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bbc 2 , 1030pm tonight


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They've made Houston look daft, which wasn't hard to be fair but a complete hatchet job. Then the tarrier bird spouting so much shite straight after was horrible. Houston, or anyone for that matter couldn't challenge a word she said. Didn't even mention Whyte or the fact he racked up the 21m debt, that, unfortunately, we were liable for, but it was totally glossed over the fact that the BTC was included in out CVA figures and forced the sale to Whyte.

Nobody is claiming we didn't owe anything, but we owed an amount that we were physically able to pay, rather than the phantom amount we apparently owed.

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So what I got out of that 10 minutes was we were stripped of titles,owed hundreds of millions to hector,not guilty of anything as proven by the courts but we're still somehow partially guilty,Craig Houston shat himself,and my theory on how to spot a tim is somewhat correct,plukemoothed fat ginger cow.

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What a fucking joke of a programme and CH should never had went on as he hasn't the capacity to defend us properly.

As soon as the bbc said that hag was on he should have done his homework on her. He should have then came out with the truth that there was an agenda against us with sellik minded catholic bigots.

At that point he should have brought up her politics and also of the writer of the book, the arsehole who was tarred with the secterian brush and outed both live on tv.

CH you are a total let down and please stop putting your face on front of a camera or a mic as you don't have the brains.

Stick to written statements please for the good of club.

What a waste of fuckjng 15 minutes.

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The point is we were refused a CVA due to the tax case if i remember right. If that amount had been subtracted then we would have won as Ticketus were on our side.

We were refused a CVA due to the 'small tax case', not the big tax case. There was no tax bill from the BTC, so wasn't included in the pot. The £14m that the HMRC billed us for was the majority of the debt owed, so HMRC had the controlling vote.

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We were refused a CVA due to the 'small tax case', not the big tax case. There was no tax bill from the BTC, so wasn't included in the pot. The £14m that the HMRC billed us for was the majority of the debt owed, so HMRC had the controlling vote.

My memory is shite then, lol. I thought D&P had put HMRC in at like over £100 million for the BTC for the amount plus interest and thats why we got fucked.

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Why did HMRC allow whyte to go, what was it? 8 or 9 months paying fuck all to them yet issued 7 winding up orders to hearts for much less amounts.

This is the main question that must be answered.

Although not the only reason, the main reason we have endured all the nonsense of the last few years is because Whyte chose not to pay tax and NI whilst HMRC allowed him to do it. We deserve an explanation and heads should roll for the destruction they have caused to the biggest sporting institution in the country and the millions their actions have cost the taxpayer.

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My memory is shite then, lol. I thought D&P had put HMRC in at like over £100 million for the BTC for the amount plus interest and thats why we got fucked.

:lol: I think I could have sat an accountancy exam back then mate and had a shot at passing!! :D As far as I recall, D&P were working on a worst case scenario & a not so worse case scenario. From memory, I think they had offered 1.5p in the £ if we lost the BTC, and higher if we didn't. Could be talking mince there though!

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"Partial guilty" fuck me! We've been cleared twice what's so hard to understand. That wee rangers hater needed put in her place & your man didn't do it. There must be a better spokesman than that out there.

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You must be fucking kidding me? A 6 second slot at the end saying "sorry, you weren't stripped of titles"

WTF!! That was horrible. An hour long show when we've been given a court order. . . . A 10 minute show when found innocent with nothing mentioned about the implications of the BTC witch hunt :anguish:

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