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Everything posted by mclovin9091

  1. I agree that its stupid to have such a large segregation but putting them up in the rear isn't (IMO) the best alternative, slightly harder to police, segregation will still be the same amount plus there the opportunity to "drop" throw things below. My solution would be to install high fences, therefore reducing the need for a large segregation area (maybe a couple of columns instead of the 10 or so it is now) and wanker police presence. Granted this wouldn't work when teams bring large support but for the majority of games it would be adequate.
  2. Yeah seen that site. I'm all for the slow and steady approach, just wanted to be clear on the bets used.
  3. Yeah the 6/1 offer was too good to turn down especially with the bet returned if a draw or AV win. Its free bets in the bank for later Only £24 from the 3 free bets? or just the one.
  4. Well i'm £32.18 in the hole as it stands. Betting on AV v Leicester tomorrow. £10 @ Bet Fair on Leicester to win. Offer of 6/1 returned in free bets, if draw or loss then £10 returned. £10 on PP for Leicester to win. Offer giving 3x £10 bets for depositing £10, result matched with... £12.18 @ Bet Fair on the lay. Where have i gone wrong??? Surely its not as simple as following the guide that JBJ linked to.
  5. 6ft 5in and knows where the goal is...Can he play up front? Can't see him not getting game time, wouldn't exactly be fair for him to really show what he's capable of only in training. Get played in the cup games? Hopefully he can command is box better than Wes
  6. Aye fucking better be scoring a hat-trick each game he starts, or he can fuck off. Not sure i'm liking this...getting guys signed on the 1st day of the transfer window??? The fuck is that all about. Prior planning?
  7. We're still shoehorning guys into positions. Aird at Rb but never given a chance has me confused as i always thought he was decent Aird on one wing with McKay on the other was how i thought we'd have started the season, had we been unable to get others in. Waghorn being played up top,on his own, then moved wide to accommodate a substitution. Miller playing(being given???) a free role at times. Many a time we have had the ball out wide and neither Miller nor waggy are in the box because they have came short or pushed out wide. Shiels as a DM no fucking chance. Moving Ball from CB to DM no chance either as that means Wilson would have to play need to pull his finger oot his arse and have some decent games. A natural experienced DM and a poacher OR target man to win some headers in the box and from corners is IMO a priority in the new year.
  8. For those taking the piss, fair enough i don't mind being mocked but are you trying to say that having a home game provides no advantage either? or a large section of your support booing/jeering you or the team doesn't have a negative impact on performance. Anyway i'm still sure that we need to start smashing teams (by goals not possession), Hibs would be a nice game to get things back on track.
  9. Its not the players fault, Its not the fans fault. Just had a though while watching MOTD 2 extra with them talking about how Van Gall is having a howler having spent £250M not won in the last 6 but the fans got on Moyes back quicker and how the fans like to see entertaining football. Is it just down to the good old fear factor that we are dropping points? Teams are no longer (haven't been for years granted) scared of playing the mighty Rangers, there's no dread of walking out on the same pitch as us, even in the 90s we didn't do that well in Europe, could it just be that the European teams while respecting us just didn't fear us. Even more recently even the "diddy" teams managed to somehow get results against us (and "them") despite us knowing that our players were better. Even something simple as "Simply the best" being played before each game was a wee reminder to the away teams that we were better than them. Apply the same logic to any big team that has had a down turn in form, especially Man U, is it just that simple? Is half the battle the mind games? Will we ever get that back?
  10. Ball seems to be the best CB we have. Although today wilson was pish, Tavs should have been yanked 10 mins into the 2nd half for Aird, beginning to think that Tav is the shittest defender at the club, going forward not an issue but if you can't do your primary job then theres fuck all point in being good at something else.
  11. The only crime is that fucking beard he's trying to grow. The "joke" was a bit harsh but hopefully it'll be an apology and that be the end of it.
