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Everything posted by Bears

  1. Excellent video. 2.20 ish, Barrie taking a big risk, holding his fist in the air after scoring.
  2. I know what you're saying but as I wrote, it must be done on our terms. The moment we are messed about, withdraw and make clear why we are doing so. And then, if they sort themselves out and realise that we will take no more crap, we can begin to build bridges again, and again on our terms. Too long we have hidden behind the 'diginified silence' then been treated like garbage. We need to stand up, whether pushing forward or on the defensive, always explaining why we are doing what we are doing. Only that way can we be part of the narrative of Scottish football in the eyes of all, whether they like it or not. We have become marginalised in the eyes of too many and, going from a 'dignified silence' to - in their eyes - a sulk, we will not achieve anything in the bigger picture. It is easier to push around a club that refuses to participate than one that stands up. It's time for us to stand up and be counted, by them as well as by us.
  3. It is not about fighting every small problem or about letting us be kicked around like a flat baw. Where there is clear and obvious imbalance in how we are treated, we need to stand up for our club. As fans, employees and board members we need to face up the injustices in an appropriate manner. By all means build bridges but do it cautiously and on our terms. Trust none of them. That way they still won't like us but they might start to respect us.
  4. For all we know, the Board and MW discussed the fact that clubs reckon they can hold us to ransom and hike up prices due to our historical 'generosity' to them. So MW agreed with them that sticking to realistic bids only at the maximum was the way to go this season to get the message across that we are not a charity any more. After all, he stated at the start of this window that 2-3 signings would be good but he was happy with the squad as is. And MW is surely most definitely in the conversation regarding the values of players and how much to bid. Is it up to him? No, it's up to him and Frank and the Board. To exclude him from the conversation would be daft. He did say a while back that he is in daily contact with Board members and they're not just talking about which new posters to get for the changing room!
  5. To be fair to Boyd, did he not turn down a 2 year contract and say he wanted to prove he was worth a second year or walk away. Well, he wasn't good enough under the managerial soup of last year and he left. Maybe with MW as manager he would have been a lot more inspired. Not so much bitterness as perhaps feeling regret?
  6. Halliday Halliday Halliday Halliday Halliday Halliday Halliday Halliday Halliday Halliday Halliday We are all Andy Halliday.
  7. Ref has the ability within the laws of the game to book Halliday. But he has no argument to claim he was right to do so. There was no precedent to this being a bookable reaction to a goal being scored but there is now.
  8. GOAT is right as the letter of the law stands. However the ref should have worked to the spirit which says to avoid punishment where possible. We know that expectations are different with us. Rangers are seen as privileged, rich, and spoilt compared to the poor part-timers and low paid pros we have played for the last few seasons. That's why Black could be kicked in the chest when standing but himself sent off for 2 poorly timedd weak tackles. The playing field is not level and we know it. Is is fair? Certainly not. We need to be paranoid on the park and lawyers off it. No one will sympathise much if at all. And the press will not back us in this because they will be seen to be backing us/Halliday after he got his last red rescinded. Lightning does not strike twice. So, GOAT is right but it's a sad world where Halliday was given a yellow never mind a second yellow. But as a lifelong Rangers fan, he should have known better.
  9. If the downward slide into sanitising the game continues (basically for us), all the players will soon be given a certificate for turning up and we won't be counting the goals. That way everyone's a winner! Except for the bad boys wearing the blue shirts. Five stars. They've won enough. No more for them. Now everyone's happy! (Coming soon to a SFA/league memo.)
  10. Next goal we score, players stand still giving polite applause and bowing to each other. Or is Rangers sarcasm banned too?
  11. We will only find out how MW's tactics work against a seriously good team when we play in Europe. It will be an interesting time and a great experience for the players as they play against progressively better teams as the qualifiers/groups progress. If we can keep doing plan A better as we gain more experience against different tactics and more skilful players then good times are coming!
  12. It did have potential. I wrote something positive, Dude didnae like it and argued his piece. Then you've whinged near the end. Can you contribute anything worth reading?
  13. You'd be better off at FF where censorship is more their thing. I made a perfectly acceptable post, making my point in the second post in the thread. I was called on it, defended what I wrote and you don't like it? I'll defend your right to complain and my right to write.
  14. Okay, what was wrong with my first post, now that you're involving yourself in this?
  15. Shall we check with you next time regarding quality control?
  16. Yeah, how does that connect with your word "fulsome"? Can we move on now?
  17. "Precious" cos you keep misusing what I write in order to argue I'm wrong? Where did I want anything "fulsome"? I wrote that you had written nothing/zero/nada positive in this thread, which is about the dignity of MW. If that makes me "precious"...
  18. Thank you for your participation. Where have I been wrong?
  19. I'll quote the bit you missed out... "in this thread".
  20. Line 1: I quoted it in the response which you just responded to. I presume you realise that I'm a Rangers fan. And if I were MW, I would have found you insulting in general in your lack of any support at all in this thread. Line 2: I'm so glad you're not my boss. Do any of your underlings have any...ahem... potential? Line 3: As journalists are trying to sell their wares to customers, partly on reputation and partly on current content... well, you work it out.
  21. I'd hope that being a professional write, he could be a little more clear. At no time in this thread has he written anything positive about MW. Maybe he needs a bit more...balance.
  22. To reply to your later addition to the post... And for a manager who has management as a second career after retiring as a footballer, and did not rely on his playing status to catapult him into a big job, MW is where he should be if he is able to become a successful manager. Using you logic, Davie Weir was not able to become a great player of his generation. And therefore he didn't. I disagree.
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