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Blue Viking

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Everything posted by Blue Viking

  1. He should take every one of them into his office one by one and tell them- this is Glasgow Rangers. If you do not want to be here- there is the fucking door
  2. WTF !!!! 3-1 down to this lot ? and it's only half time. Sorry Geo - but you have a lot of work to do.
  3. A brilliant turn out for a brilliant man - still can not believe he has gone.
  4. Welcome Home GIOVANNI !!! we have been waiting for you.
  5. I knows people too ! and they are saying " I smell shite "
  6. I have a feeling that Frank Lampard will say no to Norwich & want to come to us. He is another big name and once again may help persuade players to come to Glasgow because of his statue ( one of Chelsea's greatest ever players, and one of the greatest midfielders of his generation ) We will soon see.
  7. Jon Dahl Tomasson - Get this man in, seems to know how to play football !
  8. Very disappointed he didn't stay until the end of the season, certainly enjoyed him being part of Rangers and stopping the 10 in a row. But we have to move on and get another manager in to steady our mighty club, team and supporters.
  9. If he leaves us- then we will know why- don't think he will be quiet on this one.
  10. Disappointed and feel let down that he will leave us when the season isn't finished. Fuck knows what is going to happen now- who will be our new manager ? and how will our team react.
  11. Nothing is in concrete yet - he still has to go down there, have his interview, look around and hear what they say and offer him. Then back to Scotland and weigh up his options and of course listen to his backroom staff and his employers and his family. He knows how big our club is and how our supporters love him - so this will not be an easy one for him.
  12. It will be a sad day to see him go - but this would be a great move for him. We are the best team in the world, but we play in a shitty league - if only he could only take Rangers down south eh!
  13. My Dad wasn't much into football, but he and his brothers were all in the Orange lodge - it was my Grandad that got me and my brother supporting the Gers. At the age of 5 or 6 - we were not allowed to leave his house until we sang at least one Rangers song to the end - he even painted his fence Blue Red and white. Took us to our first Rangers game at the age of 10 ( that would be 1969 ) - and that was it ! Rangers Daft and still am.
  14. 1-0 down and I said what the fuck - and then I just see the score 1-6 - what the fuck !!!!!! Well done Rangers.
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