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If Hearts Are Top...


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Some know a top team will not allow us time or space to play the way we have been playing recently. The unknown is; are the players of good enough quality to reproduce this type of play with the same kind of result against a Septic, Sheep or Dundee Hivs. I think a good long run in The Scottish cup will tell us.

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It really is exciting times but folk need to rein in their expectations or at least be a bit more realistic.

Rangers are playing really well, but we're only just at the beginning and if anyone remembers the PLG era, we played brilliantly at the start too and that turned sour in the end.

Saying that, I missed the St Mirren game as I was on holiday and I really can't wait for the Hibs game now!!

I'm really enjoying being a Ranger again after the past 5 years of endless pain and angst.

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I think we are good enough to be near the top of the Premiership, we beat a good few Prem teams with our dire team of last year and the gap between the two leagues isn't as big as some make it out to be.

However, I think our defence has looked a bit shaky at times and a team with a bit more quality going forward such as Aberdeen, Celtic or Hearts could cause us problems

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Hearts aren't our benchmark it's the tarriers and we are possibly 5/6 signings away from being able to challenge them!

I agree with this, we have no doubt improved but look fragile at the back. At least we have pace in the back 4 know and the more they are tested the better they will become, our passing out of defence is a lot to be desired at the moment but will improve as well. The futures bright the future is Warburton.

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