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Post a goal that makes you happy


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Thanks for that mate.still sends a fuckin shiver down my spine thinking about sitting glued to the radio, thinking "just hold on for a draw Rangers, fuck sake just hold on, go on , fuckin come on, awww , fuckin come on , fucckinn, (silence for a split second), bears going mental" Albertz has scored for Rangers, Rangers are in the lead"..............yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss, fuckin yessssssssssss, (tears of frustration pumpin out), yeeeeeeeeeessssssss. Fuckin yes Rangers,fuckin yesssss, please let the weans be watchin the game.

What a fuckin night!

Thanks Amigo

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Thanks for that mate.still sends a fuckin shiver down my spine thinking about sitting glued to the radio, thinking "just hold on for a draw Rangers, fuck sake just hold on, go on , fuckin come on, awww , fuckin come on , fucckinn, (silence for a split second), bears going mental" Albertz has scored for Rangers, Rangers are in the lead"..............yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss, fuckin yessssssssssss, (tears of frustration pumpin out), yeeeeeeeeeessssssss. Fuckin yes Rangers,fuckin yesssss, please let the weans be watchin the game.

What a fuckin night!

Thanks Amigo

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No worries mate, been there (tu)

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We talk today about giving youth a chance. Big Jock Wallace said "aye lad your 16 so man up you are playing in the final today" or words to that effect --- here was the result of being unafraid to give youth a chance. First goal in what is quite a long clip.

Wish I could find a video of Wee Bud sitting on the ball in that final against the beasts --- that really wound them up. Willie Waddel fined Bud 40 quid for his trouble.

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can't see it being posted so far but given the number of Durrant goals on here, surprised nobody has picked his goal against them in 86 (i think) when Coop plays a brilliant pass for him to run onto and finish it off, then Durrant give him the dummy to celebrate on the sidelines

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Great post mate.sometimes people forget how much rangers mean to all of us.I dont have the goal to post, but when everything was going wrong in my life(divorce, missing ma wee boys, living on my own, lonely and depressed as fuck), I didnt know what i was capable of to myself, let alone anybody else.

Day before payday, i put my last fiver on Jorg Albertz to score first and Rangers to win 1-0 away at PSV.

Listening to the radio commentary, i went fuckin ballistic when he scored, more than ive ever done at any game in the flesh.

The last 8 mins were a fuckin nightmare, interference meant i could hardly hear fuck all.Although McCann nearly scored a 2nd, i couldnt have given a fuck about the bet, i never even collected the winnings, it wasnt about that.

It was about the Rangers and me.The only thing i have loved my whole life.

If they had let me down that night and got beat, fuck knows what would have occurred, because at that moment in time they felt like all i had left.

Life was different after that night, sounds too fuckin dramatic, but the big fuckin german stood up to be counted , so did i .

Your post reduced me to tears mate, cos i know where you are coming from.

Dont give a fuck about anybody elses views.

Youve got a brother here amigo,

All the best of luck son

No Surrender


Thanks for the reply mate.

When people were trying to kill our club it wasn't just the thought that there would be no more games, no more mad days out and big wins to share with family and friends. It was also the attempt to discredit the past, strip titles, and on a personal level for us all it was stealing the greatness and importance of precious memories that just sometimes can really represent more than "just a game".

Here's to you Rab and here's to many many more moments when the club we love gets back to where it belongs and once again helps inspire us all.

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