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Bobby Hume

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Everything posted by Bobby Hume

  1. He will never be allowed the time to get it right as was afforded to Ally. I feel sorry for him in that sense, as the combination of Ally and his legacy of no hopers leaves him with an uphill task to say the least.
  2. Very sad this accident, and as said by others, not the thing you want to happen at any time , but more heartbreaking at this time of year. Condolences to all families involved.
  3. I don't know if I would give any of them a "GO"........other than a square go, after recent performances to be honest.
  4. Just read this today, and again, just had to re-post it. The best summarisation of the situation and enigma that is McCoist. Thank you Tontospal.
  5. Take a bow Albear85, that could not have been easy, as you say, he was your hero. This morning I received a message from my son saying how he loved the old strips, the photo accompanying it was of Ally (his hero also) in the old strip he loved. I must say I was happily surprised as my memories were stirred of past achievements of Ally and Rangers in better times, and of the joy he brought to us all. Sad how things have now come to this stage, but, as a player he had no equal, as a manager he has unfortunately failed.
  6. He should be paying us, not the other way round. But if it helps a speedier departure count me in for a score.
  7. Auchenhowie as a going concern has been abysmal over the period it has been operating, more going out than coming in. It should be sold off if it is not producing the talent required to save on transfer money, and any savings would be beneficial to Rangers.
  8. I really can't feel right now as I am completely numb. The team on the park were outplayed in every position, next to the hiv's game it ranks as one of our worst performances. There's a saying "Don't play the blame game, find the solution", needle and haystack comes to mind right now. Pissed off loyal, but I live in hope.... but only just.
  9. Nice Find NR, they will forever be bested on this subject and the sale of Statens will be their only comfort. Nice reply from Natasha hope she has a belter of a Christmas and a True Blue New Year.
  10. Funnily enough this reminds me of the late Willie Waddell.
  11. This is one fenian cunt whose blood I wouldn't mind being up to my knees in. Get him to fuck off this board admin. x Infinity.
  12. It's so funny, really it is, first it was, "support the team not the regime", then it was "pay per game", then the "boycott", now it is a push to buy season tickets, plus an advert for Rangers First, also now dictating to long suffering fans to get behind the team and support them in the new year. It now stops being funny, and to think that you will be welcomed with open arms and that what you did to the club was for the club's best interest, and the supporters who stuck by the team not the regime must now say that what you did is all forgotten and you did your best, but come on in lads all is forgiven with no come back to you. Get fucken real. Aye welcome back right enough.
  13. Fuck the little cunt to hell and back, my hatred for him and the shite he spouted about Rangers at that press conference will live with me till I die, he is a despicable little runt and deserves nothing but ridicule and should be fucked right off if he even thought about playing for us again.
  14. All the Rangers players past and present were/are proud to play for their country, why should our supporters be any different. So yes you can do both and be as proud as your team heroes. For me though it is extremely hard to watch ex players (indeed in my eyes traitors) who do not live up to what a Rangers player is all about, so I choose not to support the national side, but do like it when they win. Too much has passed for me to be jubilant about the national side, and it has all been related to how we were treated during and after admin. I love my country, but don't like it at times, but could not possibly hold it against anyone if their opinion was different from mine.
  15. As said on the other thread posted by JCDBigBear well done Ally and Strachan, now let's get those three points, that's really all that matters now.
  16. Well done to the OP for bringing this to light so quickly, and to all who complained, now that's what I call a supporters united programme, SUP for short. ( we can all drink to that ). Seriously though, it is never wise to mess with us when our valued history is at stake and put down in such a sickening manner, and hopefully this will send a message to others not to fuck us about as we will not let it go.
  17. Very good news, and well done to the negotiators in this case Ally and Strachan. At least this is a positive step for us, and again well done to Ally.
  18. Surely this not so well veiled effigy is too near the bheasts mindset to be anything but a right boot in the balls at Rangers and her followers. Let's see if the sos have a wee boycott outside their shops. Won't hold my breath though. Surely the club must act on this if it is genuine.
  19. Can only hope it's crabs or some other STD he has contracted off his priest or his father, probably one and the same, the rancid prick.
  20. Not many get a hat trick on their debut at Ibrox mate, well done wee man. Hope you and your son have many many more.
  21. Great news no matter who, and it speaks very well of Lewis's character to bring this to the fore, he is a proper mensch is our Lewis. Good luck also to Nicky Main, he deserves it.
  22. I miss ED......... and the auld glesga banter.........but a serious Bear all the same.
  23. I agree with you there, Ally did enough to play down the DF bullshit and maintained his calm, and never let us down by ranting off about the snide comments of a bitter old man. The hack asking the question was just looking for a side story and wanted Ally to bite so he could embellish the next article he writes. Ally never bit and answered politely, defusing the intended jibe at us with style. So yes LB you would be right in thinking that we should be happy that Ally stood up for us, I certainly am very pleased with how he handled it, and look forward to seeing the team take DF's little team to the Arsehole shop and measure them up for a New one........ after ripping out their Old one of course, as you do.
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