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Club Metro: Boycott is only option


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I will always support the team, but I can't justify putting money in when it is eaten up by those who are running the club, and running it very poorly. I understand that a lot won't agree with me and respect that.

I dont want your respect - I just think yer a cunt.

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Why boycott when they've already got our season ticket money?

Secondly, we're on the look-out for a new shirt sponsor next year- for arguments sake, would an empty stadium not be detrimental to any potential new deal? So effectively you're damaging the club commercially too!

I've got the feeling you're putting the career you're chasing before your support for Rangers. But maybe I'm just cynical.

P.S do you go to every game?

I believe I said in the article that it's about getting those who back the club to pressurise the board.

No I don't go to every game, simply because I work at weekends and can't always afford to go. What difference does that make Alex?

You put Money in when DM and CW where ruining us , whats changed ?

Those Two Cnuts done more damage along with some of the Rqs than any of the present Board or CG done .

Agree or disagree thats Fact.

And look where that got us? Not really the best example to use.

I dont want your respect - I just think yer a cunt.

Nice to see personal abuse is welcomed on this board.

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The question for admin on here is as follows.

This is a Rangers board for Rangers supporters and whilst all opinions are welcome and indeed epitomise what the board is all about.

Are posters who advocate a course of action which will damage and ultimately possibly destroy the club overstepping the mark and worth keeping?

I would rather have people who post nipples in the OT tbh.


Rangers fans are welcome, we don't ban posters for their opinions and we don't have a party line for posters to follow. That is how it is, and that's how it always will be, at least as long as I'm Admin.

Regarding the rest of the thread, everyone please cut out the personal abuse and debate the topic.

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I'm a Rangers fan and have been since the day I was born and will be until the day I die.


Whatever floats yer boat, you're obviously bullshittin so you are probably a journo playin games or whoever, goat to the stage a where it's becoming a pantomime. You'll have to excuse me but ma piles are playin up, am away for a careful shite ! Carry on !

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Apologies Peter, missed your question. "War" might have been the wrong word to use, but I think we need to do something to get what we want and for me boycotting matches is the most viable option.

I think a few might have got the wrong end of the stick, I am not advocating boycotting ST sales(yet), purely matches at Ibrox to show the board and those who back the club how we feel.

I think you missed my question again - what do you hope to achieve by boycotting? Show the board how you feel? The majority I've seen advocating boycotts want the board to go. That won't happen because of boycotts, naive to think it will.

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I hope the author of this tripe does boycott the club

I personally don't want his ilk anywhere near Ibrox

I said in the Tweetwanker thread you increasingly can't tell the difference between Bheasts and so called bears and he has proved my point

If you changed the name of the author of the article to Phil 3 names no one would be surprised

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I think you missed my question again - what do you hope to achieve by boycotting? Show the board how you feel? The majority I've seen advocating boycotts want the board to go. That won't happen because of boycotts, naive to think it will.

I'm hoping that if a boycott happens, those who back the club will put pressure on those in the boardroom, whether that is sponsors or others who back the club financially.

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Rangers fans are welcome, we don't ban posters for their opinions and we don't have a party line for posters to follow. That is how it is, and that's how it always will be, at least as long as I'm Admin.

Regarding the rest of the thread, everyone please cut out the personal abuse and debate the topic.

Me and my mates - All 28% of us are gonny stage a coup on RM

We might even boycott until we get our way


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I am sick of jumped-up bloggers and so-called fans reps telling us all what to do without actually bothering to find out the general consensus of opinion once people are aware of all the facts. If the Murrays got in were those amongst us who didn't want them on the board meant to demonstrate and boycott? No, we were just meant to accept the situation because some blogger, some self-promoting nonentity said they were the new Messiahs.

The biggest problem we as a support have is a lack of proper leadership amongst ourselves. I have an opinion on most situations but I am willing to listen to the relevant points put forward by others. If we had one fans' organisation which ensured we all knew the facts available and all sides of the argument then we all vote. One person one vote. No agendas, no blazer-seekers, no huffs, no toys-out-the-pram episodes. A democratic fans' organisation, now that would be a novelty.

