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Everything posted by NixonRFC

  1. agreed, boys like Telfer may or may not be the next big thing, their agents will know the difference in coaching at that level from Rangers to clubs like Everton, I'd not be surprised if their agents are telling the boy and his family that the best chance they'll have of reaching their potential will be at a club where the coaching is at a standaed designed to making young boys reach their maximum level.
  2. thats handy coz you'd probably end up flying off the roof
  3. I was only about 14/15 at the time but it had been known to partake in a few tins :thumbsup:
  4. the game im thinking about was 4-1 I think, ita a wee bit hazy though haha
  5. don't think he did mate, well not for a goal anyway, I always remember Gazza rounding the keeper that game and I think he dummied it to send the defender on the line the wrong way but my mind could be playing tricks on me...Van Vossens strike that game was just utter class
  6. I always liked Van Vossen, haunted by that miss at the Piggery but he could be excellent at times, scored an absolute belter at Rugby Park in 1996, round the keeper right out wide, sure he was near the by-line and whipped it right into the open goal, superb strike...anyone else remember it?
  7. I don't necessarily think he's saying he wants to come back ASAP more that he'd love a return before how hangs them up, sounds a bit like he's playing to the galleries, its alright saying money is no option but I bet his next deal will be the most financially rewarding one of his career, it'd be almost impossible to turn that down at 31 years of age.
  8. Gordon Smith has been one of the best voices in the media for Rangers, continually voiced positivity from Rangers and on many a radio show and TV show has defended the club and the legitimacy of us being the same club, Gordon is allowes his opinion like everyone else, to say he doesn't help is ridiculously innaccurate, just because this specific point doesn't fit in with what you think doesn't make him less of a Bear or even make him nicey nicey, all it does its makes him have his own personal views. Gordon Smith for all the good he has done in talking us up over the last 18 months deserves immense credit, particularly when it would have been easier to toe the line and get a nice regular pay-cheque
  9. I bought the Sun, Star and Mail today and gave the old boy a score, was rather chuffed with my £16.90 change ;-)
  10. I won money that day, but a bet on in Ladbrookes before the game and entered a free draw for the time of the first goalscorer...think it was 7 minutes I picked out the hat...wee 100 paid my night in Vickies brilliant game too, it was the second of three brilliant Old Firm games in a row
  11. I don't think fans expectations are too high, after the way we backed the club we deserve to aim for the sky, what I will say though is that its almost impossible to keep the players 100% focused and motivated when they are so far ahead in a league they are levels above maybe if there was a bit more youth in the team their would be more motivation I'd like to see better tactics and a better philosophy throughout the club but I think it stands to reason that once you pull so far away from the pack then then you're bound to switch off in the winter months.
  12. I don't think it would be, I do think they'd beat us because TLB would have them fired up beyond belief but I also think he'd want to be a bit extra cautious because losing to Rangers in the state we are in would be a sackable offence he wouldn't be able to stomach it and neither would their fans
  13. thats because he's playing against shite and its almost impossible to fail, can you imagine being 10/12 points behind in thenSPL and he was doing all that shite? He'd get lynched
  14. It's absolutely tragic, we can all hope for a miracle.
  15. I think Miller's professionalism and his work ethic would do wonders for the likes of Nicky Clark and Andy Little, I think he'd be a great example to them, even Lewis MacLeod too, I'm not a fan of signing too many more playera currently and definitely not older ones but I'd make an exception for Kenny Miller, on the flip side I'd be more than happy to see Lee McCulloch make way for him
  16. I think he's a donkey, but a loveable donkey He'll keep a smile on our face for the next 18 months until we're back in the top tier
  17. Absolutely, he is the manager of the Football club, to say financial matters are for other people to worry about is beyond a joke, we keep hearing its his club, he should in my opinion be looking after it, continually bleating about signing players or publicly worrying about a cut to his budget isn't in the best interests of Rangers Football Club. Also, saying we might not be able to fill a bench, thats just hyperbole nonsense, you can't send out players like McKay or Gasparotto on loan then complain you can't fill a bench, Ally has a squad budget of £6m...it was up to him to strengthen the squad in a way he saw fit, he choose to target guys who would cost us ridiculous figures in terms of wages, money those guys have never been on before and will never be on again and the downside of that means you might end up short in areas if injuries take their toll. if Ally is telling us there isn't enough quality coming out of Auchenhowie to sit youngster or two on the bench and give them an experience of what life is like as a first team player then thats deeply concerning.
  18. Glorious dazy cutter into the Rangers end, Dale Gordon was brilliant that day
  19. People say fuck off with the pay-off shit but the remainder of his contract will net him around £900k, only a fucking idiot would walk away from that kind of deal, its not like he's ever earned anything remotely near that before and he wont again. Anyones anger/annoyance at Shiels over this is misdirected.
  20. the only walloper here is you, no-one is saying dont ask questions or highlight this issue, simply saying certain fans if they have a wide enough audiance should be careful in their wording, if you couldn't give a fuck about Bears as long as the story gets out there then thats your perogative, me, I want every Bear who fights any cause to do it without putting themselves in harms way. what a ridiculous fucking reply from you!
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