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*** RM Erskine Fund - Mid-Season Review


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First things first - if you're not already an RM Erskine Fund Member, then please join now. 

Membership for the remainder of the Season 2016/2017 costs only a minimum of £10 (or more if you prefer)

That's it.  Pretty cheap, huh?  

PM me to sign up.  213 RM Members have already done just that. 


If you are already an RM Erskine Fund Member, and want to make another donation, then who am I to stand in your way.  Just PM me for donation instructions.


Normally, we'd just give you the link to the RM PayPal page, and ask you to make your donation there, but we're having issues with that PayPal account, hence the need to PM me for alternative payment instructions.  Still pretty straightforward, I just don't want to put the link on a public forum.


Every penny donated gets spent on good causes.  See below for more info on what we spend your money on.


I haven't updated the accounts for a while.  That will need to wait till the PayPal issue is resolved.

But in general terms, we're here...


£5k - previous balance

plus £1300 cash collected since last update

plus a few hundred quid (not sure exactly how much yet) not yet collected from PayPal

minus £2600 spent since last update

Should leave us with a balance of about £4k

But £3k of that is reserved for next season's Erskine and Combat Stress Season Tickets, so really we've got a little over a grand left.

And a fair chunk of that will be needed to pay for the panto tickets we promised, and any upcoming Home Cup ties - oh, and an Argyle Lunch for Erskine Bishopton.

So yeah, we'll be skint pretty soon.

But I'm not too worried at the moment, because I expect that once we get the PayPal issue sorted out, we'll get quite a few spontaneous donations to top up the Funds, and make sure we can meet our chosen obligations. :thumbup:




Anyway, here's a snapshot of what we've spent our money on so far this season...



Wishing Tree Wish 1

12 places on the Waverley Loch Long Cruise  -  paid for by @Taipan



£100 donation to Wee Joshua Adair - the first of several donations to help this wee fella...



2 x Rangers Youth Members Scheme Annual Memberships  for Wee Joshua and his brother - £50

21 Championship Medals bought and donated to Erskine, and 2 to Wee Josh and his brother.  Medal proceeds to Rangers Former Players Benevolent Fund

 2 tickets for the Rangers Legends v Pompey Legends Help For Heroes Charity Match – donated by @jayzer  to Combat Stress, Tyrwhitt House, Surrey.

160 Whisky Miniatures donated once again by @Keeps01 to Erskine for their D-Day Ration Packs. 






Season Tickets:

4 Seats for Combat Stress (2 paid for by @One Jock Wallace , 1 paid for by @offshoreworker , and 1 paid for by All Fund Members

2 Seats for Erskine Park – Paid for by All Fund Members

2 Seats for Erskine Glasgow  - Paid for by All Fund Members

2 seats donated by Rangers FC – for Erskine Park

4 Seats donated independently by Rangers Supporters Trust – for Erskine Bishopton


Although the 4 RST seats were nothing to do with us, we have pledged to pay for those seats for any Home Cup ties that come up.  So for that purpose, we count each of those 4 seats, and the 2 donated by Rangers FC  as “one of our 14 season tickets”


In the League Cup Group Stages for example…





Rangers v Annan Athletic.  19/07/16

Rangers v Stranraer.  25/07/16

14 Smartcards activated for both games = 28 tickets.

Plus 12 additional tickets

Total for the 2 games: 40 tickets

Cost: £260



Rangers v Peterhead – 28 tickets - £280


Rangers v QotS – 18 tickets - £150






Rising Stars – 20 tickets (£40) for each home League game = £720


Rangers Lotto – 6 tickets for 52 weeks = £312



Blankets and Umbrellas for the Veterans…











Fish and Chips at Saltcoats for 12 – paid for by @smidro






Season Ticket Seats donated to Erskine as emergency auction prizes for their Golf Night auction


Plus a Star Prize Shark-tagging experience donated by @East Enclosure Row N


Together these prizes raised over £1000 at their auction.



One for the Ladies…

Billy Elliott – The Musical

Edinburgh Playhouse, 22 September.

4 Veterans, 4 Carers, 1 Driver.  Total Cost: £143.50






Lunch in Palomino’s Restaurant for Erskine Bishopton Residents - £195






Donated £72 to Nith Valley RSC


Then another £15 just as it closed, to round it off…







Ibrox Stadium Tour and Argyle Restaurant Lunch for 12 from Erskine Park Home








They forgot to take a photo of their Argyle Lunch after the tour, but it would have been something like this...





Donations made towards the Rangers Charity Foundation Big Ibrox Sleep Out:  I’m not sure exactly how much, but a big slice of the £2500 raised by the RangersRadio crew was directly from Fund members.






Some more fish and chips…





£500 donated to the Erskine Homes’ Christmas Parties…






That's some of the more notable highlights.  There have also been lots and lots of other news items, like the countless tickets donated to help the Fund, Raffle prizes donated, match ticket bonusball raffles, Championship Medal sales, and of course, the many additional donations made by so many Fund Members.  Without whose continued loyal support, none of this would have happened.


Oh and no need for  "govanblue deserves a medal" - I got one earlier this year from Erskine.  