  12. Before or after he blootered the ball off the ball boy? Jack as fuck but It had me in stitches.
  13. Oh the fucking irony. Administration looming for former Celtic manager Neil Lennon as Bolton slapped with winding-up order from HMRC 17:13, 10 DEC 2015 UPDATED 17:36, 10 DEC 2015 BY RECORD SPORT ONLINE THE TROTTERS' financial woes have been known for some time but Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs have accelerated their turmoil by demanding payment now. SHARES 6 COMMENTS JS73878308.jpg Neil Lennon BOLTON WANDERERS have been served with a winding-up order from the taxman over an unpaid bill due last month. Managed by former Celtic boss Neil Lennon, Wanderers' alarming financial crisis has deteriorated rapidly over the past few weeks after it was revealed they had failed to pay their players for November, and now HMRC has rejected requests from them to be given more time to conclude a sale. Bolton had hoped they could conclude a takeover this week after drafting in financial advisor Trevor Birch to help long-time owner Eddie Davies, who is willing to wipe out £185million of loans owed to him and sell the club. ADVERTISING However, with discussions still ongoing, HMRC has now acted to call in unpaid PAYE and VAT for the month of November. Ryan Browne/PA Wire Things haven't been easy for Neil Lennon at Bolton It raises the possibility of administration for Lennon's bottom-of-the-table side, who would have their entire total wiped out if they were to incur the 12-point deduction. A statement on the club's official website read: "Bolton Wanderers can confirm that the club has now received a winding-up petition from HMRC in respect of unpaid PAYE and VAT for the month of November. "Despite requests from the club to HMRC to give it further time to either conclude a sale or raise additional funds, HMRC has proceeded with due process and duly served a petition." Birch added: "Quite clearly the club remains in a critical financial position. "We will continue to try and finalise a sale or alternatively raise some short-term funds needed to give the club a breathing space and time in which to consider its options." Wanderers have been in discussions with a handful of interested parties since Birch was brought on board last month, including a consortium headed by former striker Dean Holdsworth, which has financial support from local boxer Amir Khan. But the club remains in limbo until a suitable buyer can be found because Davies has turned the tap off on his own financial support. Action Images via Reuters / Graham Stuart Former Celtic manager and Bolton Wanderers boss Neil Lennon at Celtic Park Bolton remain hopeful administration can still be avoided because it will almost certainly consign them to the third tier next year, but they may have to offload promising youngster Zach Clough and midfielder Mark Davies, which would leave Lennon with a threadbare squad anyway. Wanderers do own the Macron Stadium, the Whites Hotel that is a part of that ground and their academy and training ground and Birch, who has worked in bleak situations at the likes of Leeds and Portsmouth previously, may have to get creative to raise funds over the coming weeks. Speaking about the possibility of going into administration at his Thursday morning press conference, Lennon said: "Trevor has a few plans in place to avoid that scenario. "That may mean doing things around the stadium in terms of selling bits off, I don't know. He's confident that he can avoid that. "That would mean we would be a League One team and we're just fulfilling fixtures for the rest of the season. What we need is someone to come up with the money, help the club out and just get us through a difficult period to January. "What we may have to do in January is sell some assets in terms of the football side of things as well. But if that means getting the club through stormy waters that's what we'll have to do."
  14. Just seen this on sky news, fucking shit but leaves you wondering why?
  15. Would rather aluko back over Naismith. Simply for the attitude Sone has, ffs how many players do you know that would scrape money together to come and play for us? That other cunt wouldn't.
  16. LOL, "Can i have some of yer dosh you obsessed cunts because i canny get a paper to pay me, im that shite." I get that freelance normally means stumping up your own cash and then selling the story but clearly hes not that keen on reaching into his own pocket, maybe GCC could pay him? Or the ever charitable scum could feed him for the month seen as they don't waste any food.
  17. I'm surprised that Rangers haven't came out and said prior to ANY conference be it for MW or a player "If any of you daft cunts asks again about links to another job opening, you'll be banned" Or words in a more appropriate English manner. Especially with the constant pish about transfers as well. I'd also like to think that he wouldn't be put off by these twats but it could get to the stage where its a constant hassle having to talk to them but on the flip side i suppose he doesn't need to spend much time worrying/thinking about answers to different questions, due to the majority all brining about the same answer.
  18. Did anyone else think there was a wee sly dig at lemmon after a couple of mins "you don't lose 10 games and get linked with jobs"???
  19. Hopefully that'll change once were back playing euro football and the pish with SD has been fucked off. Glory hunting maybe, but thats what mosts kids are doing now, hence the abundance of man u, city, chelsea, barca and real tops.
  20. Hopefully in the interest of balance he'll take the oppertunity to wite about the actions of the scum 18 months prior to the MoJo signing with regards to Mark Walters???
  21. Well if the rest of the timmys just admitted that they only supported the scum because they got to see us play 4-6 times a year then yes we would need to rebuild Ibrox and accommodate 75k+ fans. After all thier attendances have been steadily dropping over the last few years due to our absence, yet the average attendance for teams playing us have increased, now in my opinion thats not the locals getting behind thier team thats the scum "fans" moving stadium to come and continue to see us play. If the shoe was on the other foot and they had been papped down to the third div, would they have seen an increase in support??? Would they even be here now???
  22. No point in creating more seats. Bigger doesn't mean richer, Bigger means more maintenace costs. Look at the scum this year they are maintaining a 60k seater stadium with the funding from 40k(alledged season tickets) and a few thousand more tickets sold on matchday + euro money + spl money + sponsors etc. average attendance really is about what 30k??? We are maintaing a 51K seater stadium with a 45k average attendance. As a percentage of capacity we do far better than they do and therefore would be better off financially for it if we were in europe and could draw higher sponsorships. The only reason i see us needing more seats is in a British/English league.
  23. Regardless of who the teams are: How fucking sad is it that people (person) fell the need to complain about something as shitty and petty as this. I mean FFS im sure it had nothing to do with branding or image rights when the badges were designed, its clubs wanting to show that they are from this fucking country. If we didn't tell them to fuck off all we would have to do is rotate the lion 90 degrees to the right and say that we are showing our support to Britain and have one lion on our shirt.
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