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You can apologize. (tu)

I have it on good authority that Shane is NOT the type of person who goes in for this sort of shit and, as such, I offer my apology, unreservedly, for associating him with those scum. :D

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The reason is simple - I was part of a group of Rangers supporters whose writings were particularly hated by the darkside. In order to protect my family, in particular my children, and (as others who know me in this thread have attested to) - my occupation I assumed a non de plume. Over the years the non de plume kind of stuck and I became known as a blogger who would defend the club and its support without reference to any agenda or backing of a particular group.

Had you been more aware you would know that I have published several articles on TRS under my own name. The reasons for such caution have all but gone, but the name has stuck - and Im comfortable with that. It would seem that my readers too are equally as comfortable and they are the most important people in all of this.

So the status quo of the musketeer will remain, and I will not lower myself to name calling of other Rangers supporters, no matter how unedifying their conduct is.


Why even respond to this idiot ?

Why give him the attention he craves ?

I don't talk to lowlife, cider slugging Junkies in the street, So I will give them a miss on here too

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Agree D'Art, not even worthy of a response, Limmy have no idea what age you are , but when/if you and William grow up, if you have half the sense and intelligence that D'Art put's into his blogs, you might just be able to get a 1min slot on Rangerschat, until then, both of you should go and have a good hard look at yourselves, your conduct as been shocking! :(

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Loyal William

I believe you asked to talk about your threads and from the start you attacked our friend from the US and i beleve you was asked three times to talk about your threads but you took no notice of Ian or fox.

Does it matter where Rangers fans are from we are all brother and sister bears.

I love Rangers chat and urge you all to give it a listen

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What the fuck is this pish? I've never ran that site once. One of the reasons I left because of the awful production and having to tell Tommy to "play a clip" or "start a jingle" and it sounded amateurish as fuck. I had no hand in running it other than turning up at 9pm and talking shite for an hour. I wasn't even a mere admin. As for the money accusation. I'm phoning in directly tonight or tomorrow to thrash this out with you. That's a complete and utter fucking lie and I'm not going to sit back and forth on a forum discussing it. We'll discuss this accusation and others on the phone tonight. You have time to prepare your notes. You better come armed with facts.

As for William? You seem to think I'd distance myself from him. The guy ASKED QUESTIONS. Why is no one understanding that? He gets shouted down and cut off in true SSB style and bad mouthed while cut with all the style and grace of Scottie McClure. "Freedom of speech but just watch what you say" seems ot be the mantra here.

I have not made any peace with Tommy. I'm just not at war (hee hee internet war, we're mentulll) with him I detest watching good bears like Ian, fox and Dunny get tricked into fronting another mans cash cow but i also realise that if I get involved in any war of words with the site I'm going to be giving it publicity so told that wee Kelly lassie to tell Tommy I'm taking a step back from bad mouthing his site. That's obviously going to be reconsidered given your lie.

And lastly, and probably more controversialy...see cunts like D'artagnan ? I have more respect for Mad Phil and Alex Tomo than cunts like him. They might be a right pair of wanks but they have no qualms about using their real name and real picture on a twitter avi.

As per usual I won't be coming back to this thread to see who's said what in response to my post so go nuts and give me hell in my absence, for after all, it is the Rangers Chat way.

Aye no bother you junkie bastard. You've had my PMs in the past. Not feel the need to answer me ?

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I must admit I'm stunned at a supposed Rangers fan calling another a cunt - especially someone as well written and passionate as D'art.

I'm just as disappointed such posts are left on the forum. Such people shouldn't be given the light of day to cause issues within our support even if their rants are more embarrassing to them than anyone else.

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Positive-Incident-Free Show Tonight.

Great to see the options in the team mean there isn't enough time to discuss them all.

The numbers for the show rising.

Good vibrations for the show and the season, ahead.

My thoughts exactly, I only joined up last week (although I have been listening for a couple of months) and think the show is great. I also like how so many RM members are joining RC and vice versa. :clap:

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Ian and Foxy are gods to me love them to bits and all the other folks who help rangerschat. I will never read C.R.O again used to love them but i feel they have a sad agenda.Limmy is a criminal and if anybody knows him he has hardly been in ibrox.He is pissed off as the show has become a million times better and credible since he left.must be tough living in his brothers shadow.ah poor limmy i pity him now.

