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Some Of Our Support


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They are morons.

They will be happy to see Ally strut about with notes falling out his big pockets while our club is being strangled because he's wasted and grabbed money out of the club he is supposed to love.

happy to agree their, so many like to show off behind their keyboards on that site its unreal.

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Tradition and morals don't pay the bills, certainly not when we're discussing folk who pour cups of tea.

I wish Tiny all the best but there's some amount of birthday card pish being trotted out to suit agendas here.

It's not 'birthday card pish'. It's part of the core of what the club is. The club IS it's supporters, it's traditions, it's history and it's people.

If these are not maintained, the club becomes something else. THAT is what can kill a club, or change it's nature, not liquidation.

Attacking club legends, sacking people that have been there for 40 years, supporters bailing out in droves and such like just make the club feel more hollow.

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This is the type of made up shite that just drags us all down - You have no idea about his motivations nor have any idea what he is looking for in a termination payment - at nearly every other club in the world, a manager resigning would be dealt with by a competent board on that day. I believe the question we should be asking is why do they have to wait till Wednesday to discuss it ?


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I would have no problem supporting these legends if they weren't so blind sighted themselves.

How many have backed Ally to the hill, managerially, when it has been blatantly obvious he's not good enough for the job.

I understand some may be his friends, but surely they can still see that.

I do understand that the board currently in control aren't the men we all want however they're have been more important matters at hand in terms of the football, which has been dreadful. Sort that out at least, get us into the Premiership and then we are a much more profitable entity where a decent minded backer or backers can hopefully take control of the club.

What kind of idiots think bleeding the club and the club's finances, while supporting a manager who was taking us to 9 points behind Hearts and looking less and less likely to gain promotion was the right thing to do? What was their end game?

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It looks 9 accoriding to the accounts) that we have saved over 2m in wages copared with last years accounts, cuts clearly are being made everywhere, we just aint hearing about them.

Precisely. There are a lot of assumptions being made at a time when everything is up in the air.

We don't know Ally's motives, which could be one or any combination of the following:

  • Realised the job is now beyond him, either through personal failings or losing the dressing room
  • Personal reasons with stress likely to have been high almost since the start of his reign.
  • Strategic personal manoeuvres to maximise gain or protect reputation
  • Political move for those he favours to gain control of the Club
  • Political move to support the sacked workers or turn whistleblower

Nobody knows exactly how much each of these factors are at play in his thoughts.

Furthermore, nobody knows if King will make a telling play and gain control and if he did, would he reinstate Ally?

Of course, the people currently in power have the ball in their court and it's up to them to either make it work by getting promotion and providing sufficient funding to challenge for a CL spot or just to get to the top tier to maximise return for their shareholding when selling up. Each investor may have a different end game and it is they who will decide if King or anyone else comes in, or if they can make a success of the Club on and of the field.

How can anyone utter anything with certainty? That for me makes the boycotters, at best, premature and misguided. If the board can turn it round, either by staying or going, then they will deserve credit but at this stage that much, like so many other aspects remains unresolved and a matter of speculation.

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I would have no problem supporting these legends if they weren't so blind sighted themselves.

How many have backed Ally to the hill, managerially, when it has been blatantly obvious he's not good enough for the job.

I understand some may be his friends, but surely they can still see that.

It's probably a matter of being able to see it from their perspective, rather than yours.

They would probably think they are being loyal to the man, rather than blind-sighted.

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It's probably a matter of being able to see it from their perspective, rather than yours.

They would probably think they are being loyal to the man, rather than blind-sighted.

Maybe so, however they should also see that no man is bigger than the club.

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Maybe so, however they should also see that no man is bigger than the club.

Maybe they do. But maybe they also value close friends more than the club.

Or maybe they see the personal abuse as more necessary to condemn than bad results.

Whatever, I can see why they'd say what they say and it's definitely not worthy of the legend-bashing that an element of the Rangers support finds so easy to turn to.

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Maybe they do. But maybe they also value close friends more than the club.

Or maybe they see the personal abuse as more necessary to condemn than bad results.

Whatever, I can see why they'd say what they say and it's definitely not worthy of the legend-bashing that an element of the Rangers support finds so easy to turn to.

I'm totally fine if they back their friend, I'm also totally in support of them backing their friend for the personal abuse he's recieved.

Just don't in the same breathe defend his managerial ability. We as fans are totally obliged to crictise, not abuse, him for that.

Also the legends are entitled to recieve crictism, not abuse, for defending him for his managerial abilities which are not good enough.

Agree abuse for Ally and legends in some parts are out of order, but crictism is IMO quite rightly due.

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It's not 'birthday card pish'. It's part of the core of what the club is. The club IS it's supporters, it's traditions, it's history and it's people.

If these are not maintained, the club becomes something else. THAT is what can kill a club, or change it's nature, not liquidation.

Attacking club legends, sacking people that have been there for 40 years, supporters bailing out in droves and such like just make the club feel more hollow.

It is, we need to live within our means and that means no-one is unsackable,

You can thank the previous board and the pish Ally has signed for what's happening now.

My club is more important than someone I don't know losing their job, it happens every day in life and we are a mess.

Hopefully none of the folk commenting on this ever start their own business as when the going gets tough they would keep on folk just out of sentiment.

The supporters have bailed out for two reasons, sick of the pish football and sick of the board, one part of that is being remedied just now with Ally, hopefully the rest come back and support the team as Ashley won't be for shifting, just spare me the pish about employees being paid off like that's supposed to mean something if my club is at risk of a second administration.

