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Everything posted by THE_Ibrox_Preacher

  1. Alexandrakollontai pulled me into the 4.55 but Exoplanet Blue looks best and overpriced @ 7/2. Should have stuck with my instincts as Alexandrakollantai wins. Rage.
  2. Rhebel EXCLUSIVE - "After Rangers keeper Wes Foderingham had his cunt kicked in by a mob of half a dozen Hibernian Heros, the Ibrox #1 retaliated with a rousing but harmful, beyond actual violence, rendition of the shameful bigot song 'The Billy Boys' (1690 is the year of The Battle Of The Boyne). All 6 Hibs fans upon hearing this backed the fuck off in an attempt to avoid serious injury before ultimately hitting the deck and frothing at the mouth in pain. SFA supreemo Stewart Regan says Hibs supporters could perhaps be accused of getting a bit rowdy but that it's absolutely no excuse for the deeply offensive lyrics spewed by the shot-stopping colossus. Police Scotland Chief Superintendent Kenny MacDonald said that "a full investigation is underway to establish specifically which of the offensive lyrics and words were swung about like a samurai by H** Foderingham"; he then went reassuringly further to state that if anyone who may feel a bit Republican or who has ever celebrated St Patrick's day, can phone the confidential helpline that's just been set up to help those affected. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says these scenes could spark another referendum and condemned the brutal use of cutting words (like a KNIFE) saying 'I trust that when the independent report written by us comes out it'll give the English keeper another black eye to go with the one he's got and give him a gentle reminder to fuck off back to England where he belongs' but she did go on to say that if Wes wished to make an asylum claim she would support him 'absolutely 100%'. SNP Minister of Transport Humza Yousaf flexed his powers earlier today to arrange a flight for Sinn Fein members to come over and see for themselves the damage left to the stadium caused by the Rangers man-wall's verbal tirade, he stated that it's imperative that if Scotland is to become an independent-from-England,-Wales-and-Northern-Ireland-only-country, when the accounts look worse than Celtic fans calculations of Rangers tax-bill, then it was important to seize upon any opportunity to rewrite history and portray the minority peoples of Scotland as being the oppressed majority and as such Sinn Fein would surely be invaluable in this regard.
  3. Things that should be asked when there is accusations of "mob rule" outside the ground by Rangers fans; Were riot police or any other special/tactical response deployed to deal with this? If not, why not? Were the police underprepared/ill-equipped to deal with this situation? If so why was this? How many arrests were made during this "mob rule"? What were these arrests for? What charges have been made? How many reports of criminal damage were made as a result? What is the value of the damage? Any injuries to people reported? If so what were they? Where is the video evidence?...I assume that in the the country with the most CCTV per head of population in the world, that the stadium, street, shops, police vehicles etc. etc. all captured it and subsequently there is undeniable proof? It reeks of an ill-thought-through excuse to deflect from the goings on inside the stadium and the unprepared/inadequate police response to it. A "paranoid" person would be forgiven in thinking it was also to lay blame at the Rangers support in a country where that has been both fashionable and publically supported for years now.
  4. Today's front and back page of the Record is an advert for SCS (sofas), make of that what you will as to their direction as a publication.
  5. How long did it take to tear that square to follow her hairline?
  6. Just to address the topic title - it's not that we are hated more now than before demotion perse, it's that those that hate us on some level on the scale now smell blood and are upping it in the hope they see our permanent demise/destruction.
  7. Speaking with other Rangers men and we were talking about cutting out the debatably offensive lyrics/songs and how the authorities won't give a definitive list etc etc (few seasons back). During this conversation my pals dad says "Doesn't matter what we change they'll still hate us!". This is a statement I think we can all wholeheartedly agree with, the excuse used to be that we didn't sign Catholics, or that everything about us was a Masonic conspiracy or that we started the whole religious thing or that ourselves and the authorities were part of an 'establishment', when these things are removed/shown-to-be-delusional going forward the hatred remains or even intensifies. Personally I think we all as adults should drop the "offensive" lyrics and words from use on matchday in the grounds at least, because ultimately it's the beyond-nationwide excuse to justify the hatred and targeting we receive. Remove the excuse and when they continue to hate and target us they are exposed for what they are, bigots playing the offended-card to score points or to see us punished, or, using it to justify their hatred/targeting of our club and it's fans. I accept some of our fans do mean what they say in a bigoted hatred of other peoples/clubs etc BUT I've never heard of a club that doesn't have people like that within it's fans and in many instances those clubs wider fan-base is at best indifferent on their own. We drop what's deemed to be by some as illegally-offensive/sectarian entirely and what will the excuse be? I'd like to hear it because I like everyone else knows their excuse will change but their hatred of us will not.
