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Everything posted by mclovin9091

  1. As many of us said 3 year ago, trust the kids. If we played too many kids in the one game wed probably get punished for fielding a weaker team...regardless of the result.
  2. I took my kid to his 1st game when he was 4 and just made it to half time then we left. Personally I wasn't bothered as it was a Dartford v someone game (always been brought up to support tour local team) as he was born in Dartford. His 1st Rangers game was when he was 7 and a half (perks of being posted to Cyprus for 2 years) lasted the game but wasn't and hasn't been interested in football or sports at all. His 2nd match was to see me walk out at half time on the 10/11/12 and crack the bouncy out in front of almost 50k fans. He liked that and joined in but not the football. It is quite awkward because taking your son to the fitbaw is one of those things that a father does and football plays a big part in my life as I also play Sunday league from Apr-Sep/Oct. Although I am trying to get him into golf.
  3. Only one for me was Larsson. Was loving it when he snapped his leg (coincidentally I broke mine in the same place several years later, perhaps karama) but I was fucking gutted when he came back.
  4. 82 goals scored. All from 40 yards or more.
  5. I'm not worried. However a lot of people are overlooking the reason why MW left and why the team were so successful. MW didnt/couldn't adapt to the statistical way the chairman was going that why he left. The reason the club done so well was because of the statistical analysis. That does worry me. We think we're getting someone else.
  6. Nope bought the Orange Fernando top instead.
  7. No we need coaches, not people who might be good coaches in a couple of years time. IMO A club like Rangers should not be where a coach starts, he should try his luck, gain experience elsewhere then come to/ be approached by us.
  8. OP! Got some bad news for you. Super Ally retired a few "days" ago. I think he's looking at getting into coaching.
  9. Neil Dungcaster (has had a) Childs Dick 67 (times in his hands)???
  10. Clarks shite, if it was just his 1st touch then that could easily be worked on but he can't play in front of big crowds and theres no way he'd be any good up top on his own or leading a forward 3. We need a new 1st choice striker.
  11. Just wait till FM2016 comes out. Simple.
  12. Agree with preacher, we need someone experienced who knows how to drag that extra 10% of effort out of the guys in the last 15-20 mins of every game.
  13. Would have rather kept a hold of Scott Still dont understand why we let him go and kept Simonsen.
  14. Don't see how this is funny, regardless of who the "joke" is on.
  15. Lets hope they bring their birds across with them in all
  16. There's far too many teams and leagues in Scotland. Teams need to merge to create larger crowds, increase revenue, reduce operating costs among others. Obviously there are certain teams that won't go together I.e. Hearts and Hibs but there are other teams they can join with to increase their attendance's to IRO 15,000. That in its self may be a problem being that on average last year there was less than 200,000 going to the football with us and the scum accounting for 75k of them. That would mean I'd be looking at having no more than 8 other teams in ONE Scottish league. Scotland cannot support so many teams, we just don't have the population.
  17. Be good for some of the English u21s to come up here (even on loan) to get some experience.
  18. Thought he was over watching the U21s. So hoping that he'll have a few names ready to sign for us. He won't need to check out the older guys he is thinking of bringing in as he's probably already looked at them prior to coming here. Give him time.
  19. Naw there was a guy(maybe still is) up in the club deck that had 'space cadet' on his shirt :D
  20. Do they not go onto weekly rolling contracts until released, resigned or approached from another club? Hopefully they all fuck off.
  21. Only bit of truth; "Supporters and shareholders at clubs surely have a right to know that the national association is taking decisions that treat all clubs equally and certainly does not disadvantage any club in financial terms to benefit another." Only problem for that thundercunt is that it is us that has been screwed over.
  22. I thought he was right footed as well. Last time i seen him play in person was against Forres Mechanics a couple of years ago and he didn't look out of place then. Hopefully he will get a chance for the play offs. For next season i'd have him and McGregor at CB.
  23. Either or, i suppose. Can't say a player is pish then admit that it was because he was played out of position. That reasoning could be used for Jig, after all he is a striker. As for not getting a game when on loan, that means fuck all, we've got 4 of them that won't be playing(unless we are saving the for the playoffs/???), perhaps Morton got him in "just in case" rather than he's better than what they have.
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