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Few questions about Rangers - Celtic rivalry!


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Hello from Old Firm and Rangers fan from ex Yugoslavia. Old Firm started with broadcasting in our countries in late 90s and it was reallly popular all these years. Football has gone low quality these years, but still a lot of people watch it. Except big sports channels like Sky or BeIN, i see that we are only region where is Old Firm broadcasted.  We can watch Scottish Premier League, Scottish Cup and a few of games from Scottish Championship.

Yeah, there are still a lot of people who gladly pick Rangers vs Falkirk over Man Utd - Liverpool.


I have a few questions for you:

1. Is division Rangers protestant fans and Celtic catholic fans strict? For example, are there people who are catholic and support Rangers?

2. Census 2011 said that in Scotland like 1 700 000 Protestants (Church of Sc.) and only 800 000 Roman Catholic. Of course, a lot of people who are atheist but by this numbers man can say that Rangers is more popular club?

3. What about immigrants in your country? I think there don't live so many immigrants, but to which side they mostly cheer for?

4. Can you recongize protestant/catholic man by name, last name, accent, or anything else, or that is all mixed in Scotland?

5. Are fan bases mixed in Glasgow? Are there sides of cities where is more X fans, and less X fans? Which side have more fans in city?


My first Rangers game live:

And second 


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To answer some of your questions,

there are some Protestants that support the manky lot,manky is a Scottish word for dirty and smelly 

there are also some Catholics support rangers but very few 


you can sometimes tell a Tim by his name but not always 

the same with a bear ,there are some strong Protestant surnames that tell you 



Glasgow still has strong areas where it's mostly one side or the other but not as many as in the past 

as a rule most Celtic fans live in the east,however some of rangers strongest hardcore areas are in the heart of the East 


as for recent immigrants I'm not sure what side they go for if any 

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Hi Favel,


Yes it is pretty easy to tell us apart, you will find the ones moaning about the country and lazing about are the celtic fans and the rest of us that make the country great on a daily basis through our protestant work ethic are the good guys.....





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31 minutes ago, favel said:

1. Is division Rangers protestant fans and Celtic catholic fans strict? For example, are there people who are catholic and support Rangers?


There are certainly people who of the other faith who support the opposing team. More common outside Scotland than in I think, but still not unheard of. I'm not protestant (I'm not even Christian), but the gers do have strong protestant leanings. If you can respect that I don't think it matters (same for the unwashed).


31 minutes ago, favel said:

2. Census 2011 said that in Scotland like 1 700 000 Protestants (Church of Sc.) and only 800 000 Roman Catholic. Of course, a lot of people who are atheist but by this numbers man can say that Rangers is more popular club?

In Scotland, I'd argue yes. But the unwashed do grab a lot of fans outside Scotland. But everyone defines themselves by Rangers, they either love Rangers or hat them... now one loves the unwashed

31 minutes ago, favel said:

3. What about immigrants in your country? I think there don't live so many immigrants, but to which side they mostly cheer for?

Don't know of any trend with this one. I think faith causes some leaning as I notice some coming from Catholic countries tending towards Them and protestant leaning towards us. But I'd say there isn't  a huge trend.

31 minutes ago, favel said:

4. Can you recongize protestant/catholic man by name, last name, accent, or anything else, or that is all mixed in Scotland?

I wouldn't say Catholic. But I can smell a tim a mile away.

31 minutes ago, favel said:

5. Are fan bases mixed in Glasgow? Are there sides of cities where is more X fans, and less X fans? Which side have more fans in city?

Yep, East Glasgow has far lower sales in soap in comparison to the West side.


NB: You will probably get a few different opinions on this stuff mate.


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Hi Favel, it's quite simple to tell us apart.

They tend to smell badly,

They don't work,

They live off of giro's (benefits),

Although born here, they prefer to say they are irish.

They always have a chip on their shoulders, chips are made from potatoes (their favourite food).

Their parents fiddle with them when they are children.

They believe in some woman who although she had a baby, maintained she was a virgin.

They have their own schools who teach them very little as the nuns are also fiddling with them.

That's just some points, but there is more ways to tell us apart.

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Thank you for answers, if anyone have different opinion you can write it.

I didnt knew for this differences in social classes, so there are more Celtic fans in lower social classes? And more Rangers fans in higher social classes?