  8. Tried and tested, proven to be successful, relatively quick and easy to produce formula.
  9. Regardless of whether or not this subject has been covered and whether or not you agree with the points of the OP in entirety I think the thread title itself actually should give us optimism or at least be seen in part as a good thing, let me explain; IF we take the thread title at face value as being accurate then it's a good thing because it's better to have a small squad in which half the players are not good enough than a big squad with the same problem. Far easier to add players that are good enough to a small squad making those that are not good enough a smaller percentage of the whole than having a big squad in which half the players are not good enough, for then you have to offload more deadwood (easier said than done as we all know) and handle a bigger strain on the finances as your big squad becomes even bigger in an attempt to improve the quality of it. Warburton and the club ran with a lean squad last season at least in part to avoid the latter part of the above paragraph. Imagine we signed a squad of 30 for last season in the Scottish Championship on the back of Ally's pension syndicate, the quality that we'd likely be stuck with on 2 and 3 year deals and the costs involved even by this stage! Imagine then trying to bring in quality players throughout the team at the extra cost that would incur while trying to punt 15-20 players of Nicky Clark's capability knowing that they'll sit tight unless a longer deal for similar wages is presented to them. We had to loan Blackpool Charlie Adam for 6 months before they were willing to agree to part with under £500k for a man that had just prior been scoring 20 yard digs in Europe as Rangers were winning the title of the top division in this country and doing respectably in Europe. We are in a position (at least in theory, we don't really know what our true budget is) whereby we can bring in players of the needed quality and don't have to offload a sea of deadwood, those players deemed not good enough can fallback to being back up players who should (once again in theory) be fighting to regain their place all the while meaning that we have the right squad size for our aims. Even if we all believe we only have a half a first team at present for the season ahead, the glass is half full rather than half empty (or even smashed covered in blood on the bar floor). The time to worry is if and when the window shuts and we still are only 'half-full', then we can rightfully be concerned. Barton's signature signals intent and most likely the start of the 'quality' players coming in that relegates current first team contenders to the squad position of Gavin Rae (to give an example from the past).
  10. Considering reservations about Barton some hold and the general English ignorance/disrespect held about our club - I don't think this young man has done too badly in demonstrating that a) Barton is a good signing, and, b) he's not trying to 'diss' us as a club; for a man of such a young age the latter is probably rare South of the border bearing in mind the age he'd have been when we were last in the top division nevermind anything else. In his position we'd probably be upset at losing Barton too. Good video in the vein of youtube cut-rants.
  11. An update of coverage Stateside; Milwaukee lawyer jailed, fined for fight following Scotland soccer championship A Milwaukee lawyer who returned to his native Scotland last weekend for the country's soccer championship apparently got caught up in some trash-talking on a train from Glasgow and wound up in jail -- missing his flight back to the U.S. But rather than having to wait weeks or months, like in an American court system,Stuart Gilgannon was able to cut a plea deal and resolve his case with a big fine by the next day, according to a report from The Scotsman, the national paper of Scottand. According to The Scotsman, Gilgannon -- who played soccer for Cardinal Stritch University before earning his law degree in 2007 from Duquesne University -- was charged with punching an off-duty police officer as both men were riding a train Sunday from Glasgow to Paisley, where Gilgannon was headed to visit his mother. The day before, Hibernians beat Rangers 3-2 at Hampden Park in Glasgow, the club's first championship since 1902, but one marred when "Hibs" fans stormed the field, followed by Rangers fans, followed by violence and vandalism until police on horseback broke things up and arrested 11 people. On the train the next night, his attorney told a sheriff's court, Gilgannon - an Edinburgh native and Hibernian supporter -- was provoked by talk about the game, and made comments a prosecutor called "impolite remarks, if I can put it that way." In the end, Gilgannon agreed to plead guilty to punching the off-duty officer and the Crown dropped a charge that he had assaulted the officer's companion, a female off-duty police officer, by lunging into her with his head. Sheriff Robert Fife fined Gilgannon £500. According to his law firm's website, Gilgannon specializes in immigration law. "I treat all immigration matters as if they were my own, as I know from personal experience the strong personal and emotional connection associated with the immigration process." His defense attorney in the Glasgow case told the sheriff there Gilgannon did not believe the matter will affect him professionally in the Wisconsin, The Scotsman reported.