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Ian and Foxy are gods to me love them to bits and all the other folks who help rangerschat. I will never read C.R.O again used to love them but i feel they have a sad agenda.Limmy is a criminal and if anybody knows him he has hardly been in ibrox.He is pissed off as the show has become a million times better and credible since he left.must be tough living in his brothers shadow.ah poor limmy i pity him now.

His brother is about as funny as terminal cancer as well

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I'm starting to feel guilty now

No need it all added to a great show (well apart from William). Only just started catching up in the last little while and you're all doing a fine job. Are you sure you know what you're letting yourself in for letting GB loose? He'll find a way of getting us to donate even more to his schemes! :D

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Ian and Foxy are gods to me love them to bits and all the other folks who help rangerschat. I will never read C.R.O again used to love them but i feel they have a sad agenda.Limmy is a criminal and if anybody knows him he has hardly been in ibrox.He is pissed off as the show has become a million times better and credible since he left.must be tough living in his brothers shadow.ah poor limmy i pity him now.

Save yourself from us, or reading period.

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Limmy weather you read this or not I don't know.. But ill go on anyways cause you have me blocked everywhere.

Kelly told me yesterday about you stepping back and what you said and I was completely happy with that, like I said before and even said to the guy William on twitter you had asked before that your name stop being used on the show and I made sure everyone honored that. You asked that your bear of the day tune stopped being used and we did that, I didn't know that your dads painting were even up cause I forgot we had posted those but when you asked those were pulled to. When you told me you was stepping away and you needed time I was fine with that, of course it bothered me cause I was lost as to what to do and wasn't sure how we went from being friends to not even talking no more just cause of this show.

I told people from day one the reason I wanted to get the site going was cause I wanted to help get a platform out there for you cause I thought you was funny, and it worked we did it big, but things went hay wire and got nuts quick, IM sorry if you feel the production was messed up having to tell me what clips to play and when to play them, it was the best I could do with the setup we had going it was a learning process, cause before when we did the other funny shows on the get together and stuff we didn't play clips and didn't take live calls.. I was new to learning that part.

I can back you up that you never "ran" the site I did give you full admin access and never even took it away after you left, but you are right you never used it, you just showed up for the show.

Far as any money talks no one knows shit its all assumptions,, we get less than 1000 hits on the site a day, so the ads make less than a dollar a day and anyone with any website knowledge knows with those few of hit that there is no more there.. There is a counter at the bottom of the page to even prove that that case. And far as donations,, the average donations are 5 and 10 pounds,, and you said yourself we only have 30 lobby listeners, and not even 10 of those donate regularly... I assure anyone the site cost way more money to run then it ever takes in. So it is in no way a "Cash cow" ... And I have no problems again showing anyone who wants to see the exact numbers,, cause I have nothing to hide.. I just want to know where all this money people see to think there is, coming from. Cause we don't get it from ads, and the donations most months hardly cover the 50 a month we pay to chatroll for the lobby chat, and the 40 we spend on the radio and the live player so we can have an enbeaddble player and downloads.. Not to mention the 2 skype numbers we have to pay for and the server bill for the main site.... this site has never from day one made a profit for ANYONE to take from.

Tommy, please don't explain yourself to that prick!

To say he left RC coz it was unproffesional (or words to that effect) is total bullshit. I've listened to RC (and CRO, WATP & HAH) from day one. My memory tells me that limmy was more than happy to bang on about junky stories and shite like that for ages and ages. Admittedly, I thought most of his stories were funny, but it wasn't exactly about The Rangers, was it? Not to mention the abuse to fellow bearettes on RC afterwards. (probably where LittleWillie gets it from)

Take my advice Tommy, limmy is no mate and will spit the dummy out if he doesn't get his own way. He's best left forgotten, just like LittleWillie. Concentrate on the real Rangers fans, like Ian, Fox & Co, and your audience. The club is moving forward, so RC should move forward with it.

Time to leave the deadwood behind!


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