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31 minutes ago, favel said:

So its not a myth that a lot of Celtic fans are on giros (unemployment cheque offered by the goverment)?


No it's not a myth, but it's also not because they are discriminated against but rather that it's a lifestyle choice. They are naturally indolent scroungers who love to profess hatred for the country that supports and nurtures them whilst they seek to support enemies of their own state. They are a really confused lot.

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Well it's difficult, of course we cannot say there is a rule and everyone adheres to it, that would be stereotyping and that's not very civilized.

Of course there are exceptions to any rule and we have to be sensitive towards that, but a good rule of thumb is - no pun intended - is that a celtic fan usually can be told apart from a rangers fan. 

This is a celtic fan, perhaps even you can spot the subtle differences, it will be interesting to know if you spot it or not. It's become quite easy for us, let's see how you do! :)


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Hi Favel

99pc of the Rangers support are Protestant and the same with Catholics/Celtic. One thing that I have noticed over the years in Scotland though is that fans of other clubs in Scotland are almost all Protestant as Catholics to a man will support Celtic.

Without doubt Rangers are the best supported club in Scotland. Despite Celtic being allegedly Irish, the vast majority of actual Irish support Man Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal in my experience. A lot of real Irish view Celtic fans as a bit of a joke.

there s no longer much of a difference in social class now but they behave like Kosovans.

most areas oft he city are mixed. Don't know much about immigrants but most Indians and English folk like Rangers. 

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10 hours ago, favel said:

Hello from Old Firm and Rangers fan from ex Yugoslavia. Old Firm started with broadcasting in our countries in late 90s and it was reallly popular all these years. Football has gone low quality these years, but still a lot of people watch it. Except big sports channels like Sky or BeIN, i see that we are only region where is Old Firm broadcasted.  We can watch Scottish Premier League, Scottish Cup and a few of games from Scottish Championship.

Yeah, there are still a lot of people who gladly pick Rangers vs Falkirk over Man Utd - Liverpool.


I have a few questions for you:

1. Is division Rangers protestant fans and Celtic catholic fans strict? For example, are there people who are catholic and support Rangers?

2. Census 2011 said that in Scotland like 1 700 000 Protestants (Church of Sc.) and only 800 000 Roman Catholic. Of course, a lot of people who are atheist but by this numbers man can say that Rangers is more popular club?

3. What about immigrants in your country? I think there don't live so many immigrants, but to which side they mostly cheer for?

4. Can you recongize protestant/catholic man by name, last name, accent, or anything else, or that is all mixed in Scotland?

5. Are fan bases mixed in Glasgow? Are there sides of cities where is more X fans, and less X fans? Which side have more fans in city?


OK, let's say you're genuine... My take...

1. No. Mostly Rangers fans are protestant, and filthy fans are Catholic, but not always. Actually, a massive proportion of Rangers fans nowadays are atheist of Protestant heritage (like me).

2. The census is misleading. Catholics are more likely to identify as such, whilst Protestants are more likely to identify as 'no religion'.In actual fact, something like 75% of the population relates to a Protestant heritage, and only 22% Catholic. Rangers are the best supported club in Scotlan, although Celtic arguably have more fans abroad. Although many of them wouldn't know where Celtic Park was.

3. Probably Celtic lately, because the media (and Celtic fans) like to portray Rangers fans as right wing bigots, which mostly we're not. Probably results in alot being more inclined towards the filth.

4. Catholics often have Irish names, or are named after saints. It's much looser now than it used to be. You would probably think I was a Celtic fan from my name.

5.Yes, Glasgow is quite mized. Still more Rangers I'd say, though. Many towns in Fife, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire are very Rangers though. Relatively few are Celtic. Places like Coatbridge, Springburn, Gallowgate and Gorbals were traditionally Celtic. Other parts were traditionally either mixed or Rangers, but it's less strict than it used to be.

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2 hours ago, govanblue said:

It looks to me like you're a troll.

Either post a photo of your tickets from those games, or your giro. (tu)


Oh and btw - Yugoslavia is Deid - get over it, Serbco.

Why i look like a troll? How did you conclude that I am a Serb? 

I only wanted to hear a few insider informations from people who know a lot about this. I cant find this informations on tv or wikipedia.

Once again, i am glad that i had a chance to read a lot of interesting answers. Thanks people.

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