  12. Joey Barton's past behavioural problems are understandably of concern to my fellow fans however he has apparently left those problems in the past. He has in recent times been commended numerous times for being a player who helps to quell incidents and disorder on the pitch, it's a far cry from days when he was seen as instigating them. Joey Barton has just had arguably his best season in which he was not only recognised Burnley's 'Player of the Year' in winning the English Championship but also by way of his inclusion to the PFA 'Championship Team of the Year'. At 34 (in September) he brings to Rangers an experienced robustness in central midfield whereby he is lauded particularly for his efficient and clever passing. I welcome his signature as not only being an excellent player signing but for the message of intent it subsequently sends out. Edit just to say that I have now just watched Joey Barton's interview/press-conference and consider it to be an excellent first appearance by him. Throughout it he is modest, enlightening, informative, honest, clever, ambitious, determined, acknowledging, respectful etc etc. I'm very impressed in what he said in response to the questions given to him.
  13. Feeling, as I stated previously, that the response given was not adequate considering what is known to have happened and the scale/gravity of the events I have once again emailed my MSP saying; Dear Sir, Thank you for responding to my email. I was already aware that our First Minister finally had commented. While I consider her comment late and far less robust than one should expect, considering her recent words on the lack of female membership to one particular golf club, it is however something said on the matter at least. I am also aware that an investigation is underway and while you have reiterated sensible and generally accepted views I would like, however, my MSP to give personal view and acknowledge what has actually happened as for some reason there seems to be an unwillingness throughout the country, thus far, to do so. There is a fear amongst the Rangers support, myself included, that this unwillingness to acknowledge by way of at least comment on what is already known to be fact could be indicative to the start of a cover up and/or whitewash of Saturdays events. In a country which is normally extremely quick to state as fact that there has been wrongdoing by Rangers/their-fans and subsequently quick to offer condemnation, it is unnerving therefore that there is comparative silence with regard to Hibs fans instigation and one-sided involvement during the worst scenes in Scottish football since 1980. Frankly there seems far more willingness at present, across the board, to mock/condemn the words of Rangers club statement regarding the events than condemn the physical actions and behaviour of the Hibs support in what amounted to incitement of a full scale riot between 50,000 fans whereby numerous people could have been killed never mind seriously injured. I once again thank you for responding and for doing so relatively quickly to myself personally as I understand that, in your current positions within the party and Government, you can be extremely busy. I look forward to receiving your response shedding light on your personal understanding of events presently. Yours Faithfully Ibrox_Preacher (name changed for the purposes of publically sharing in this post)
  14. David Templeton has already been linked with a move to Bradford....apparently there is multiple local Tandoori's there fighting it out for his signature.
  15. I have as of 1.37pm today received a reply from Derek Mackay, personally having read it I think it's showing a distinct unwillingness to acknowledge and give opinion on what actually happened. I feel that was is expressed is sensible however it is also so general in nature it can be described as a cop-out; Dear Mr Ibrox_Preacher (name changed for the public viewing), Thank you for your e-mail. The First Minister has fully condemned anyone who acted inappropriately at the match in question. The police and football authorities are now investigating Saturday’s events, and I feel it is only correct they be allowed to do that fully. However let me be clear, violence has no place in football, and anyone found to be acting in such a way – regardless of which football team they support – should be dealt with appropriately by the police. I hope this is of assistance. Regards Derek Mackay MSP
  16. My understanding is that all of the above ARE now aware of this man's violent criminality at this point as are ABC's WKOW 27 tv news station and Wisconsin Public Radio. The man by all accounts seems to have a very good record as a lawyer and it's a shame that he appears in part to have let his fellow fans behaviour on Saturday to lead him to assault two Police officers on what should have been a historic celebration for him.
  17. The Vanguard Bears must surely be the only ultras (as they have been described) that choose the written word and legal/peaceful activism over violent right-wing hooliganism and that being the case they should be commended by the world at large.
