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Everything posted by Hamie

  1. If they have a time machine and sacked him straight after the tim game they might have gained a little respect. A Rangers manager in his situation should always be given minimum expectations for the first international break. A: Top of the league and champions league qualification. B: top of the league and out of champions league C: qualified for champions league D: clear your desk and fk off.
  2. If you're talking about a poll simply as Gio Vs Beale then you may be correct. But before Beale was frontrunner he did not have a large backing and what he did have was based on a lie.
  3. The big problem was always that a huge portion (I'd say well over 60%) didn't want Beale in the first place. Coupled with the fact Beale managed to con a lot of the support (who did want his appointment) and likely the board into believing that our league win was somehow down to his tactical masterclass. Even if Beale did play a large part in the tactics Gerrard deployed... they were deployed by Gerrard, a man who commands respect worldwide due to his achievements as a player and not the sideshow coffee boy with delusions of grandeur. We need a manager who commands respect and more importantly respects none of his opponents.
  4. Potter was the type of coach we needed in 2013. However Im unsure if potter is the type of coach we need now.
  5. Should never have been appointed in the first place. Cathro without the laptop.
  6. Could have signed Ola Brynhildsen for less than half the price. But naw instead we sign this absolute donkey. The worst part about Dessers being you didnt even need to scout him to know he was shite, A simple Google search would have sufficed.
  7. If he stays I can see us struggling for second. He's been an absolute disastrous appointment, from signings, tactics, team selections, man management. Everything about us now absolutely fkn stinks.
  8. Give or take we sold 2 players with decent scoring records to sign Dessers.
  9. Sold Sakala - who was a threat especially to any team that played a high press against us. Bring in this dumpling. Who has a few of the aspects that Sakala lacked but absolutely none of the attributes that Sakala had in abundance. Bealeball.
  10. What about Erling Moe? End of the day it's not down to the support to find a new manager. There are plenty of options out there. World is a big place.
  11. Absolutely spot on. The money from dessers should have been spent on a quality left sided CB with Davies and Barasic moved on for a new left back. And we would be in a much better place.
  12. Hate has always been allowed. As long as your hate is directed towards the 'correct' group.
  13. If he's not fired then it would be interesting to hear what expectations the board have? We had 2 incredibly important games back to back. Surely Beale must have been made aware that one victory, at an absolute minimum, was a must.
  14. Was just thinking that. The overhaul involves installing the latest update.
  15. And to add to that we can almost guarantee there will be a point this season where we will have midfielders playing centre half again when the fixtures pile up.
  16. We have no chance. Any semi competent manager would have addressed the defence and built from the back. Had a little bit of faith in Beale during the window when we were linked with Trusty and Panzo and assumed he knew we needed to get someone with a bit of pace at the back. However the second he signed a semi retired Balogun I knew Beale was a complete waste of space.
  17. I don't think the manager could do a worse job if he tried. It really is that bad. When the absolute basics start to break down its all down to him.
  18. He has to go. He has almost 0 support from the fans. Nobody can see what he's trying to achieve with whatever you call his current system. At this point I'd take anyone with a decent system and a winning track record.
  19. It was an absolutely bizarre appointment in the first place. An unproven manager with a low reputation not only being asked to take over a huge club but also being given the reigns to spend and build his own squad. Two things that he's never done or shown he was capable to do. Very much reminds me of that laptop guy Hearts appointed a while ago.
  20. This is what really gets me. We went into the window linked with a few new central defenders...... Then start the season with a back 4 that were all here last year. The back line leak cheap goals, go into the match thread and you'll see numerous comments around the 40 minute mark all saying the same thing. "This is when they will score" It's a concern when fans can pick the exact time when our own team will fall apart.
  21. Nobody would. You didn't even need to send scouts to see them play. Just a quick look at their stats on wiki would have done.
  22. Defence is woeful. Didn't address it all summer and now we suffer the consequences.
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