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It has got to be time


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1 minute ago, 1NachoNovo said:

Then they shouldn't fucking say it then!

Did king actually say he would spend 30 million? If he did then that's misleading as he could've meant spend 30 million over 30 years or whatever.

the fact is this.. The retail deal could potentially pay for a good center half.

also I'm pretty sure after 32red finishes that fat cocksucker gets first dibs on the shirt sponsorship or if he wants he can sell the rights on to the highest bidder.

i might be wrong but I'm 100% sure that's one of the deals the easdales were put in place for.

we might be hamstrung financially but we will have good times again in the end

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Just now, 1NachoNovo said:

If you say you have £30m, spend £30m. If you don't and can't, then fuck off !


 You do realise that if you spend £30m on players you also add about half that amount to the wage bill as well?

So even if King does pony up that amount who pays the wages? And who pumps in an extra £20m to keep the club on an even keel?




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2 minutes ago, loyalfollower said:

Did king actually say he would spend 30 million? If he did then that's misleading as he could've meant spend 30 million over 30 years or whatever.

the fact is this.. The retail deal could potentially pay for a good center half.

also I'm pretty sure after 32red finishes that fat cocksucker gets first dibs on the shirt sponsorship or if he wants he can sell the rights on to the highest bidder.

i might be wrong but I'm 100% sure that's one of the deals the easdales were put in place for.

we might be hamstrung financially but we will have good times again in the end

He said he would invest £30m. He hasn't. Lying cunt!

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53 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

To face this shit head on. The fallout from this is fucking making me feel sick tbh. All last week, tims in work have been giving it large and vice versa. Now I have to take their shite on monday. I shall take it though, as deep down, I know however low it gets, I will never sink to their level.


That utter shambles today should be the kick up the arse they need to take action. If they carry on regardless and we allow them to do so, then we will struggle for the next few years, at least. The King has to stump up dosh and we need a manager that knows how to spend it. The Magic Hat has been a good fairy tail, but the serious shit begins now and we need to get someone with more experience in football terms. The wheels are sadly coming off in spectacular fashion. We need a major overhaul from top to bottom, to get back to where we were.

An owner with money to invest, a manager that isn't stubborn, or clueless, on how to change a game or set up a team that works against opposition and also sign a player that gives a shit. From top to bottom, it's a fail. We got to where we are now on a shoe string, but this is where it ends. The board needs to do what is now needed or just fuck off. Can't go the rest of the season with the same pish. The kiddie fiddlers clearly are more ambitious than us and we are not doing anything about it. Sad fucking times.

yep - time for a good panic - spend money we dont have - sack a decent manager at the first hurdle. 

today was shocking but the time for review is at the seasons end not 5 games into the season 


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1 minute ago, Albertz 78 said:


 You do realise that if you spend £30m on players you also add about half that amount to the wage bill as well?

So even if King does pony up that amount who pays the wages? And who pumps in an extra £20m to keep the club on an even keel?




The club is running on season tickets. All costs are being covered by the fans. King is banking on getting rid of Ashley to make more money from the retail deal. If that happens, some dosh will go to the squad and the rest will go to someones bank account. Wonder who's? If King had £30m to spend on the squad, we would have beat them today. Our desperation signings have shown how shite we really are, coz they are not great either.

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3 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

yep - time for a good panic - spend money we dont have - sack a decent manager at the first hurdle. 

today was shocking but the time for review is at the seasons end not 5 games into the season 


Money we don't have coz some bullshitter said he did have but doesn't.

And 5 games into a season? True, we are 5 games into a season, but we have been shite long before that and NOTHING has been done to improve it.

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Just now, Dutchy said:

I think things will get a wee bit better. They can't get much worse!

At least MW has an excuse NOT to start Kiernan next week as he was taken off injured.

That would be a start at least.

A wee bit better means nothing. We can't do anything about it and we will just have to watch utter shite game after game. Bottom line, major change needs to happen at the first opportunity.

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Just now, 1NachoNovo said:

A wee bit better means nothing. We can't do anything about it and we will just have to watch utter shite game after game. Bottom line, major change needs to happen at the first opportunity.

Changes will happen, but sacking MW right now is not the answer. Remember, we'd have to pay him off before finding an new man that we might need to pay through the nose for as well.

Unless you've got anyone in mind that is?

