system in the first place is not what I use as my criteria to judge if something is good or bad : because in this case the law is an ass.

would you follow all laws like a robot even if you disagreed with them? somethings are worth fighting for. having a wee sing song is one of them imo

and comparing the likes of Billy Boys to monkey chants is a red herring and totally out of line and you know it :pipe:

apples and oranges

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Kinda shooting yourself in the foot a bit there

yes Mighty Mould Master was just regaling us on how we should all get with modern times and stop being so socially unacceptable

then he goes calling someone a RETARD which is'nt exactly the most PC term out there

infact it's up there with monkey chanting


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Of course I don't agree, it's fucking stupid.

It's not acceptable to sing about being 'up to your knees in Fenian blood', it's offensive and its illegal. It is also illegal to monkey chant at black players, so I'm guessing by your logic, it should be allowed as it never physically hurt anyone and is used to intimidate or wind up the opposition.

Time to get with the modern world mate. The songs we sung are no longer acceptable. Everyone realises that now apart from some knuckled staggers left in our support who are too thick to get it through their heads.

The authorities realise, the police realise, the courts realise, our club realises, and most importantly most of the fans now realise.

Now that is a typical bheastly hand wringing deflection tactic.

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Ah fuck, I quite liked the idea that I was the only Maori Rangers fan...ah well, maybe I'll bump into him when Im next over and give him a piece of my mind :lol: or we can set up our own firm...the MFC ( the Maori fight club ) or the whakataigi billy boys ( wh is pronounced like a f just incase you didn't know )

haha yeah NZ is so small you probably will bump into him

give him a hongi and you'll be right (tu)

whakataigi sounds like a good place to visit :21:

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You also, obviously, were not at the underground last season when dolly thought it clever to start hitting anyone in sight, women, kids, old men......until these 'neds' decided to hand them their arses.....?

You're saying women and kids were smacked by the Aberdeen firm?

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trips to osasuna, eindhoven, PSG, Strasbourg and the like would have been totally different affairs if it wasn't for the ICF and like minded people.

going looking for it is one thing, but standing up to it when its right in front of you is what we need more of. As Rab has said, the lowest form of rangers fan is the one more concerned with what we are doing wrong and not standing up to the ones wronging us with the same amount (or more) effort.

Stand up for what you believe in, Stand up and be counted, Stand and fight. these colors don't run.

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I've never worn Burberry in my entire existence, as for a cape, no thanks, too easy to get strangled with. Nor was I pushing the ICF for god like worship, or trying to portray myself as some sort of legend or super supporter just because I didn't mind a scrap, and as KPL pointed out earlier, real bears would always help a bear in trouble, sadly the number of those willing to do so has diminished over the last 20 years.

As for your ned like Burberry insinuation, that is definitely not true in my case.

Outside of going in for rangers, I've hardly thrown a punch in anger at anyone in my entire life, I conduct my life in a manner that is respectful to all around me.

Also as I've previously posted, I'm too old for that game now, and too fuckin fat ha. All I've stated is that some dismiss the boys as neds and a disgrace to RFC. Within them are some of the biggest rangers daft individuals I've ever had the pleasure to meet, just because they love a tear up with like minded individuals doesn't make them Neanderthals.

You on the other hand obviously would prefer to use your god given talent to use sarcasm as a deadly tool when surrounded by the sheep hell bent on slicing you to ribbons.

Good luck with that.

No Surrender


Rab, I know this is OT but did you ever meet a Bear named John from Hillingdon on your travels? He's in his 60s now but used to take in a lot of the European games with another London-based bear named Ted.

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Wow... Proper nice.


you think we should stand by and watch innocent people battered senseless. ..your sarcasm makes you sound like a coward. ...

never in my life have I turned my back on bullies

What a heartwarming tale of cuddly Bears patrolling and keeping our streets safe and clean.

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lEveryone realises that now apart from some knuckled staggers left in our support who are too thick to get it through their heads.

Was gonna type out a long winded insult, but then realised you should given pity.

You seem to think someone getting done gets over it in a couple of days and life just goes on normally. You seem to think trouble only courts those looking for it. You seem to think that those who would lift their hands to defend another like minded person, is a bad person automatically.

Just really illuminates how you're either or both, deluded and out of touch with this modern world.

And for that, I pity you.

I am wondering one thing though. Did you grow up in a nice place and enjoy smelling the flowers, or was your upbringing really so disconnected to reality to make you end up like some (oh, I nearly wrote an insult), like someone I hope does have their eyes opened.

WATP - you're not.

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