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I don't disagree with that.

What I disagree with is sacking low paid staff to supplement 100k upwards pay offs for board members who awarded themselves the wages in the first place.

You don't require as many low paid staff due to the drop in numbers coming through the turnstiles, most of which is down to the shit football on offer.

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It is, we need to live within our means and that means no-one is unsackable,

You can thank the previous board and the pish Ally has signed for what's happening now.

My club is more important than someone I don't know losing their job, it happens every day in life and we are a mess.

Hopefully none of the folk commenting on this ever start their own business as when the going gets tough they would keep on folk just out of sentiment.

The supporters have bailed out for two reasons, sick of the pish football and sick of the board, one part of that is being remedied just now with Ally, hopefully the rest come back and support the team as Ashley won't be for shifting, just spare me the pish about employees being paid off like that's supposed to mean something if my club is at risk of a second administration.

Some of the people that have been let go never should have been and never would have been the issue if we had been run properly. In fact, they are simply NOT the issue. I blame the previous Board, boycotters and the current Board for this.

This is different to everyday life. Some things, and some people add more to the club than simply the monetary value of their efforts. That's not important in everyday life, but it is in a club that people, supporters, are supposed to feel an attachment to.

I don't understand why you are comparing the relevance of sentiment in business to the relevance of sentiment in a football club. For one it is vital, the other it isn't.

These people losing their jobs will have no bearing whatsoever on the wellbeing of the club.

It is disgraceful.

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I'm totally fine if they back their friend, I'm also totally in support of them backing their friend for the personal abuse he's recieved.

Just don't in the same breathe defend his managerial ability. We as fans are totally obliged to crictise, not abuse, him for that.

Also the legends are entitled to recieve crictism, not abuse, for defending him for his managerial abilities which are not good enough.

Agree abuse for Ally and legends in some parts are out of order, but crictism is IMO quite rightly due.

Unfortunately it IS abuse they receive. I have no problem with criticism of any kind. I only have a problem with eroding our heritage by abusing legends for doing something that is entirely predictable, understandable and not particularly damaging, whether you agree with them or not.

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Some of the people that have been let go never should have been and never would have been the issue if we had been run properly. In fact, they are simply NOT the issue. I blame the previous Board, boycotters and the current Board for this.

This is different to everyday life. Some things, and some people add more to the club than simply the monetary value of their efforts. That's not important in everyday life, but it is in a club that people, supporters, are supposed to feel an attachment to.

I don't understand why you are comparing the relevance of sentiment in business to the relevance of sentiment in a football club. For one it is vital, the other it isn't.

These people losing their jobs will have no bearing whatsoever on the wellbeing of the club.

It is disgraceful.

I disagree, we are a football team who are also a business, are we being run well?

Of course not but when we start laying people off it's not good enough because the people being paid off have been here for a while?

If they don't score goals for us or make us money they can go, a business is a business, no amount of sentiment changes that.

We are failing as a business and measures to fix this are being slated. Maybe let the fans pick who gets fired then?

They will find other jobs, there is no other Rangers.

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Part of his "terms" might be shares, giving him more say, or even taking a cut in his pay off to help some of other staff that have been paid off.

So many accusations are being hurled, but we don't know what's going though the guy's head and he has had a hellish three years to put up with, even if he hasn't helped himself with team performances.

Good guesses Oleg - a bit more positive than the 'ally the spiv' brigade - perhaps he just wants them to talk seriously to him to sort out what's going on!

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I disagree, we are a football team who are also a business, are we being run well?

Of course not but when we start laying people off it's not good enough because the people being paid off have been here for a while?

If they don't score goals for us or make us money they can go, a business is a business, no amount of sentiment changes that.

We are failing as a business and measures to fix this are being slated. Maybe let the fans pick who gets fired then?

They will find other jobs, there is no other Rangers.

A football team and business. Yes. Both parts need to flourish. If the business is the focus at the expense of the football club in this kind of way, the football club will be in dire danger of losing it's appeal.

The business will not flourish by axing these staff. It's too much of a drop in the ocean. The heart of the club will be damaged, though, which in the long term is more likely to help kill the club AND the business than it is to help the business.

The business will only be helped by tackling the real issues, not axing easy, small targets.

Why don't we sell the actual family silver, as well as the metaphoric family silver. That is the logical conclusion of the business over club heritage argument.

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A football team and business. Yes. Both parts need to flourish. If the business is the focus at the expense of the football club in this kind of way, the football club will be in dire danger of losing it's appeal.

The business will not flourish by axing these staff. It's too much of a drop in the ocean. The heart of the club will be damaged, though, which in the long term is more likely to help kill the club AND the business than it is to help the business.

The business will only be helped by tackling the real issues, not axing easy, small targets.

Why don't we sell the actual family silver, as well as the metaphoric family silver. That is the logical conclusion of the business over club heritage argument.

FWIW, I agree with you. But the club long ago lost its heart and moral compass. We are a mess.

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Absolutely, there are many level headed, realistic posters on here in this thread like yourself

Unfortunately the brain dead on here seem to shout the loudest & pour all their anger in the wrong direction. The "some of our support" thread title goes on to mean FF, as if they actually have any power in whatever dreamt up agendas exist in the mind of those brain dead.

The fact this nonsense still goes on disgusts me considering what the club has went through. We're an incapable support & other than the RFFF, have done nothing to campaign for a solution

Anyone else find the obsession with FF on here a tad ridiculous?

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