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Just now, sugar_free_pizza said:

wanting warburton out after a season and a bit is embarrasing, after he and his players got us back in the spl.

if only warbutron was a club legend he might get some leeway.........*rolls eyes

Getting us back into the spl wasn't exactly a miraculous achievement. Now we are back in the spl, it's clear are we aren't good enough.

I roll my eyes at your deludedness!

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15 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

Money we don't have coz some bullshitter said he did have but doesn't.

And 5 games into a season? True, we are 5 games into a season, but we have been shite long before that and NOTHING has been done to improve it.

Ach we wanted centre halves - we got 2 - we wanted a holding midfielder we got 2 - we wanted new forwards we got 2 - we need to stop panicking and be a bit patient to see how this all works out - the sign of a good manager is how they deal with adversity - well now we will find out if he is good. 

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27 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

He said he would invest £30m. He hasn't. Lying cunt!

He never said he'd spend £30m in 1 window. He said it would take £30m to build a squad to win the league and compete at champions league level. That doesn't happen overnight unfortunately. How many quality players are going to want to come here right now when we have no champions league to offer and they can get double the wages in England? When we have European football to offer is the time to start spending. 

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1 hour ago, Prso's headband said:

Mate he's had 5 games. I think Senderos was decent till he had a moment of fucking madness. 

It is a shame he has stuck by Kiernan and the guy has only repaid him once. So yes I agree he needs to be dropped. 

MW is not a bad manager. Its a sad state of affairs when we have Weir as his number 2 and the defence is still horrible.

MW needs to stop being loyal to Wallace Mckay Miller and Kiernan. Only then will he see an improvement. I hope he turns it round like all of us, but he will feel the pressure now and hopefully he rises to it

Stop on 100% 

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3 minutes ago, keithgersbear said:

Sometimes you just need to accept that they are better than us. I knew they would win today and easily. Its going to take a few years before the team gets to a level which is required to win the league.

Fair enough mate. I don't disagree with that.

The rest of your post though, I do. If some lying charlatan didn't make false promises and showed the dosh, then we could be very comfortable in this league. Instead, we have a shower of shite  which King hopes will do the job so he makes his money. The wrong people are still in charge of The Rangers!!!!!!!

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45 minutes ago, 1NachoNovo said:

If you say you have £30m, spend £30m. If you don't and can't, then fuck off !

Since when did chairmen or boards of companies worry about what the likes of us think or want. Spare us the continuous pish....or chip in your wedge and others might match you.

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Today was always going to be the acid test for us,  with 11 men on the park we could have brought it back to 3 - 2,  the result is not a true reflection on the game in my opinion.  The sending off was very significant in the final score. 

We have learned a lot today mainly who is and isn't good enough.  We know that our defence is poor,  we know that the midfield we started with hinders out style of play and we know that they are just as vulnerable at the back to cross balls and direct play as we are.  So what do we do now?  Forrester haliday and rossiter have to start next week,  hanlon and Kiernan are far better that senderos and hill.  Garner looks good and windas has proved that Warburton can pick a player.  Today,  although painful,  was always going to be a baseline test for me. 

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1 minute ago, will2203 said:

Since when did chairmen or boards of companies worry about what the likes of us think or want. Spare us the continuous pish....or chip in your wedge and others might match you.

That is the fucking thing that pisses me off the most. We are nothing to them, except a fucking massive income. All they do is the basics to keep things going and we work our fucking bollox off to give them our money. I really don't trust any cunt in charge of our club to do what's best for the club.

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5 minutes ago, Gooseman said:

Today was always going to be the acid test for us,  with 11 men on the park we could have brought it back to 3 - 2,  the result is not a true reflection on the game in my opinion.  The sending off was very significant in the final score. 

We have learned a lot today mainly who is and isn't good enough.  We know that our defence is poor,  we know that the midfield we started with hinders out style of play and we know that they are just as vulnerable at the back to cross balls and direct play as we are.  So what do we do now?  Forrester haliday and rossiter have to start next week,  hanlon and Kiernan are far better that senderos and hill.  Garner looks good and windas has proved that Warburton can pick a player.  Today,  although painful,  was always going to be a baseline test for me. 

We have not learned a thing for ages and I bet we have learned fuck all from today. In fact, I'll make an early prediction. Ross County 3 - Us 1.

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