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Helicopter Sundae

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Everything posted by Helicopter Sundae

  1. Left wing cunts own the media. They call the shots. They get away with this shit all the time.
  2. No doubt they'll have had a lot of volunteers! Former tax experts, etc.
  3. Actually you have made a good point with this...the Flower of Scotland is indeed the type of song which if sung by us would quickly escalate into fans getting jail time. That is a message that should be fucking hammered home, tae think again.
  4. Of course it is. The fucking cunts are at it, and we had better learn a defence pretty quick. And sometimes the best form of defence is attack.
  5. "The Rangers end was empty...... they all fell down the stairs... 10, 20, 30, 40, 50... 66 died , and it should have been more." Nice cunts aren't they! \Wonder if Humza condemns this shite or just deflects? Fucking rat.
  6. I think you will find that all this offended shit is a bit one-sided.
  7. "I hear you're a racist now Father"....to Father Ted after his Channel 4 endorsed rant against the new Chinese community on Craggy Island.
  9. I say fuck them, and also relegate them to the bottom division and let us see how they come back from that absolute battering. FUCKING KARMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Maybe it's because she is a total cunt. PS WELL DONE TOM!!!
  11. Wee Tommy would be displeased with this.... formerly of Brand Street cooperage.
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