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Everything posted by Steelee66

  1. but...... Clicked the filmon.com link at the bottom of this page by mistake. Not a bad site. Especially the bikini tee vee channel
  2. Same here mate. We might have the same bet. Freiburg, Zaragoza, brugge, Seville. £4 = £38.66 Mind you, I'll only break even today. Lady Ibrox, Close but no cigar eh.,
  3. I quite like the 2-8-8-8-8-8 idea myself. Rangers and Queens Park in Div1 of course
  4. Aye, just noticed that. cheers mate
  5. Fuck, wish i'd known it was running. Ive won a few bob on Lady Ibrox before. just noticed its running today. Might be worth an e/w punt.
  6. "The SPL clubs will get the TV money they badly desire". Stopped reading here. We dont need reconstruction, our enemies do.
  7. Wouldn't be surprised if true. Wasn't he the wanker who claimed his family had death threats from Rangers fans when it turned out that they hadn't. His fat chairman was particularly vocal around that time and seemed to want us dead.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if he was. Or at least Pro Walter camp. Remember the report of him, Walter and David Murray having a meeting in an Edinburgh Restaurant a few months ago. Maybe it was Walter who pulled the strings to get him his current role.
  9. Hope he turns up at Ibrox for first home game next season. He would get a tremendous reception. Thank you for leading us out of those dark days Charles.
  10. I take it you're a fan of the long punt up the park to our lone striker then? There were a lot of good ideas in that document that most bears would be very happy to see brought in. Cost cutting, bringing through quality youths, building up a healthy bank balance to name a few. How many times have you read in here that we dont need to spend millions and pay 15k a week to win these lower leagues?
  11. BBC should not have been banned for this, they should have been banned for a multitude of other reasons over the past year. It would seem though that the current board are really pissed off at the fact that, we fans have been allowed to hear about the exciting forward thinking plans that Charlie and Imran had for the club, Whether they would have panned out that way or not, the document showed some very good ideas and would have been great to see implemented, even is some of the names mooted re. director of football may have been a bit optimistic. I wouldn't be surprised is the only future plans Walters camp had at the moment, was how to sneak bain, paul murray and a few other "Rangers men" back in through the backdoor while keeping season ticket sales going.
  12. If the SFL1 clubs have resigned, and this doesn't happen, where do the go? Unresign? They should be the new 3rd division surely. SFL 2 would become SFL1
  13. If whyte has 200k, i'd rather it was squeezed outa him by ticketus. Fuck the SFA, They'd only use it to keep the spl afloat, or fund some legal witch hunt against us.
  14. Great post D'Art. Not to worry guys. Alec Salmond and his gestapo party are heading for such an embarassment, it will seem like they have slithered down the nearest drain never to be seen or heard again. Their successors will surely learn a vital lesson. Don't alienate 75% ...ish of the voting public.
  15. Just saw a story in one of the rhags today about this. That fat greedy bastard Dingwall's balloon face on there as well. If him and his like didn't have an agenda AGAINST our club, nothing the mhedia printed over the last cpl of months would have mattered a fuck. Real Rangers fans SHOULD launch a fightback, to get this self inflated leech punted as far away from our support as possible. He is a million times more trouble than he is worth.
  16. Some people just cant admit that they got it wrong and that Green isn't satan and whyte has fuck all to do with Rangers. We let the apologists and hand wringers throw out our best asset.
  17. Heres one that will be a big hit on FF. Charles Green is an anagram of Rangers Leech. (although he isn't) Where as Walter Smith is an anagram of Warm the Slit
  18. LOL. Fuckin Craig Whyte!! The more I hear about this halfwits downfall, the more I know i'm gonny enjoy telling my grandkids in 10 or 15 years that the team they love so much and are currently watching winning the champions league, was almost stomped into the ground by this comedian with the googly eyes. Note to admin....if we cant get shifty eyes back, can we get a pair of them funny googly ones please?
  19. Its time to let our attack dogs loose on these corrupt cunts........ GO GET EM WALTER !!
  20. Kenny Shiels is bang on. Lennon is obviously raging that he, or his mhanky club/players wasn't GIVEN yet another prize. He must surely see that by not nominating any celic players, their fellow pro's are showing just how little they value anything they have done this season. Tainted title lennon? Of course it is
  21. They cant ask those questions, because Ally would just ask them how many titles they have won.
  22. Switch off lights and use energy efficient bulbs
  23. FF Stormtroopers Whenever I hear that I think of these clowns. The Illinois Nazi Party from The Blues Brothers.
  24. It wont cost them fuck all to fix if they dont need it
  25. I certainly Wouldn't be calling for any season ticket boycotts or throwing jaffa cakes out ma pram if this happened.
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