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Everything posted by scotty1976

  1. celtic run the SFA' Rangers hero Nacho Novo makes astonishing 'mafia' claim The former Ibrox striker believes the governing body and the media are biased towards celtic. Former Rangers striker Nacho Novo believes a celtic "mafia" is controlling the SFA. The Spaniard has hit out at the governing body and the media and insists there is bias towards the Parkhead club. Ibrox keeper Allan McGregor was given a two-match ban for a studs-up challenge on Aberdeen's Lewis Ferguson earlier this month but Novo reckons celtic players have been let off with worse. He pointed to a challenge by Scott Brown on Daniel Candeias during Rangers ' win 1-0 over the Hoops in December. Novo claimed even if Brown had been retrospectively cited for the tackle, the SFA would have let him off. He told Rangers News: "For me personally, there is mafia in the SFA, in terms of they are run by celtic. The newspapers are exactly the same and that’s obvious. You can see it from a mile away. “That’s how I see it. Look at Allan McGregor’s tackle on Lewis Ferguson. Now if you look at Scott Brown’s challenge on Daniel Candeias, that’s worse. It’s a straight red, yet Brown doesn’t even get a booking. If he was took to a panel they would still say no. “It’s just these stupid things. If it’s one rule for one team, then that should be the rule for others as well. You can’t keep celtic directors or Rangers directors on the SFA panel. "If people aren’t going to stop them, we aren’t going to go forward, we’ll be going backwards. It will affect the young players.”
  2. But sadly he’ll just be ridiculed by the MSM or held up as paranoid.
  3. You forgot about Brendan O’Malley from the early 80s...... Back when we had a sense of humour and weren’t faced with permanent faux offended....
  4. It’s about time the big clubs are held to account for bending the rules and stockpiling players.
  5. Proper big club along with Castleford when I was growing up.
  6. He may not get carded until Trial by Sportscene and an intervention from Michael Stewart, Claire Whyte, and the independent expert panel of Peter Lawwell, Rod Stewart, Gerry Adams and The Pope......
  7. Between that and the shoddy workmanship with seats not screwed in correctly...
  8. Interesting that there will be checks on grass implemented in the wake of Brenda complaining about the length of grass at Tynecastle.
  9. Guys.....hopefully someone can help me out. Season ticket holder who can’t make today’s match. Gutted to be missing it. I’m not that technically minded. Is there a stream for today’s game anyone can recommend? That won’t give my device an std.... cheers
  10. Good point on the hypocrisy of it. Its a system that benefits one club.
  11. I’m going to be controversial and say he’s right. That whole thing should have been left on the pitch. But that would be alongside every other decision considered by the Compliance Officer that had already been dealt with.
  12. Didn’t see it......but good to be kept up to date on here!! Well done to the young team!! The future seems bright and I think we really must credit Mulholland for the approach we’re taking playing against some top top clubs.
  13. Wtf is light abuse? Abuse is abuse. What an absolutely repugnant article. Shameful. And he’s still employed after writing that? I await the Herald’s new crime reporting style: ’he only stabbed him once, it was only light murder’ ’it was only light rape, he only did her up one hole’
  14. Being realistic, it has happened all over society. No club - including our own - is can be completely certain that it hasn’t happened. Difference is, they knew what was going on, covered it up and facilitated it. There’s absolutely no way you can normalise that.
  15. You may be right...BUT....how much of a dent will paying off what appears to be a very large number of victims make in the bank balance. It could potentially be up there in excess of the value of the fabled Big Tax Case.....
  16. I think question marks have to be asked if some players who have been underperforming under the last 3 managers then suddenly they look world beaters. It’s not just United. Players have too much power but in undermining the manager they are also shortchanging the paying customers.
  17. I think that may be the point I was trying to make in the op. Its really the support and their deplorable behaviour that I have an issue with. From a football perspective I’m sure there’s plenty of other clubs with a better record against us who you wouldn’t ever consider rivals.
  18. Didn’t go as far as hatred. Just dislike them!!
  19. Although I don’t stay there now, I’m from Alloa. No other reason!
  20. Good point. I don’t hate them as rivals. They’ll never be good enough to be considered rivals. It’s just I think they are a scummy club.
  21. I hate celtic. Disgusting club, disgusting history. As a Rangers supporter, particularly if you follow a long line of supporters, it’s in your blood and you are conditioned to hate them. I have a real dislike for Hibs, St Mirren, Dundee United and Stirling Albion for various reasons. But I genuinely believe I hate Aberdeen as much as celtic and more than anyone else. Maybe it’s the celebration of Simpson, chanting in celebration of the Ibrox disaster, the entitlement culture around that club where they think they deserve to be successful, maybe it’s the fact that in 30 odd years going to matches I’ve only ever encountered trouble with those scum. They were our biggest challengers for a few years in the late eighties/early nineties. Outside of about 4 or 5 good years in the eighties they are a no mark club but their supporters disgust me beyond belief. And McInnes. What can you say about that prick. The fact that he was one of us and was privileged enough to play for us makes his behaviour so much worse. A club I wouldn’t miss if it died.
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