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Everything posted by laudrupno1

  1. apparently mcgreety took the huff bcos septic sold his boyfriend roly poley to fiorentina
  2. i dont care if its only a pre-season friendly,septic gettin pumped makes my day!!
  3. same sh*t on skysports all day nothin new yet
  4. at least were gettin sumthin to talk about player wise we've only been waitin 2yrs for sum signin speculation
  5. not much u can do if ur club accepts a bid for u just ask hutton
  6. laudrupno1


    blu-ray is the new mini-disc
  7. i prefer the away one had the red n white striped one afew yrs ago too
  8. i can see why bullard wants to play for us,id rather play for the champions too
  9. to be honest it depends on what strip as sum strips arents suited to long sleeves,my mate always buys long sleeves but its nothin to do with likin them its to cover up his ex burds name on his forearm
  10. as long as i see afew goals i'll be happy dont giv 2fcuks who wins
  11. he only got the job cos nobody else wanted it he'll be out by xmas
  12. easy to blame the ball good players can play with any type of ball i love the one excuse that the ball is too round lets bring out a f**kin rugby ball then and everythin will be great argentina looked good & we have still to see spain brazil etc so think the wc will get better once the 1st rounds by with
  13. if u find 1 mate let me kno so i can put it into my cyber satnav
  14. maybe its a special edition record with pi$h about rangers from front page to the back page
  15. i believe it to be roly mole from cbeebies
  16. i dont kno any gers fans who like support city or kno of a link between the clubs
  17. top 10 for me if he had won a euro trophy then woulda been top5
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