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Everything posted by Kai_Johansen

  1. Hartson spouting shite, 5 or 6 get too fuck! The quality of sellick players, for fuck sake they are bang average, and look how much it meant to them winning this game,against a poor Rangers side!
  2. We were poor, no threat up front. Now got to listen to these cunts fucking spout shite about how good they are, never take it easily getting beat by these bastards.
  3. Butcher,what a cunt, never a Ranger!
  4. Possession retention has been really poor, need to close the gap between the midfield and the front three. Worrying that in 45 mins we haven't had one shot on goal!
  5. A win for England at Wembley and Scotland are 6 points of the pace, effectively game over!
  6. Campaigns finished before its really got started. A bad manager can hide behind a good team, its a lot harder when a bad manager tries to hide behind a bad team!
  7. Like most I was disappointed with the result yesterday, no real cutting edge and the usual frailties at the back. Fast forward 24 hours and the forums is full of "bangers" calling for MW head! And some twatt above spouting pish about Owen Coyle being a good bluenose, obviously at the wind-up or he/she's been sniffing father Flanagan's knickers!
  8. If I may borrow a quote from yesterday "the OP is a banger" I don't have a problem with the quality of the football we play, its the results that are just not good enough, and at Rangers it the results that count.
  9. Frustrating game lots of possession with no real goal threat, and always vulnerable at the back. MW needs to start winning games in the league or no amount of fan goodwill will keep him in a job, at the moments its not good enough!
  10. "Don't forget that this could go to extra time and penalties" that sounded like a threat!
  11. I think it was the Godfather that stated that "Twitter was for cunts" you can safely add Chris Sutton, the Daily Rebel and the BBC to that list!
  12. Of course he understands, its just paper pish to get the frothers raging!
  13. Despise the man and everything he writes. He should never be allowed in to Ibrox again, not even as a paying customer.
  14. OP probably best if you leave now as its going to get a lot worse in the months to come. I once left Ibrox 10 mins early when we were 3 - 0 up against Sporting Lisbon in the CWC 72', that was the last and only time I've ever turned my back on Rangers. If the media and a bad result against the dhims is enough to make you walk away, then you really don't deserve to be a member of the Rangers family!
  15. The biggest day since the last big day, just like it's been for the last 144. year's Today wont define our season nor will it define our future, however I expect every player to do their duty and put those chunts to the sword!
  16. Ruth Dudley Edwards has savaged three names and his sentimental republican BS for years. She's an accomplished historian and journalist who writes for both the Belfast Telegraph and the Irish Times. Most Oppressed Peoples Ever (MOPE's), would love to see a banner with this on it at Porkhied!
  17. Poor all round, displays like this just gives the opposition belief that they can take something from our games! Pitch is atrocious!
  18. Strachan really is a twatt of a man, two attempts at qualification, two failures, and I don't see any improvement happening any time soon! Was a huge Scotland fan in the past, Liverpool, Wembley, Paris and even Hampden, not any more, they don't deserve any support from our fan base.
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