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Everything posted by TEFTONG

  1. Couldnae give two hoots for scumdee hibs.. But a blind man can see that before the transfer deadline they are gonnae have a fire sale. Just so they can get to the end of the season.. So vital that we scud that mhob on Saturday.
  2. Playground swapsies.. "goat goat goat goat..need..want..oh cmon gies the shiny RANGERS badge to finish ma book ya fud"
  3. I did notice that his club is looking for an office manager and wait for it a Child Protection Officer.. Its advertised on the jobsite website.(check it out).. I nearly dropped my phone when I got the email from jobsite this morning it was in amongst other jobs they thought fitted my profile!!??. Ive never even sent them my cv..this post should probably be moved as it has fuck all to do with RANGERS. But I had to share the news. Talk about too little too late..
  4. We know that our team will be well up for the game on saturday,having Captain Jig back will ensure that we give scumdee hibs a proper thrashing. We have missed his presence and his goals..
  5. I wonder if any of our guests would like to take a guess...aye ya bunch of interloping saddoes.. the jap man who speak with fork tongue came out with this pure and utter pish, so that his team could steal another tainted title and put a spanner into our uefa cup final preparations.. I can remember Sir Walter tore him to bits,and he has been going out of his way to get us back ever since. A sleekit Hypocritical LIAR..
  6. If we never play that shower again It wouldnt bother me in the slightest.. Dont miss them.. Or their songs of hate/murder..
  7. Rangers win 6-0. Hat-trick for Sandaza 2 for Little and Perry 1st goalscorer from our first corner after 4mins.. Now wits the odds on that??.. Looking forward to today. Respect and taking stock 54th min.. The RANGERS FAMILY. LOVE IT.BREATHE IT.LIVE IT.
  8. This is a game that I wont be attending. Spending my hard earned in the Louden surrounded by BEARS is a much more palatable and decent thing to do. Dundee Hibs are a bunch of bottom feeding shite hawks who wont ever get a penny off me again.. Super and the players will be well up for this game and im looking forward to celebrating our victory!! Cmon the RANGERS.
  9. I will be delighted if Alexander gets the deal that I feel his Loyalty and very decent goalkeeping skills deserve.. He stood TALL when the rhats pissed aff and bar the odd howler has been consistent and dependable. We have been fairly fortunate thru the years when you look at our Goalies. Bar that tube le guen brung in!!.
  10. Dont want to be negative cause this rumour/thread has put a huge smile on my face.. But is fifa no the biggest sweep sweep(nothing to see here) mhob in the world??.. Blatter is a crook (alledgedly) and as much as I want this letter of complaint to start a shitstorm for the muppets at hampdump.. I think they (fifa) wont do fuck all.. Hope im proved wrong.. WATP.
  11. Excellent article.. But i wouldnt trust that mhob/cabal as far as i could spit them.. Delighted that the RFFF is being used to PROTECT WHICH WE WON FAIRLY AND SQUARELY ON THE PITCH.. Get right in aboot them Charlie/Traynor and lets give our many haters another Bloody Nose.. NO SURRENDER RANGERS..
  12. Why wont the link work?? Keeps coming up that there is a problem with the network...seems a bit suspicous!!??.opus die at work again..sweeping away the truth...NO SURRENDER ANDY GORAM..
  13. Im very surprised that young Bill would choose this time to give our haters any ammo...But i agree wholeheartedly about murray...He was a sleekit dodgy bloke that wanted nothing to do with the ordinary fan and was an arrogant arse who wouldnt defend us..
  14. im still trying to get a grip of using my mobile..to using this laptop thingymabob.. but i feel that bogtrott had a valid point......OK WE KNOW that the haters and the MHEDIA in slamonds scootland HATE US..But surely any objection to these scumbags should be embraced and backed to the hilt????
  15. Highly recommend this truly wonderfull journey, Day out i will NEVER FORGET..
  16. Eh? The drugs dont work fellow Bears..Quality thread.. Eh!
  17. Im very impressed that our friends down in England are willing to talk/debate OUR INCLUSION into there league.. So refreshing compared to the shite & muck that we have to fight thru up here.. From mhedia and so called football clubs that dont even hide the hate/jealousy anymore.. So want this to become a reality.. Waving goodbye and GIRUY..To the haters in the dying pish stained spl..
  18. Im buying 5...We will sell even more than we did this season.. Cause WE ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE PEOPLE...
  19. That guy is the living breathing GOLLUM/SMEAGEL...he has gone into hiding thinking out of sight out of mind will save him from a writ/legal boot in the hawmaws!! Good luck wae that ya ugly hatefull wee shite... JT is coming to get you.....mmmwwwhhhaaaa...(sinister evil laugh)..you deserve EVERYTHING THAT YOU GET...
  20. I knew when i seen the smug looks on both rayguns & dumcasters faces yesterday. That they thought they had won... And Charlies rather tame statement makes me think that they have...FOR NOW... We are gonnae get to be/keep the LAST 3rd division championship!!??.. We ALL WANT EUROPEAN FOOTBALL back at IBROX.... So lets suck it up... Fight back when we can knock all the haters spark out!!.. I only concede this cause they wont let us play anywhere else.. Deal with the haters on OUR OWN TERMS.. WE ARE THE PEOPLE...THEN..NOW..FOREVER..I dont have a solution or an answer im just a BEAR that loves my club...and i do expect abuse for the sucking it up line...but REALLY what else can WE DO??... Except FILL IBROX & CELEBRATE OUR CHAMPIONSHIP..won on the pitch..not in back rooms with shady/liarwell influence... Every title that THE Filth have won since feb2012 will be TAINTED/DISCRACEFULL...WATP..N.P.P.O.H.W...
  21. Its an excellent piece but we do know that the haters in the mhedia.. Radio/Papers will no doubt go on a pooh pooh offensive.. They will not like this rational/balanced DEFENCE OF SCOTLANDS BIGGEST CLUB..So be READY Mr T.. The knives will be out so make sure you bring a bloody big gun..(metophorically speaking of course)..
  22. It is very hard not to be a bit over sensitive when you consider ALL the shite/lies that has and still is flung at our CLUB.. But the fact that JTs article is being given such a high profile platform is so much better than just leaving it to the hating scottish mhedia.. Charlies gone and unleashed his attack dog(traynor) and im looking forward to seeing how many arses he bites!!??
  23. Cause they are All RHATS..and your thread is pure pish.. Who are you loyal to?? Mmmmmm??
  24. Longmuir is a multi-faced hoor!! raygun & dumcaster offer him a new wee cushy joab. Pension and company car and he cannae wait to get his breeks aff and his arse in the air!! Is there anyone else still trying to work out how a third of club chairmen can decide to radically fuck up the game and get it rushed thru by next season??.. It fuckin REEKS..Cmon Charlie im keen to hear you rip this whole smelly/cabal mrk3 to shreds..
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