  18. I'm not going to slate Nicky because of the following; Signed for free from Queen Of The South in the 3rd Tier of Scottish Football. Generally wasn't used like he was for them. Service for a good chunk was mince (you might question this one but think Ally's team then think of how under Warburton we allow the whole opposition team to get back in their box). The boy isn't good enough certainly for where we need to be and many have thought that for years now. I genuinely feel he's tried but suffers from the latter of the previously mentioned. For all he's became a bit of a scapegoat to some for Saturday he didn't pick himself and while his contribution was 'meh' it was in the same vein as everyone of our players on the day. Thanks for trying, I appreciate the important goals, sorry it never worked out for both of us, good luck to yourself wherever you end up!
  19. Now regardless of what we think in reality about sections of this country or components within it and regardless of how we personally view allegations laid at our door, we are all aware of the narrative in this country presently. With this in mind this is page 5 of today's Daily Record and ask yourself what underlying message is trying to be conveyed beyond the fact.
  20. Whether or not you like the Daily Record is it's own debate however their front page today (24/05) is the following...
  21. I have never and will never hold it against anyone within our ranks that has a go at me verbally or otherwise under the conviction that they are arguing righteously for our club and it's fans, the bollocking I got on having the wrong end of the stick immediately after the crowd trouble following the cup final is recent testament to that fact. You have absolutely no need to apologise to me although the thought and expression to do so is greatly appreciated. We may all not see eye to eye on any issue regarding our club and it's fans nevermind every issue but at each and everyone of our cores is a desire to see the betterment of our club, its supporters and to see the fair, righteous treatment of both of them.
  22. If anyone reading the above post by me spots any mistakes in my wording, English, grammar or whatever let me know and I'll rectify it, like Phil and his associates I can't be arsed to learn English to a standard whereby I can accurately edit my own "articles", unlike Phil and his associates however I don't call myself a journalist, of all things, and an impartial one at that!
  23. Phil Mac Giolla Bháin is known to many Rangers supporters already however on his blog he describes himself in the following manner; He further goes on to list his achievements from working for the Irish Post in the early 1990's to his contribution in the selection of the BBC's 2006 world cup song. Bearing in mind that since last Summer Rangers troubles have died down significantly, compared to the several years previous in anyones measure, Phil in that time has however produced 150 "articles" on his blog @ http://www.philmacgiollabhain.ie/ on Rangers and their fans (since the 29th of July 2015 to be exact); ranging from alleged tax issues to alleged sectarianism. Within even the headlines of these "articles" Phil expresses his desire to see bad things happen to Rangers i.e. his April 2012 contribution "A Better Life When Rangers Die", in this he at one point states when referring to Rangers "Moreover the club whose supporters brought the world the "famine" song DESERVES to die". Now in case anyone reading this is under any illusions, I have not had to research the man and his works to find these expressions in his "writings" I have merely picked one Rangers encompassed "article" and used the insight into his psyche and quotes that has given me. Throughout his "works" he condemns and actively speaks against anything and anyone he considers to be 'Anti-Irish', 'Sectarian', 'Anti-Catholic' etc. etc. while maintaining a strong interest/focus in Rangers football club. Within his description of his contributions to the aforementioned Irish Post during the early 1990's he claims this period of his work "saw him focus on the social exclusion of the Irish community in Britain". From the previous information I've given on this man one could come to the conclusion that Phil is a campaigner of social justice who seeks equality for the Irish and Catholics in Britain and who detests perceived (rightly or wrongly) verbal sectarianism in such seriousness that he believes an entire institution in the form of a football club should die in turn punishing it's supporters whether they were guilty of his alleged crimes or not. You could then assume that a man of such seemingly moral-conviction would have the consistency and fairness in mind to hold anyone or thing of for e.g. Irish heritage in similar contempt if they themselves did something akin to singing a distasteful xenophobic song about someone else, perhaps? Well let's put this theory to the test and find out to gain a true insight to the man's character; Hibernian football club steeped in Irish heritage from their very name played Phil's "arch nemesis" in the Scottish Cup final just 2 days ago and having won the match their supporters en masse invaded the pitch, vandalised Scotland's national stadium, ran to the Rangers fans end of the stadium to taunt and provoke them and amongst it all reportedly 11 Rangers players were physically attacked to the