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Everything posted by Jasper

  1. Aiden McGeady will long live to be my most hated player in football. A true turncoat. I despise him, and because of his and Mccarthys actions I have an unnatural hatred of Ireland. Im having to stsy in tonight, on a saturday, cause I know if I was to go out I would kill somebody
  2. Another reason we wont be relegated from the SP(hel)L. Soon as were out the yanks pull the plug
  3. He was one of our top earners? No wonder were in the state were in
  4. Well these charity matches are usually just a one off so I dont think he would have got banned
  5. Is that the real Barrymore? I thought he was dead?
  6. fuck you celtic we'll never walk away is fucking brutal. I was cringeing when it was gettin sung vs Hearts
  7. Arsenal are a shite team, Wenger is a shite manager. Perfect for each other
  8. Im fucking gobsmacked at how many people are saying he didnt do anything wrong for the penalty. It would have been disgracefu if the ref DIDNT give the penalty. Goian tried to wrestle the hearts playr to the ground. For a split second I thought I was watching the wwf
  9. Are you fucking mental? It was an obvious penalty
  10. Wow. Its literally just hit me, but I agree with your post. Edu, while he has a pass mark for this season, is still a poor football and deserves to go. Broadfoot is a liability. A decent game vs killie the other week does not make up for being an atrocious defender. Mcculloch is fucking useless and a couple of goals does not disguise the fact he is the worst player in our squad. Goian, even though I thought he was amazing when he first joined, makes me cry when I watch him play and his penalty incident yesterday was fucking horrendous (just now is the first time ive logged on since the match, will be interssting t see other peoples views of this) Whittaker is a fucking wanker and is probably the only rangers player I have ever hated. The way he held our club to rsnsom in the summer is fucking disgraceful and the fact he is a woeful excuse for a footballer makes it all the more painful. He should be the first cunt kicked out. A clear out is exactly what the club needs. Theres some amount of deadwood in the squad that are robbing us of a wage.
  11. Vegetarians are scum and dont deserve any options at ibrox
  12. Id love to nail that tart in your avatar
  13. Thats surely a mistake? Theyve only played 24 games!
  14. Milan should cover the costs of the match. After all, when would they get another chance to play at Ibrox?
  15. Concession tickets cover 16 and 17yr olds (or at least they used to) aswell as the over 65's. Dont think there was ever a student discount.
  16. Davis is the first player I would drop
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