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David Murray you owe us big time.

blue No11

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It's true. The mists of time have dulled your memory. Let me quote from "The Gallant Pioneers." (1st draft, unpublished edition).

And lo......The good Sir David had just finished building Ibrox from scratch with his own bare hands, and on the seventh day he rested, and he looked upon his creation, and he was happy. So he bought a vineyard to celebrate. And the people rejoiced, and those who said "That mans a no good charlatan who will bring us trouble in the long run" were cast out as fools and bigots.

Brilliant (tu)

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It's true. The mists of time have dulled your memory. Let me quote from "The Gallant Pioneers." (1st draft, unpublished edition).

And lo......The good Sir David had just finished building Ibrox from scratch with his own bare hands, and on the seventh day he rested, and he looked upon his creation, and he was happy. So he bought a vineyard to celebrate. And the people rejoiced, and those who said "That mans a no good charlatan who will bring us trouble in the long run" were cast out as fools and bigots.

The man's a c*nt, only ever interested in personal self gain!

Don't think he would ever set foot in Ibrox again, thankfully.

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You should know fine well sdm did not bring sounness or watty.

Realised that just after I posted - tend to overlook David Holmes actually, a little unfairly.

Nonetheless, SDM was in charge in a golden era and the debt was coming year upon year when he was forced to sell up.

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I agree with you that it is. I know we live in a World where no body really gives a fcuk about anyone anymore. But maybe a banner that reads "You owe us SDM dig deep" might just make him think about it.

This can't be a serious post? LOL

Plus the recession hit murrays other companies hard so don't think he has the money anymore to invest in the club.

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This can't be a serious post? LOL

Plus the recession hit murrays other companies hard so don't think he has the money anymore to invest in the club.

I believe he has turned his business around in a very short space of time, still worth 100 mil and lloyds just pumped more money into his business. But to be honest my post is a waste of time as it would never happen. Head is bursting with it all.
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I believe he has turned his business around in a very short space of time, still worth 100 mil and lloyds just pumped more money into his business. But to be honest my post is a waste of time as it would never happen. Head is bursting with it all.

Point A Murray was never a Rangers fan just a ego maniac gambler who loved the attention and platform Rangers gave him.

Point B why would we want him back? So he could run up extraordinary debts and sell us down shit creek again?

Point C Murray would never come back anyway he knows his ''legacy'' Is in tatters and hes neither motivated enough nor prepared to spent the big money required to get this mess he started cleaned up once and for all.

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I'm more sympathetic than most towards Murray. Whatever anyone says he invested millions of pounds of his own money into rangers with the aim of making the club as successful as possible. And to a certain degree he achieved this. Gave us 9 in a row, the likes of laudrup and gazza, memories we'd probably never swap. He didn't buy the club to make a profit like the current owners. And when his business's went belly up he didn't have the personal funds to invest in the club anymore so was forced into selling. And he could never have foreseen Whyte doing to the club like he did. Whyte fooled everyone. Murray certainly isn't blameless in it all but I don't hate Murray like some rangers fans do.

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I believe he has turned his business around in a very short space of time, still worth 100 mil and lloyds just pumped more money into his business. But to be honest my post is a waste of time as it would never happen. Head is bursting with it all.

I can't help blaming DM for everything over the past 16 months. Craig Whyte was a conman and if he had bothered to do any checks he would have found out his true colours before he sold our beloved club to this corrupt bastard. DM just wanted shot of Rangers and TBH I think he probably sleeps soundly at night while I, and all other Bears, live in dread on a day to day basis. He won't help out and he's definitely not welcome

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No danger is it David Murray's fault, tried to sell for years then was forced to sell by lloyds. Twenty plus years of trophy laden success and player after player after player ! Forced to sell to that fucker wyhte cunt, fud, arsehole, wank, that's the fucker that decided to not pay any tax bills that got us into this situation, not Sir David Murray, no chance ! Remember the EBT situation has been cleared.


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I can't help blaming DM for everything over the past 16 months. Craig Whyte was a conman and if he had bothered to do any checks he would have found out his true colours before he sold our beloved club to this corrupt bastard. DM just wanted shot of Rangers and TBH I think he probably sleeps soundly at night while I, and all other Bears, live in dread on a day to day basis. He won't help out and he's definitely not welcome

Whyte was a venture capitalist he bought companies to try and turn them around. The beauty being you may only save a small percentage but the profits are potentially substantial. That's why Whyte has links to do many failed businesses. Pretty common for a venture capitalist. I'm still baffled and confused why Whyte did what he did and how he thought he would get away with it. Not to mention the actions of Hmrc and the duff and phelps. All *****.

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No danger is it David Murray's fault, tried to sell for years then was forced to sell by lloyds. Twenty plus years of trophy laden success and player after player after player ! Forced to sell to that fucker wyhte cunt, fud, arsehole, wank, that's the fucker that decided to not pay any tax bills that got us into this situation, not Sir David Murray, no chance ! Remember the EBT situation has been cleared.


I'll always be grateful to DM for the amount of money he invested, however, I stand by my feelings that he should have been more careful who he sold our Club to. If I remember rightly he said he wouldn't just sell the club to anyone but when push came to shove he did just that. If the stories about Lloyds are true and they made DM sell the club to Whyte then I'll stand corrected

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I'll always be grateful to DM for the amount of money he invested, however, I stand by my feelings that he should have been more careful who he sold our Club to. If I remember rightly he said he wouldn't just sell the club to anyone but when push came to shove he did just that. If the stories about Lloyds are true and they made DM sell the club to Whyte then I'll stand corrected

Fair enough point

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He should have been more careful, granted. Was David Murray to know how this was to turn out ? I for one would really love to hear his take on the whole situation. I'm very sure that if he knew the ending result that he would never have sold to that fuckface. Only my opinion but everybody that slates David Murray, sure they wouldn't have said the same when the trophys were being lifted.

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Has the O.P. inadvertently inhaled a mind altering level of adhesive?

Goimg by your username im thinking there is more chance of you being on the solvents. Anyway contribute to the discusion or piss off. Sorry for being rude but im not the type to be bullied or take insults.
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He should have been more careful, granted. Was David Murray to know how this was to turn out ? I for one would really love to hear his take on the whole situation. I'm very sure that if he knew the ending result that he would never have sold to that fuckface. Only my opinion but everybody that slates David Murray, sure they wouldn't have said the same when the trophys were being lifted.

I'm very sure DM didn't know the end result. I think it safe to say nobody did. I just remember when shyte took over a guy at work saying he was a crook and if Murray had did his homework he could have found this out easy enough. I think if any intensive background checks had been carried out then DM would never have sold our club to that crook. I may be wrong but has DM EVER said anything about what has happened. I might be harsh saying I totally blame him but I certainly think he should be taking some responsibility for the past 16 months

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Goimg by your username im thinking there is more chance of you being on the solvents. Anyway contribute to the discusion or piss off. Sorry for being rude but im not the type to be bullied or take insults.

Bullied? :lol: You should get out more. Anyhow, DM doesn't care about Rangers. We will never see a penny from him. We are no longer his concern.
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