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Everything posted by Billythebear77

  1. Wes tav hill wilson waldo Holt rossiter(is he fit?) windass waggy garner MOH
  2. fuck BT sport, Sutton and all the tarriers at the BBC, no one likes us we don't care!!!!
  3. This end off debate IMO, if Halliday had done something he'd be the one sent home!
  4. I feel sorry for garner, he's getting no service, and as for McKay, he needs benched for a few weeks, and Forrester or MOH given a run in the team. It's not going to happen though.
  5. He's got to change this 4-3-3 formation!!, waghorn and garner up top together with either a 3-5 or a 4-4 behind them, one player up top is pish, feel sorry for garner, he's getting no service. The manager is stubborn as fuck!, it'll be his downfall IMO if he doesn't sort this shite out!!!
  6. He's never a winger mate, that's the problem, the other problem is that he needs dropped for a few games
  7. Yeah, just checked my cunt-o-meter.......the OP is Defo a cunt
  8. Right lads!!, after the last week we deserve a performance from the team!!!, I hope the manager plays players who are on form today and not keep picking his favourites!!!.....3-1 to the famous Glasgow Rangers!!!!!..(I hope)?
  9. You sure you're a Rangers fan?, fuxxake with fans like you??......
  10. The more off this shite he comes out with, the more his status as a legend(as a player) gets eroded!, wish he'd stay quiet, and realise the depth off feelings towards him from most bears just now!. Ally just go back to question off sport or keep making these shite ladbrokes adverts FFs!!!!
  11. This only when we rise above there scummy fans, the mhedia will have no option but to slate the scum!!
  12. The SFA with Reagan in charge are never going to go all out to charge HIVS, last year we had Motherwell fans on the pitch at their shitey wee stadium goading is to fight them, one off our players getting hit with a flag(I think it was a flag or a brolley) they got next to fuck all done to them!. this year we've had our players attacked on the pitch and they've done fuck all. Fuck the SFA, Fuck Reagan, Fuck the lot off them!! "No one likes us we don't care!"
  13. The problem is mate, that the country is infested with these hand wringing cunts, nearly every article with anything about these banners or displays has a picture off the toilet that got smashed up included in it!. every other day we see pictures in the papers off cunts committing crimes, if the press can find a picture off them wearing a Rangers top then the headline is Rangers fan does whatever!. We've got virtually no cunt sticking up for us in the media,since 2012 it's been open season on every one off us!, before 2012, it was mostly bantar between fans, but now it's on a whole new level. I mean when we've got POLITICIANS on social media commentating about a smashed up toilet, but refusing to even mention, let alone condemn the banners and mock hanging off our fans what chance have we got?.
  14. Waggy, Tav, Holt and Harry all hits, only miss is Kiernan..rest unproven. Although I think they all will be hits (apart from Kiernan)
  15. Better prepare for the S.W.A.T team kicking your front door in then m8.
  16. I know mate, but with the three stooges plus Tav and Waldo IMO we'd be a wee bit harder to score against, it's got to be our priority for the sheep game, if they beat us then I can't see the manager staying in a job.
  17. I know he won't go 3-5-2 but, we need to shore up the back more, and with Tav and Waldo playing wing back and wee Rossiter in the cdm role. That leaves Harry and windass to support a front 2 off Waggy and garner.
  18. They will if at Christmas we're no where near 2nd mate, I personally think he should get the next 2 transfer windows to sort the defence, if he doesn't then, sorry he's got to go, I think every one off us, although we wouldn't have admitted it, were afraid a result/performance like yesterday was going to happen. It'd be a shame aswell, because the way we played last season in some games is some off the best football I've watched a Rangers team in my 30 odd years watching my team.
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