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Everything posted by KeepBelieving1872

  1. These folk are complete idiots. All it's going to do is be associated with Rangers and make people feel sorry for Celtic. Such fecking idiots I can't believe it. Celtic folk ridiculously think they've been persecuted since the Dawn of time and this only gives them ammunition... It also gives them the everyone is against us mentality and will only help in pulling them together like the very best managers achieve like Mourinho and Ferguson. Absolutely raging that people stoop to this level... and it doesn't help Rangers in any way whatsoever. Disgrace.
  2. Songs that are part of our heritage can be pro our heritage. They don't have to be against other people's heritage. That seems to be where the problem lies so I will refrain from singing those songs. Certain fans would do well to remember that any foundations our club have been built on will not be useful if fans can't attend matches and the club has to pay fines continually.
  3. Yeah I know what you mean. Hopefully Diouf will learn to release his passes quicker etc as well, I think we need to attack at pace and sometimes Diouf slows play down.
  4. Yeah it disappoints me when there is such a lack of respect to the fans who think about consequences for the club of certain actions from the other fans and vice versa.
  5. Until we hear I won't sing the songs that I think people might be finding offensive. Not an issue for me not singing these songs. I go to home and away games to watch Rangers not because I get to sing specific songs. I'll sing the songs I know aren't offensive.
  6. Jumping the gun, nah not really given there are 2 outstanding uefa cases and police are allegedly sitting amongst old firm fans next week.
  7. I'm sure we'll be finding out soon what ones are deemed offensive. We'll find out through uefa's judgement and maybe even the police prior to next weekend. Once we do find out, I'll definitely not be singing them no matter whether i agree or not. Don't want my club being fined and want to help the clubs fans being banned from going to games.
  8. I agree with you on the point that there are too many bawbags in our support.
  9. Hopefully rid us of the fans who are so determined to voice the opinions through songs which harm the club and rid us of the fans who can't accept fans who don't like us singing those songs.
  10. Maybe uefa will decide for us by stopping us from attending matches if the general feeling in this thread is anything to go by. And then the SFA will be pushed into action as well, and where will that lead the club?
  11. Spot on. Stop singing songs which damage the club.... it shouldn't matter whether you agree with them or not as one thing is clear. They WILL damage the club if the singing continues. These folk who post on here saying we need to stand up blah blah blah need to get a reality check themselves. "standing up" will do nothing as it's clear we'll alwas get fined/banned. They should stop singing it at the football and sing it in their own homes if they need to sing it so much.
  12. Mark McGhee was also on the show tonight, he talked a lot of sense. Mentioned Rangers efforts against sectarianism and didn't agree with the creep that the club should be doing more. Also didn't have a problem with the Bougherra decision even when compared to Lennon's ban 5 years ago. He said you have to take each incident on it's own merits and accept that it depends how the players actions came across at the time. Lennon and his QC should listen to some of the things he has to say!
  13. Last 3 games - 3 wins 7 matches to go as Rangers manager - 7 wins End Result - 10 in a row and league champions Bring it on Walter!!!
  14. Exactly. Blame culture for everything. No doubt Rangers have been run badly, but in relation to this issue how does anyone know what happened? For a start our accounts have been audited and Grant Thornton didn't appear to have an issue with it. And a 3 million creditor not provided would not have been acceptable to auditors for a business the size of Rangers.
  15. I'm worried he comes back from injury and is then hit with a ban for the Celtic park incident... there not playing many games at all between now and the end of the season.
  16. To be honest even with some poor performances he is a better option than Beattie. Beattie would offer nothing to our static, slow, uncreative play. At least Diouf gives us some movement even if he hasn't really performed well yet.
  17. Thanks My point is that he is clearly a good player but has had the time to improve where he does not have the same expectations as Fleck.
  18. Fleck hasn't really performed and at Rangers you are not going to get the time to slowly develop and gain confidence. How old is Kris Commons? He seems to have been around for a while and i'm only really beginning to notice his ability. Maybe that's my lack of knowledge about lower league English football. However he's been at derby and Notts Forest... teams in the lower league where there is less pressure. He has had the time to slowly improve and gain confidence. Maybe the best thing is for Fleck to go out on loan despite our small squad. Give him 6 months next season at a Championship/League 1 team with regular football playing behind the strikers.
  19. I don't like the guys articles never have, but part of me wondered if it was just cos I was a Rangers fan and didn't like what he had to say.... as he always criticised us. However I listened to Clyde 1 tonight for 20 mins and heard him say "bougherra and Diouf were both stopping the ref from lifting the red card"!!! Now what Bougie did was crazy and could result in a ban, but at no point did Diouf help him hold the refs hand!! Quite simply Diouf was actually trying to take Bougie hand off the refs!! HE obviously simply sees what he wants to see and there is no more proof than that. He doesn't like anything Rangers so chooses to point the finger at every opportunity. I actually can't believe he watched that incident and assumes that Diouf was holding down the refs hand. I know I am biased but that is crazy.
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