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Everything posted by offminorthreat

  1. My wee bearette is 6 months old now, best thing ever mate, enjoy!!
  2. Aye, great to see Simonsen finally keep a clean sheet
  3. Watching Brisbane warm up tournament women's final - Sharapova v Ivanovic. Oh my word. Hard to pick which one would get it first but I think Ivanovic in a pinch. ‎
  4. Also blood on the hands of UoF and Sos as far as I am concerned. Cunts of the highest order.
  5. £750k a year can pay for a few chopper rides a year mate
  6. Just seen on the news here in Oz a feature on the SPFL FFIT programme. Wee news anchor had flown over to Ibrox to report on it. Sat bolt upright in my chair and was shouting at the missus that the Rangers were on the news. Heart skips a beat even seeing our club and stadium on the TV. Beaming at seeing it.
  7. It fucking breaks my heart this shit. I am just glad my 90 year old bear grandfather isn't on the Internet to have to absorb the state our club is in and the disgrace of these fan groups. What has happened to the Rangers i grew up with?
  8. I had the benefit of being in China for work and on a flight so missed the Alloa game. He clearly needs to go, but some of the abuse in here now is disgraceful.
  9. Unbelievable....was in a work meeting when someone blurted out that he had passed away. Shocking stuff. RIP.
  10. A 10 million kitty should wipe the Prem, even with Ally
  11. Would love to see a wee rammy between Black and Brown in the opening minutes. They are fragile cunts and we need to rattle their cage early doors
  12. Aird has his share of detractors, but his attitude is bang on.
  13. What I never get is that global fanbase and TV attraction is in a big way based on perception of clubs tradition, prestige and actual attendances. It makes total sense for TV drawcards to have the likes of Ajax, PSV, Porto, Benfica, Rangers and the giats in a league with the dominant CL teams. If that TV money was distributed fairly, we would be back. Dreaming though.
  14. Or maybe just maybe it stands for the Paisley Rd West? Ffs
  15. Trying to get motivated to get up at 445am local time for this. Struggling. Hating myself for feeling that way about Rangers.
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