So that's me sorted for medals.  Let's move on. :thumbup:



Spending - Season 2016/17


  • £1,000.00         4 x S/T - Combat Stress Hollybush House
  • £610                 2 x S/T - Erskine Park Home        
  • £45.00              To Wee Josh from [ ]
  • £570.00            2 x Season Tickets - Erskine Glasgow
  • £140.00            28 smartcard activations - League cup group stage
  • £30.00              3 medals - John [ ] Erskine RIP
  • £10.00              1 'thank you' medal to [ ]
  • £49.00              4 cup tickets v Annan, 4 cup tickets v Stranraer - Erskine Bishopton
  • £10.00              wheelchair ticket v Stranraer
  • £25.00              2 cup tickets v Annan, 2 cup tickets v Stranraer - Hollybush House
  • £90.00              9 medals for Erskine (12 of 21 already paid for by members)
  • £18.00              6 Umbrellas for Eskine
  • £100.00            200 Rangers Clothing Items for Erskine
  • £20.00              20 RFC Rings for Eskine Park
  • £32.50              13 fish suppers for Erskine
  • £55.00              4 smartcard activations & 2 tickets v Peterhead - Combat Stress
  • £44.00              4 smartcard activations v peterhead - erskine Park
  • £43.24              9 blankets for Erskine
  • £56.00              5 smartcard activations (v Peterhead) for Erskine (1 Glasgow, 4 RST)
  • £10.00              1 smartcard activation (v Peterhead) - Erskine Glasgow
  • £12.00              1 wheelchair & 1 Companion ticket (v Peterhead) for Erskine
  • £45.00              4 more tickets v Peterhead - For Erskine Park (Cottages)
  • £45.00              4 more tickets v Peterhead - For Erskine Bishopton
  • £23.00              2 more tickets v Peterhead - For Erskine Glasgow
  • £143.50            9 tickets for Billy Elliot for Erskine
  • £3.00                1 Umbrella for Erskine Glasgow
  • £40.00              20 Rising Stars v Motherwell
  • £7.00                wheelchair ticket v QoS
  • £143.50            14 smartcards v QoS
  • £10.00              10 scratchcards
  • £195.00             Lunch for Erskine Bishopton - Ingliston Country Club
  • £40.00              20 rising stars v Partick
  • £72.00              donation to Nith Valley RSC JustGiving page
  • £80.00              ticket sales donated to Wee Josh
  • £15.00             donation to Nith Valley RSC JustGiving page
  • £90.00              Wee josh - auction pledge
  • £22.00              wheelchair semi final for Erskine
  • £60.00              6 x lotto - weeks 11 to 20
  • £40.00              20 Rising Stars v St Johnstone
  • £100.00            RM Fund donation to RR Ibrox Sleep Out
  • £40.00              20 Rising Stars v Kilmarnock
  • £10.00              RM donation to RR Ibrox Sleep Out
  • £7.69                RM donation to RR Ibrox Sleep Out
  • £149.20            Argyle Lunch for 12 (Erskine Park)
  • £20.00              Argyle waitress tip
  • £20.00              Stadium Tour Guide tip
  • £25.00              Saltcoats Fish & Chips for 10
  • £40.00              20 Rising Stars v Dundee
  • £28.00              lotto - from [ ]’s donation
  • £40.00              rising stars v Aberdeen
  • £51.00              Christmas Chocolates for TO staff, RCF staff, RYDC Staff
  • £500.00            Erskine Christmas Cheques


Total spent this season:







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Brilliant news as always GB.

This is without doubt, one of the most heartwarming feelings that everyone who gives anything to the fund can feel, as they can make a slight difference to someone less fortunate, but more deserving than anyone of us.


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14 hours ago, Big Al II said:

:rofl: thank fuck your connection didnt die as you clicked create

I've learned over the years (the hard way) to write the big posts in MS Word first!


(Raffle tickets now on sale btw...http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/topic/302501-the-big-raffle-advance-ticket-reservations-here/?do=findComment&comment=1063696146 )



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15 hours ago, Keeps01 said:


Brilliant news as always GB.

This is without doubt, one of the most heartwarming feelings that everyone who gives anything to the fund can feel, as they can make a slight difference to someone less fortunate, but more deserving than anyone of us.


The folk I deal with at Erskine are constantly telling me how much they appreciate our unique brand of support, and how much of a significant difference our targeted efforts make.  Imagine a ration pack without one of the traditional Keeps01 D-Day Ration Pack Bottles for example...



Or imagine Erskine Park having to borrow a Santa suit again!! 

Or imagine the Sporting Reminiscence Room without a TV to watch The Rangers on...



 Or Ibrox without Erskine Veterans...








Or Erskine Veterans without Ibrox...





Doesn't Bear thinking about, eh?  :rangers:


PS.  Did you know we're running a raffle for Wee Joshua...





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15 hours ago, scottyscott1963 said:


What a guy and right to the last penny:winnings:

Once we get the PayPal figures, I'll know the exact current balance, and let you all know.


In the meantime, you can now buy your reserved raffle tickets for the Wee Josh Raffle...






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42 minutes ago, East Enclosure Row N said:

Golden rule when you are dealing with other people's money is to be entirely transparent with accounting - but this goes above and beyond the call. Well done mate :-)


Ach, it's easy as long as I remember to add everything to the spreadsheet.

Speaking of transparency.  Did you know we're running a raffle for Wee Josh?...



Reserved ticket list...




Raffle Prizes list...



How to Purchase the tickets...




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