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Everything posted by BlueVanguard

  1. I would drop the first team and keep Beerman and bates and bring up the youth then to play rest of the season why not? Its over anyway and they are hungry young boys wanting to show what they have. I would beg every league in the UK if they would take our players on loan if they could pay towards the players wages for a year or two then hopefully we can get them out the door as there contract are expireing and if they can fuck off back down south and play good football like they used to do it might bid some money for them
  2. I dont look into this pish that much fact is these players are shite and that's why we are dropping points
  3. Everybody at the club will be saving up the dinner money
  4. This is what has upset me this week with the 2 old firms we have played in. when we go down a goal or things go against us they start silly tackles and heads go down they remind me of a high school football team from Glasgow ??
  5. It will probs cost us 7 million to get rid of all that shite in mutual terminations
  6. He knew he was there they where kicking miller around the park all day
  7. I wrote on the forum a while ago with the hole extra day training and the hole new direction the club was taking would unsettle our players and I think I am correct. These players look as if they are unhappy and look like they are unwilling to play for Pedro. I am worried very worried. What if we do get rid of Warbuttons shite then Pedro signs all these pishy no namers from Europe and it doesn't work out back to square one. These players have had it to easy last few years and now someone has came in and being strict in a professional way they are throwing school boy tamtrums
  8. We will soon see who is a " rangers fan " when it comes to mutual terminations
  9. If I was Pedro I would drop every single one of them and play the youth team for the rest of the short season we have left.
  10. I think it is a recovery day tbh, I can see this becoming a problem for some of the players though. Especially the ones with little kiddies. Maybe its just me as a father who thinks this ??
  11. I'm just worried he will burn the players out I mean 6 days a week training, I know they are trained professionals who are on a lot of money each week but it could have an effect on the team. Just hope the players don't get to tired
  12. I admire the hard work these guys put in and the noise they create but they don't speak for the fans. I remember I was up the mainstand and a couple of boys from the ub section where arguing with an elderly fan across to the west enclosure Sometimes you get those boozed up wee fannys at games.
  13. This is top fucking class https://m.youtube.com/watch?sns=fb&v=YhRwh2Lme1Y
  14. We will catch those sheep shagging bastards trust me on that, they will be worrying now
  15. I have a photo of me and Hately somewhere i will try and get it on. Nice memories and to get a photo with two legends is top class
  16. This is what kills me mate this board and players at the club seem to forget that.
  17. If they want the season ticket renewals then they better lol
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