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Everything posted by toolongawake

  1. indeed, no doubts if he'd been playing in the vogts era he'd have been capped several times
  2. unusual for a home game against aberdeen to not sell out
  3. saw training footage earlier on ssn, looks like thomas kind bendiksson (sp?) was training with the first team, anybody seen him play?
  4. if he were to sign another years contract and be used largely as back up and to help the tounger guys through the ranks i'd be happy enough, but i can see watty starting him damn near everygame next season
  5. nice to see edu getting a start, very attacking bench, stevie smith got an injury?
  6. still no answer as to whether these will be available for people who wont be at the game?
  7. agreed. whether its mcgregor or alexander, i believe one of them will leave in the summer, whether its shagger for the money, or alexander coz he doesn't want to be second choice anymore, i cant see us having both on the book next season
  8. bbc scotland reporting it as a shin injury, nothing major, withdrawn from scotland squad
  9. gazz bronckhorst and boumsong? all those guys did choose to leave
  10. he had plenty chances and showed very little to suggest he was good enough
  11. hopefully more in depth details of the meeting will be made public by the rangers supporters assembly because i can't help but think the official site may be putting a positive spin on the meeting. hopefully it will answer some questions though
  12. this rumours being run by the record too, not saying its gonna happen as it has no quotes or sources, but in fairness why wouldn't they have a scout at the african nations cup, where bougherra did perform very well
  13. The elation I experienced after that goal was sheer bliss
  14. bloody lazy cunt lafferty, get yer feet off the ground
  15. He signed a two year contract in June 2008. so his deal ends in the summer? here's hoping for a renewal for the boy
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