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Everything posted by Sweetheart

  1. Yep, I have heard of them I posted in a few day ago about this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chan_Wai_Ho in another thread. I believe he's out of contract and if signed for our club, it would also open the merchandise market in Hong Kong.
  2. IMO, Ally has not had the luxury of choosing the team he wants, he's got what he's got. We have a large amount of young ones in the team, They are at an age when they want to be living the fast life. In the past year they have become 1st team players, the spotlight has been on them with the media, playing in front of sell out matches and are top of the table. They're probably thinking 'we've made it'. They were all hungrier when they first got chosen has they had something to prove. As things stand now they have no incentive to keep fighing for their place on the team, because of the signing ban. I don't think they have conned management, they can play. IMO it is a case of more discipline is needed from the individual.
  3. They may be a small social club but they are not playing it for big wages, they are playing it because they love football and are putting their heart and soul into each and every match, and the chance to beat a team like Rangers, with all the media attention that goes with it, gives them a greater incentive to play better in the hope of attracting the attention of scouts.
  4. Reality is .... Rebuilding our club virtually from scratch is going to be a series of steps both on and off the field, it's going to take patience and understanding from the support. I am going to renew my season ticket when it's due, as I never again want to experience the feelings i felt on that fateful February day.
  5. Donation made Hubby just kindly bought me 15 for Mother's Day
  6. IMO, It's a positve step in our rebuilding process http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_United_F.C._Reserves_and_Academy
  7. Facilities at Murry Park are among the best in the world. The staffs job is to train people, as individuals, to play football, which they have been doing successfully for years. The job of the manager is to knit those individuals together as a team. The captains job is to maintain team discipline on the pitch. IMO, there's no doubting Ally has been training them to work as a team, nor Lee McCullochs ability as a captain. On a number of occassions we have seen the coaching staff, Ally, and Lee bawling out the team. That can only be because the team players weren't following the game plan. If players aren't following the game plan, where does the problem lay? The coaching staff have done their job, Ally has done his job, Lee has also done his job, so the problem, IMO, lies with the individual. if the individual can't maintain team discipline then the team plan falls apart.
  8. As far as i am aware, 'free agents' means they haven't signed a new contract with their club. Whereas with 'contract up' the club they are with has the 1st option to offer them a contract. This is where i'm unclear i'm not sure if they have to compensate the club, if we wanted to acquire them. Maybe someone else could clarify?
  9. Is there enough money in the pot to cover buying these players? would they accept division 2 wages?
  10. Well Done Gazza x Love that he's planning for the future "The former player is also considering becoming a football coach once he ­regains his health".
  11. I will be glad when we can say 'job done', this was always going to be a tough season, the business side of the club at to be rebuilt first. Next season I will be glad that our illegal sentence will be over and we can focus on rebuilding the team.
  12. They should have pride in their performance and it is sad they don't. Attitudes need to change for the positive or as you say 'people are going to be dropped'.
  13. You may have hit the nail on the head there, Is it a case that they have been chosen for the 1st team and think to themselves 'I've made it'. As many of them don't have to worry about someone taking their place in our current situation, there is no incentive for them to play at peak performance.
  14. The context in which CG said in the radio interview that the team wasn't good enough, was to back Ally up as a manager. CG is right, it's not good enough, as Rangers standards go. But when you take into consideration what we have had to deal with this season (signing bans, players walking out, putting a team together in a small transfer window, playing a large amount of youth), I think we've done well to be top of the table, and i think CG recognises this. Not everyone is going to agree on Allys tactics but he's limited with the players he has. Ally needs time to chose his own team, without all the restraints we've had this season. Patience is needed at this moment in time as the damage that was done to us will probably take a few seasons to rectify.
  15. This guy looks good, he plays centre-back and defensive midfield and i believe he's out of contract. Chan Wai Ho is widely regarded as one of the best Centre-back in Hong Kong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chan_Wai_Ho
  16. Sounds good to me. If we wisely buy 2 players of this quality, each year untill we get back to the top, combined with our youth, we should have a great 1st team and enough players to cover injury etc.
  17. Berwick Rangers is an English club playing in the Scottish league, why not vice versa?
  18. Cheer up cushy, Frodo saved the shire and they all lived happily ever after.
  19. It depends on who's governing it, under the present governing bodies I predict in the next 18mths that quite a few SPL clubs are going to sink, there will be reconstruction of 2 divisions 12 teams in each the rest will be put as regional, Lawell will oust Doncaster and Regan and take the position of head of new governing body. There won't be enough money in it for those at the top of the SPL so they will apply to play across the border. I think Charles sould be invited to help reconstuct Scottish football. it has to be done properly and i don't think it will be with Lawell Regan and Doncaster.
  20. It was a good era, Thankyou kind sir Cracking interview so far
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