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Milan or Forfar?


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OVer paid over pampered footballers, or rough as badger's arse footballers?

I would go to the two of them if i could get a forfor ticket but cant get one for them

but going to ac milan one anyway

I will go to every Rangers game I can get to

fair point mate

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Forfar. Too sit on my hands and watch a meaningless tie, against a bunch of multi-millionaires, while Murray takes us for all we've got. Or, a cup tie in a proper football ground and no doubt will be a cracking atmosphere. There's no contest.

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Scottish cup means fuck all so Milan for me.

Although standing on terracing at Station park beats sitting down anywhere so Forfar for me

The chance to win a trophy to add to our vast collection, as the most successful football club in the world means nothing to you? Yet a training match against AC Milan means more? That's some logic that.

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Scottish cup means fuck all so Milan for me.

Although standing on terracing at Station park beats sitting down anywhere so Forfar for me

:lol: Scottish Cup means fuck all???? Exactly how does that work?

Ac Milan means absolutely fuckall.

I'm going to the game on wed, not out of choice though, only reason I'm going is to help with the bus as we have 52 tickets to give out. :anguish:

I'll be going to Forfar and looking forward to it as it will be a great day out.

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