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jim beam

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Everything posted by jim beam

  1. Fucking hate the cunt he is one useless bastard.
  2. Stay what other choice is there right now.
  3. This is so fucking annoying I wish I knew.
  4. Glad he's gone he was a shitebag that pulled out of umpteen challenges that he should have won or at least could have.The only down side is the fee we sold him for if that is the correct figure.
  5. Hope your gran enjoys her day out she deserves it and a speedy recovery,also well done Rangers in a genuine nice gesture to a life long fan.
  6. Wish I knew what it meant without using google.
  7. It was a great trip and the Rangers support that night was mental it gave me the bug for traveling to as many away games in Europe as possible I've clocked up quite a few from that trip.
  8. My first ever away game back in 80 something was to Cologne.
  9. That shitty rag won't care that the fantasy story has been rubbished they have put it out there and the deluded will forever claim it as the gospel truth.
  10. If that truly is the case then open the window and belt out the bangers and mash loud as fuck.
  11. Got two for the club deck this morning.
  12. What I find peculiar is Rangers fans on a Rangers forum disagreeing with the Rangers chairman that the tims titles are tainted now that's fucking peculiar.
  13. Because half of us are bears and the other half pong
  14. Going by the sad sacks on here they fully deserve they're undisputed title of the bestest team ever.This place needs fumigated
  15. No he isn't he is telling the truth the taigs can bang on about 10 in a row but King is pointing out the obvious the last view titles they have won are tainted. King has back Caixinha with cash and I fully expect us to make a major impact this season if the management and team can't handle the pressure of the chairman making a statement then we are really fucked.
  16. Why should he? He isn't talking shite the taigs have had a straight run at it someone needs to remind them that with us not present they're titles are tainted .
  17. Over the moon the chubby dick has nearly gone from our club.
  18. Oh FFS I can't keep track with all this are we dead or not what is our name now is it Rangers or Sevco or Sevcooooooo I just can't keep up please help!!!!!!!
  19. 64 on Monday past eh that's the spirit mate you enjoy the short time you have left and wear what you like.
  20. I'm not having that I'm excited as fuck and have a stauner that I haven't had since I was thirteen.
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