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Everything posted by slimjim1690

  1. what's wrong with 2-3-5 [ah! the good old days].
  2. God wasted a perfectly good arse when he gave him that face.
  3. Whenever anybody calls me an orange bastard, my reply is always "aye and don't you fuckin' forget it" shuts them up every time.
  4. That's a strange one, that boy seemed to know were the goal was, maybe he wouldn't pick the soap up in the showers?
  5. Don't forget Phil MaCrackin is still there.
  6. I don't think Walter will start Fleck in any tough away games as he's still trying to take his time with him, might be a good idea to bring him on around 60min. or so if all is going to plan and have fresh legs going at Hinckel.
  7. They are defo taking a big gamble not taking advantage of our weak position ATM., they think they have enough to take the title, but as long as we don't suffer any major player injuries I think we just shade it in terms of personel. We have been thrown a lifeline, now it's all down to who has the bottle and who makes best use of thier respective squads.
  8. Well now he's got a mate to back up him, sorry meant to say back him up.
  9. Can't see where Liverpool cheated TBH. they were the better team throughout, Lampards red was a disgrace, and should win an appeal, thought Alex was outstanding, so was Gerrard, but how Bosingwa stayed on the park never mind jailed was an official brainfreeze, I'm sure the league will reveiw that one.
  10. Never mind the blind officials, the polis should have jailed him, fuckin' unbeleivable
  11. Barr's been linked with us. Oh cut it out FFS I need another drink.
  12. A haircut & a shave & we might fool them only kidding honest, let Mendes go & we're fucked.
  13. Caldow was a bit ahead of my time but my uncle Freddy raved about him, but I'm a bit surprised nobody has mentioned Greig, I know he played most of his time at half back but towards the end he played LB and I thought he was brilliant there. Much as it now pains me to say, in my time Jardine gets the nod.
  14. The eyes are the mirror to the soul............to bad their mirrors belong to the carnval. effin tinkers.
  15. Much as I've been a critic of Walters tactics this is the one team he more often than not comes up with a surprise against that works in our favour [given a full squad to pick from], this time round I think he'll go for Lafferty up front,as Boyd didn't do it last time round.
  16. Away hanging himself. He's had a bad day. Not only has the good man been called 'Declan' on RM, but now this! Hope he hasn't wasted any money on a lottery ticket.
  17. Just ban who I say should be banned. It's that simple :pipe: Therr yi go, problem solved
  18. Munch munch ...tatties... munch...tatties munch munch....
  19. Jim, as I said I am not entirely convinced he wants to leave while we are not top dogs, but I entirely agree with Bluedell that if he is not in complete control, he will want no part of us. The Ibrox Village will not even be looked at in the next few years due to the economic collapse and the size of the investment required to pull it off. There is also the issue that if Murray is still involved, a lot of bears will have no part of any new dawn, he has tainted his reputation that much in the eyes of a large minority of bears. Yes mate yourself and BD are probably correct, just thinking out loud.
  20. have also been saying for years that we have to give him an easy out. I stood at an RST agm and said so a couple of years ago. He is really worried about his legacy. I have been of the opinion that if we could arrange for it to be a "donation" by Murray to the People to allow a consortium to take over, he could go with his ego intact. Obviously I dont mean he gets nothing back for his investment, but he could easily accept a much reduced price to be allowed to be acceptable in this way. He wont get a full price for the club because it simply is not worth much the way it is at the moment. He must accept that. A fantastic reply mate. This paragraph is what I was kind of alluding to on post#19 of this thread, why ,if he so wished could SDM not be a part of this, I'm no fan of Murray as past posts will testify, but if you think about it for a moment. 1: who else has as much knowledge of running Rangers for the last 20yrs. that would be invaluable for any consortium wishing to take over the reigns of the running of the club. 2: He's done most of the groundwork for the "Ibrox village" planning permission etc. and I think it would massage his ego! if you wish, to see this through while still being a part of Rangers 3: Being a knight of the realm opens many a door that us mere mortals can only dream of. 4: I stuck this one in because it's important to me,[and I suspect a few others], He would no longer have total say on how the club should be run. and he also wouldn't have to spend as much of his own time around the place. As you said TB I also don't think that he wants to leave but this would give him an opertunity to be a part of the "right people" that he keeps telling us he's trying to find to buy the club, [bTW I believe him on this part]. Once again may I say to Bigspliff, well done mate if this thread is anything to go by it just goes to show there are a lot of inteligent posters around [i'm not including me, that sounds bigheaded ]and I sincerly hope that this subject grows wings.
  21. Fuck me Diouf, and Chimbonda must be making a fortune out of signing on fees.
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