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Everything posted by Spectre

  1. 4 new centre backs with Kiernan and Wilson sold.
  2. I got a slightly higher number of 0.15% (ok that's actually hugely different from your number) working on the assumption that it's the same fans attending every game but even then that's a tiny percentage of the fan base and the headline figure is 99.85% of Rangers fans have not been charged under this act, yet this tiny figure will again be used to demonise us.
  3. I think it's probably because he isn't the most versatile in terms of positions and I don't think we've played a formation much that actually includes his type of role.
  4. Naw ye didn'y. Asked for an 0141 number but got an 0371, that's bollocks
  5. Its interesting to know that they are willing to print something as long as 3 different people say it's true. On this basis presumably they'll have a contradictory article up soon about how some police were just sat in their vans having a chuckle, no sirens, parked up given thousands of bears could attest to this.
  6. Aye, it's up there with parents using their children as human bollards
  7. It's obvious from the comments that so few people actually read beyond the headline before jumping on the comments. There is nothing wrong with what he said at all but it is at complete odds with the priorities of our government and police who seem to treat actual violence as less serious than a bad word or a threat of violence
  8. I said at the time, despite what could be seen around us "They'll spin this to be our fault" and here we are, I'm sure over the next few days the narrative will change further to absolve Hibs fans of any blame and make it all the big bad Rangers again.
  9. History tells us that when the police fail they lie and blame others rather than accept responsibility for their mistakes, and they make sure the media tells their version of events over any other also.
  10. It's standard for a first offence to defer sentence for social work reports
  11. Ha, of course, that's one thing but that applies to anyone, whether they are a Hibs fan, a Celtic fan or a Man united fan up for the day. Just not sure the fact they are Celtic fans is of any relevance in terms of a rule breach
  12. Whilst I think anyone going to watch another team playing their rival is off their head obsessed am I missing something here? Are people not allowed to attend other games? I'm certainly not defending those that did this and I can't imagine ever going to watch Celtic v Hearts for example but I'm just not sure anything could be done about it or that they've done anything wrong. If there is some breached rule I'm sure someone will shut me up quickly but.
  13. Why is it that so many of these youtube wanks sound the exact same?
  14. Will put cigarettes out in eyes for fun up here
  15. We've passed the deadline for registering players to play this season anyway
  16. Hopefully the Bristol interest is real as with the other two Wed probably end up paying a fair chunk of his wages
  17. Copyrighting is something that happens automatically by creating something original. It's a shitty move going straight for a strike and I'd think most people would send a message either asking for it to be removed or asking for credit to be given so the complainer is still a dick in my book anyway Ages because you've removed the guys content?
  18. The interview question should simply be, "what role would you use Scott Brown in in your scotland team?"
  19. The quoted article seems to be implying they may be covered if it is suggested it gives him influence over the club, seems a stretch but
  20. You can guarantee if an ordinary employee posted pictures of them boozing on the job (even if working from home) with emails marked official sensitive on display they'd not be working there anymore.
  21. Again though he was employed by a completely different organisation, even if it was different back then. The guy's job was literally nothing to do with HMRC he just worked in an office in the same town as an HMRC office.
  22. Like most journalists he's a lying bastard that struggles to remember his previous lies so contradicts them
  23. Maybe I misread, but isn't it saying he left about 16 years ago? I'd expect some system changes since then or at the very least his access removed. I'm sure there's a long list of beasts with current access much more likely to be the leak.
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