extent match officials intervened at great personal risk to protect those players such was the seriousness and danger of the situation for all involved. What is Phil's take on this unacceptable thuggery and hooliganism reminiscent of scenes last seen in 1980 in Scotland? What is his view on Hibs fans involved in this utterly despicable chain of events? Does Phil condemn these fans who wear the banner of Irish heritage? Does he wish to see Hibs as a club die as a result of their fans physically attacking players of an opposition team, it's a little worse than unsavory songs in anyone's eyes surely? Well here is where Phil's views are on the matter... "" Now you may notice there is congratulations towards as he puts it to "the original Irish soccer team in Scotland", you will notice that there is gloating digs at Rangers, you will also notice however any lack of condemnation regarding his Irish teams fans behaviour in what has brought the game of football and basic human decency into disrepute in this country. This man of such seemingly righteous and tireless conviction when encountering something he feels is unacceptable towards Irish heritage completely ignores fans of that Irish heritage rioting and physically attacking people with complete disregard for the law and decency in this country. What a spectacular inequality between two groups of people Phil finds acceptable in truth as long as the group of Irish heritage are the ones dishing it out rather than being on the receiving end. It's tragic in its outrageous hypocrisy that this man has throughout the years screamed foul and played the 'victim card' at any perceived injustice towards his "own" preferred people's/organisations yet when given the opportunity to show those values of fair mindedness, equality and justice that he himself demands of others, he says nothing at all. In full knowledge of the events that unfolded following the final whistle in the Cup final Phil completely fails to even acknowledge that violent, illegal, en masse bigoted thuggery was carried out by the fans of a team he instead chooses to purely congratulate. I as I'm sure others by now do Phil, pity you, for you are the very essence of a bigot with astounding double standards and tragically it seems you can't even admit it to yourself! Quick to tar Rangers as an institution and their fans as being in your own words "Scotland's Shame" yet you are infact yourself a shining example of it!
  24. Who?...This guy---> According to his Wikipedia ... "Robert "Bobby" McMahon is a Scottish football analyst for Sportsnet. He appears exclusively on Soccer Central. He also maintains a blog called Soccer Report Extra. Born in Dundee, McMahon played football at the school and youth level, before going on to play for Tayport in Fife, then one of Scotland's top amateur teams. During his time with the Port, he was selected for a Scottish Amateurs team trial. He also had a brief spell at the junior level. After emigrating to Canada in 1979, he played ON and coached a number of teams in Winnipeg while representing Manitoba on many occasions, highlighted by a representative game against Bologna. He was the Chief Operating Officer of the 1999 Pan American Games." According to his Twitter https://twitter.com/BobbySoccerRep , Mr MaMahon is a "Soccer writer for http://Forbes.com formerly TV soccer analyst for Fox Soccer and Rogers Sportsnet" based in Winnipeg and there's a link to a site he appears to run as he is the site contact @ http://www.soccerreportextra.com/ , on opening this link in the top left hand corner of the webpage it says "Bobby McMahon - You can see me on Soccer Central most Mondays and Thursdays on Rogers Sportsnet in Canada. I write a regular column for Forbes.com and Soccerly.com and frequently guest on various podcasts and radio shows." Purpose of this thread? For a man who is seemingly earning a living as a Scottish football analyst in Canada his comments surrounding the Cup Final carnage in their entirety on Twitter are as follows; In conclusion; Bobby McMahon employed as a Scottish Football analyst has one criticism of Hibs fans widespread pitch invasion, large numbers of Hibs fans goading Rangers fans from the pitch at the opposite end of the stadium to where they are meant to be seated, the assaults on Rangers players en masse by Hibs fans, the vandalism of his country's National stadium by Hibs fans, the inadequate policing/security during the trouble, the Rangers team handed their runners-up medals in a box behind closed doors by a low-ranking SFA employee in the interests of their safety, the indifference/silence by all sections of Scotland from fans to Government; that one comment of criticism on all of that is ...of Rangers Club Statement in response to the aftermath! Contact information for employers of this individual are as follows; To Contact Sportsnet Television Mailing Address: Sportsnet One Mount Pleasant Rd. Toronto, ON Canada M4Y 3A1 Phone from the UK: 00-1-888-451-6363 For programming inquiries and feedback, please contact: feedback@sportsnet.rogers.com. Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/sportsnet Twitter; https://twitter.com/sportsnet To contact Forbes Media Address; 499 Washington Blvd Jersey City, NJ 07310 Phone from the UK: 001 (800) 295-0893 For general editorial feedback contact email: readers@forbes.com
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