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Warburton Post Match Presser

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44 minutes ago, To Be A Ranger said:

Could feel the crowd getting restless last night with the going nowhere passing game. Keeper to defence to midfield to forwards (sometimes) to midfield to defence to keeper and start all over again. We get about 20/30 yards from the opposition goal then turn back again. Possession doesn't win games. Goals do 

Exactly .The idea of possession is a good one if we are having this to exploit their weaknesses .When we do it ,it only exploits ours for the benefit of the opposition 

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2 hours ago, Beaujolais said:

That's tough to watch. Warburton is a decent man, but as others have said looks out of his depth and even comes across as man suffering from depression. This is not good. It's like watching the last days of Ally McCoist again. If the Manager comes across as depressed rather than furious at a poor result one has to question how does that impact on the players. For me it looks as if once a again we have a dark cloud of depression beginning to drift back over Ibrox.

Now is the time for a decisive Chairman and a strong board. They should either back him or remove him immediately. By back him I mean, publicly and privately offer him every support and make significant funds available in January.. if they don't feel that is wise, then by letting him stay they are doing no one any favours- least of all Warburton. It's time for action this day. 



This would be the decent thing to do

It’s the fans who are suffering,

The fans who spend any spare cash they have buying season tickets and following the team from across the country

The fans who put the board in place, same board who stated 2nd is never good enough for Rangers

Well the fans deserve an update, not asking for heads to roll or chip in the £30mill you pledged

Don’t say it will take a couple of years to get back, be patient, that was not the message when season tickets needed selling 


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Ho looked and sounded down and disappointed (at the very least).  He said at least once that he was disappointed with the performance in the 2nd half.     Kind of begs the question about what he said and how he said it during the half time talk to create a situation where the team having got back into the game after a promising first half just did not perform anywhere near well enough in the 2nd half.  

Has he got the same 'don't know why I didn't perform' problem as Windass admitted to after the Celtic game?    Part of his job is to make sure that the team goes out for the 2nd half sufficiently fired up and motivated to press on and get more goals.   But he clearly did not motivate well enough to achieve that.  

He can have all the management-by-analysis skills in the world, and all the management-by-numbers skills, and be as unwaveringly convinced about formation as to be inflexibly stubborn still in the hope that it will pay winning dividends......but if he can't direct and motivate effectively enough and does not have players that can respond fully to that messaging then you get results like last night and like so many we have seen this season and also really (in the main) since around April this year.

Perhaps he would be better suited to a DOF role at Rangers to organise and oversee the rebuilding of the overall framework for football at Ibrox.   That very well paid squad, and the oft-referred to excellent training facilities and all of the resources that Rangers has should be producing results and performances miles better than we are seeing.   Maybe someone with better leadership and motivation skills and a more flexible approach to tactics might get a whole lot more out of the players.      Maybe Miller as player/manager?    

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That interview was painful to watch, he looked  and sounded like a broken man unfortunately. Is this the beginning of the end, is the job too big for a man who is relatively inexperienced ?  I had great hopes for him this season but after listening to that I now have grave concerns as the last thing we need is the circus of finding a new manager half way through the season.

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Guest Lloyd72
3 hours ago, sausagetrunks said:

Holt and Halliday are not strong enough for us in midfield, getting bullied every game. 

Good point probably needs to be one or the other alongside someone like Crooks maybe Rossiter, or Barton if he comes back

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11 hours ago, gsa said:

We absolutely have to stay with him. If he's not going to be good enough he will eventually be removed. 

What we cannot do is turn on the man personally. He's clearly doing his very best. He's a gentleman. He respects us and respects our club.  He deserves the same back. 


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Whether he is the right man for the job is clearly a debatable point however aside from that I worry a great deal what the future holds if he does go.  Money will not be spent and I see a situation with a lesser manager with the same type of budget.  

Am I enjoying what I am watching? No, I'm not.  I would rather however get behind him than the alternitive I fear.  Granted I do not know what that would be but I have a feeling things could get much worse.

Rangers never ever will be about being second however we never should have been about coming up from the championship, the reality is we did. I suppose if I didn't believe he could achieve 2nd and build from there I might think different however I believe he will.

What I do accept is he could make life easier for himself with a few adjustment to the tactics.  Sometimes in life even when it's not working you have to hold your nerve if you firmly believe it's right and will come good, there is a point however when you need to accept it's not working (for a whole host of potential reasons) it's his challenge to recognise when we have reached the latter.

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