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Good Blog By Bill Today


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Stranger To Struth

It’s no secret that I am not supportive of Dave King taking over at Rangers. In my opinion it would be disastrous for thr club.

However, my beef with King today is more about his bizarre footballing vision for Rangers – bizarre in that no Rangers supporter of my acquaintance would ever endorse such nonsense.

King doesn’t want Rangers to dominate Scottish football but to share titles with Celtic. He is content for us to win just over half the time against our arch rivals.


Pic by express.co.uk

According to King, the 9 in a row years were boring. What an insulting remark to the 9IAR captain sitting next to him. I wonder if Goughie was bored lifting all that silverware and if he thought it was bad for the club.

King has a very strange view of what following Rangers means if he thinks such comments will endear him to those who actually do.

I can imagine Dave King telling men like Willie Waddle, Bill Struth and Jock Wallace that a win rate against Celtic of more than 55% is unacceptable as we don’t want fans to be bored beating them.

Is this what being a “Rangers man” is all about? Is this what King devotees want for the club?

I was raised to expect Rangers to win every game – ESPECIALLY against Celtic. I am sure Celtic fans feel the same. No quarter expected or given is the rule. And no 55% acceptability rate.

I have long suspected Dave King of being a trumpet. His latest pronouncements have confirmed those suspicions.

My good friend Ninjaman has a lot to say about King’s intentions on the RSL website.

Accofding to the judge on his notorious SARS trial, King is a stranger to truth.

All I will say is that going by his latest ramblings, Dave King is as much a stranger to Struth.

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Imagine liewwell feeding this shite to mhanky ones they would rip him apart ! I see another headline in the rhebel paul murray wants to help save Scottish football along with the 'celts' ? Some cunts winding me up! What the fuck is goin down here ! Lappin up these bhastards that have done their damndest to try and exterminate us !

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Imagine liewwell feeding this shite to mhanky ones they would rip him apart ! I see another headline in the rhebel paul murray wants to help save Scottish football along with the 'celts' ? Some cunts winding me up! What the fuck is goin down here ! Lappin up these bhastards that have done their damndest to try and exterminate us !

Don't worry mate under kings mob well roll over have our belly rubbed n all will be forgotten...

Just not by this bear tho I will never forgive or forget

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Bang on the money Bill !! What an incredibly stupid thing for King to say. First of all the prospective new Rangers chairman wants us to apologise to all of Scottish football and now he is happy to share titles ? He has become bored with winning ? Really !! FFS Mediocrity is this halfwits vision for the future.Never mind Stranger to Struth - King would appear to be a Stranger to Rangers ! We should want to win everything Games, Cups,Titles the lot.

That's the Rangers I grew up supporting.

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As opposed to tapping and scrounging other players from our northen england branch to take us forward ? Not for me

You mean like when we got Bartley from Arsenal Weiss from Man City i could go on but i cant remember too many complaints then.

Bills right with this King speaks a lot of Drivel.

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