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Time to make RM a closed shop

Get rid of the rebel agenda pushers and keep the sane fans

Sure you take away the title of most diverse fans forum but it will be worth it

You cant do that.

The reason RM is a better forum than FF is because RM always allows free speech.

We don't ban people on here just because they have a different opinion no matter, as in this case, how deluded that opinion is.

There is no dictatorship on RM.

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The board won't budge, they've still got over 65% on the most part- most push 70%. As you're probably aware, I don't back the board. But I'd never back a boycott- No Surrender and We don't do walking away mean anything to you?

If you don't go to games, I don't really think you're in a position to call for boycotts. Just my opinion, of course.

Like I said in the article, the loyalty of the Rangers fans is part of what makes the club great, but sometimes it harms the club and standing by and watching this happen is harming the club.

Come on Alex, you're better than that, no need for the uber fan stuff. If I could make every game I would.

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Also from the fans polls that have been done elsewhere.

Really?? You don't seem to be doing very well on here then, do you? And i'd suggest this forum holds a fair mix of fans with differing views! No boycott for me, totally ludicrous idea, and a sure way of destroying your club forever!

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it's not purely twitter and forums, it's also from my interactions with fellow Rangers fans.

How's this interaction with Rangers fans going then?

Think you might have wasted your time with your piece?

Now, stop putting words into Rangers fans mouths and claiming the vast majority line. That is taig like behaviour and why people are questioning your motives.

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Again, I have nothing to do with the headline, that article was about doing something to get what we want as fans.

"get what we want".

Even if it doesnt follow due process.

Even if it clearly doesnt reflect the view of a considerable majority whose views on matters are yet to be gauged properly.

Even if it severely damages the club which they claim to love.

But so long as you get what you want....

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"get what we want".

Even if it doesnt follow due process.

Even if it clearly doesnt reflect the view of a considerable majority whose views on matters are yet to be gauged properly.

Even if it severely damages the club which they claim to love.

But so long as you get what you want....

This...... (tu)

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I believe I said in the article that it's about getting those who back the club to pressurise the board.

No I don't go to every game, simply because I work at weekends and can't always afford to go. What difference does that make Alex?

And look where that got us? Not really the best example to use.

So you dont think things are better than when CW was ruining us .

We where in Admin FFS you cant get much worse than that Unless its Liquidation, which we have come through ,and can Grow if allowed by the backing of the Fans and Investors and Sponsors.

But your Boycott Idea will Kill us .

You sure your a Rangers Fan? :anguish::disappointment:

Nice to see personal abuse is welcomed on this board.

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Fans are vocal. The AGM proved it. But as Mr Stockbridge said 'he isn't here to win a popularity contest'.

A boycott would harm the club even more. We've got cash flow issues, what the hell will a boycott achieve? Admin mk ii?

It just doesn't sit right with me someone who doesn't go to games week-in, week-out is calling for fans who go every week. If that makes me an uber-fan, then so be it.

Again I think you are getting the wrong end of the stick, I didn't say boycott season ticket sales(yet). I said to boycott this season and when stadiums are getting emptier the worry of no ST money will force change IMO.

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not sure what this op wants he says its what most fans want according to such reliable sources as twitter facebook and it is also his wish. sadly neither of those things matter in the slightest as the votes for the board to remain are the only ones that matter. as for boycotts as many have said that could do more damage to the club than he understands. the murray group failed to get votes. the only one I heard taking any stick as such was stockbridge. fair enough he might be a twat and in the wrong place for some however he was elected. so instead of talk of boycotts we should be talking of ways to support the club and give the elected board every chance to prove what they can or cant do. and remember that Wallace has only just come in so he is still finding his feet and looking at who and what works right for the club so stockbridge may well be on the way out. let the dust settle. and see what the plans are before any talk of whats right or wrong with the elected board.

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