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Everything posted by weshallnotbemoved!

  1. Magnificent display today... That's what it is to be part of our club that the rest of them are jealous of... Truly fantastic, hopefully we put on a similar show against the scumbags.
  2. Correct.. Our club is the league's life support....the fucking sheep had a pitiful home support against the scumbags today. Without us they are all fuck all..... Our show of support today was exemplary.
  3. Right up for it.. The atmosphere was electric at the Kilmarnock game but it soured a bit after the goal. Wen we score tomorrow the stadium will be rocking, if we win then it will be just brilliant.
  4. A business can be run legally or illegally, ethically or not and still make money. A sustainable business should be legal and the Directors should adhere to ethical codes of conduct. Knowing something is rotten in the state of Denmark and turning a blind eye to it isn't acceptable.
  5. Yes, just as culpable. Not the way to run a business...even if it does make money at some point.
  6. 'The directors just wanted to sit in the directors' box. That's all. When I was on the board, I knew all about them. 'I just didn't know the details of them. They became accepted. 'The revenue were seriously challenging them at that point when I was a director. "Directors just wanting to sit in the Director's box," - good opinion he has. "I just didn't know the details of them ," blah, blah, blah.. You could take several damning comments from the original quote. Directors are legally responsible whether de jure or de facto in a lot of ways regarding what activities go on in their business. A decent business the size of Rangers should have a functioning, capable board and the freeloaders kept to a minimum. Turning a blind -eye or not pursuing anamolies isn't part of the remit. Nor is it a reason to be excused from the culpability of wrong doing or poor performance within that business. Also, spending a lot of money on something isn't purely representative of being able to operate a sustainable business model. As the OP said, timing is everything.
  7. Hugh Adam, you and your kind are traitors, leeches and parasites that have drained Our Club to its present position. Take, take, take... no concept of loyalty and how to run a business....good fucking riddance to all of you. You are the latest in the ever-growing list of names who will not be forgotten...
  8. A great guy by all accounts. Level-headed and loyal. ...and i'd shag the fuck out of his burd.
  9. It'll just be the standard letter to creditors sent tomseason ticket holders if you are one.
  10. Good morning to you all, I've just woken up to a lot of you arguing and talking shite on these threads. Put it aside for the day, get blootered and sing like fuck if you're at the game or not..... Its a joyous red, white and blue day, a glorious day for not giving a fuck and embracing the superficial.. C' mon Rangers!
  11. It's interesting that you joined a fan's forum to follow him. Are you related to him or are him by any chance? He didn't get a game because he wasn't good enough. Ran about like a headless chicken when given the option. You fucking Austrailan's have got some fucking arrogance. Who gives a fuck if you are anti-British or Scottish, we aren't wanting to win any popularity contests. Another thing, your accent is fucking more annoying that the Irish.
  12. Absolutely. We shouldn't be afraid to say this at the moment. Doesn't mean we aren't behind the club.
  13. Fuck me! That's a damn fine rant for a Saturday afternoon. I'm all fired up now and want to kick fuck out of somebody after that.
  14. He definitely has a part to play in any future regime however, it needs a fresh approach from a footballing perspective. I would like to see Ray Wilikins have a go.
  15. The McKay Enigma - a physical manifestation of all the trials and tribulations that are currently Rangers FC.
  16. If we could only truly find ways to maximise and realise the potential revenue streams from our global brand then we would really be a commercial giant. We are only scratching the surface of what we could earn. 40 odd thousand every home game, massive armchair support, expatriate fan clubs....even the most limited of entrepreneurial brains could balance the books and then some with that sort of market. Our official merchandise is limited, expensive and unimaginative. There must be ways to free ourselves from the shackles of any deals that don't do ourselves justice.
  17. Motherwell to annihilate those scum bastards in the most humiliating of ways.
  18. Not far enough, we could get another thread going with that.
  19. Correct, most teams have ran all over us at home. This has started to happen away now also. We just aren't a very good football team at the moment, no strategy or invention. It begins and ends with the team but individual performances simply need to be much better. There is more needed than them just coming onto the pitch and applauding our great support, they need to have fire in their bellies and play their socks off. Not going to happen though, quality of coaching isn't very good but we'll just need to soldier on.
  20. Poor lad apparently got frostbite because his glove fell off in training
  21. Yes, at the end of the season. He's made of glass and he's essentially shite.
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