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Barry stripped of captaincy


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What really pisses me off is that PLG obvisouly can't manage on or off the pitch. Football players and managers have egos and they need to learn to work together. It's that simple. PLG overreacts 100% of the time just to 'prove' he's the manager. ffs, we know you're the manager. If Barry said something to him, tough. Get on with it. Maybe PLG should listen to what Barry was trying to say.

PLG doesn't rate Scotland, Rangers, Captains, the OF etc. It's now very curious why he came in the first place.

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If like it says on the website its for this game only, fine - i can understand changing players now and again.

Agree with you here, Danny, if it is just for one game then it is less of a disaster than it at first appeared. BF must be exhausted from carrying most of the team week in week out. Don't see the logic in appointing Rae captain when he isn't even a first team regular but there you go, its been done before.

But if he is intending to let BF go....

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The statement only says on this occasion........etc. Rae has been handed the armband before when Ferguson has been out and also it was the same BBC who said PLG was snubbing Rangers to sign for Real Madrid.This may well be the usual lets have a go at Rangers when they are down and exaggerate everything

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Does anyone know if it just for the one game or is it a permanent fix? Would hate to see Barry go, it wouldnt only break all of our hearts but his own as well. he loves this club to bits.

Now why on earth would plg do that to the best player at this club? the guy seriously needs his head looked and should listen to the fans for a change.

I hate this because we're supposed to be the fans of this club, and yet the club wont keep us informed of whats happening and wont listen to what the fans think, and apparantly the players if that it whats caused all this.

Id love to see how they feel if all the fans as a whole decided to stick together and maybe do something drastic to show their utter disgrace at whats happened...say maybe show it by using their feet or by voicing their disapproval at tomorrows match?? They wouldnt like it, but im forgetting its Rangers we're talking about, they probably wouldnt care about what the fans do and think unless it involved money.

Anyway Theres only ONE Barry Ferguson and long may he remain the captain of Rangers FC and a Rangers player.

I Back him 110%.

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The statement on the Rangers web site says the captaincy 'has gone' to Rae, I would have thought this would have read, 'Rae will be captain for this game' if it was a one off !!

I have just finnished reading Barry's book 'Blue' and I enjoyed it greatly, how he must be feeling at the moment I do not know. We must act in someway to save him from being sold, and get PLG tae f**k back tae France. :angry:

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I have just finnished reading Barry's book 'Blue' and I enjoyed it greatly, how he must be feeling at the moment I do not know. We must act in someway to save him from being sold, and get PLG tae f**k back tae France.

Me too mate. It is good to read what he really feels about Rangers and i stand by him 100% on this. PLG has undermined his ability as a footballer and as a Gers fan by doing this and i will not stand by him after this.

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IF all this is true then PLG has just lined himself up to be shot down. Wonder if this was a deliberate act??? Get out of Scotland by blaming the fans supporting one player??

It really is a disgrace in the biggest sense of the word but i fear the consequences. Split dressing room with Baz and the Scottish lads and PLG and his diddies?

I have a real bad feeling about this... :(

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even if barry is causing unrest in dressing room he is voicing what we are all thinking,and if telling the players straight to get ure finger out,is a crime is all us fans the next ones on the transfer list.

Of course Barry IS bigger than Rangers. He is GOD.He can do no wrong AND HE KNOWS IT. Paul Le Guen should cow down to him and say he is sorry.Wish I could get rid of my manager like this.My job would be a lot easier but the company would probably go out of business.

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Guest orangpendek

you would have to imagine that leguen has told barry to stop doing whatever it is that annoys him or he'll be out. if barry keeps doing it, he can't be surprised as there can only be one boss. but what a stupid fight to pick! and how unneccessary at this time! any fans unconvinced by leguen (most of us, i'd say) certainly won't be brought round by this news, and as for gavin rae...like most people, words fail me.

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If what the Record says is true, that PLG dropped Barry for one game for failing to do what he was told against St Mirren and Barry stormed off in a huff then i back PLG.

But then again.. it is the Record so who really knows.

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