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Everything posted by IanFerguson2013

  1. I'm happy with 'Glasgow Rangers'. That's how I have always known the club. I'm a Barrhead boy not from Glasgow and it does not cause me any concern. I object to 'the Rangers' though because that sounds like it's trying to make us a new club. As the song says, "we all follow the Gers, the Glasgow Rangers, the Teddy Bears" When used in the media Rangers always tends to refer to us so most people out there know we are who we are.
  2. They are not exactly playing well at the moment. They are likely to end up in the playoffs with Falkirk or hibs. If we play our best game we will win. I wonder when Boyd last played against Rangers for Killie? Quite a few years
  3. Not an exciting draw but a test for us non the less. On the Laudrup front, My wife always enjoyed him being around at school when he did the school run back in the day. I think she considers him a good looking man. (Lomond school Helensburgh by the way).
  4. I have been to loads of wee grounds when I was a lad but I have never been to Pittodrie (in those days too far for the Barrhead supporters bus) and as a matter of principle I have never set foot inside parkhead (even when being offered corporate which happened a few times). Farthest ground (outside Scotland) is Barcelona's Nou Camp.
  5. Why are we to be proud about hating people of another religion ? We want to dislike other fans and clubs who we compete with but why do we need to turn it in to a religious thing especially when the people concerned generally don't go to church but simply hold long-seated anti-catholic sentiments. Rangers does have a history of drawing support from Protestant Scots and Ulster-men but nowadays we are supported by people of every religion and our players are a very broad church themselves. Bigotry is not something to be proud of. Be proud of our achievements on the field of football.
  6. The bottom line is that our fans were singing a banned song including words which have been deemed to cause offence so we can't complain if we do receive a punishment. Nor can we say that other teams are treated with leniency compared to us. Imagine if we were docked 3 points and lost the league by a couple of points. The singers would perhaps regret digging out the old songbook. I know that won't happen but one day we will be back in Europe and daft singing could land us in real bother. Personally I wish we could just move on and treat it like going to a football match. Other teams seem to manage.
  7. These things come along two or three times in a lifetime. I have been to final's in Barcelona & Manchester and would hope to see maybe one more in the next 10 years. It's all luck really. Lots of good teams just don't make it for all sorts of reasons (though usually by not winning football matches)
  8. Absolutely NOT. He is one of the worst of the traitors. I'm glad that he is not getting a game as he was doing well for a while after he abandoned us but now he is on the slippery slope where all traitors belong.
  9. I'm sorry for the folks who did not get a ticket for Manchester despite being staunch loyal supporters. I can see that they think it's unfair that those 'less worthy' got tickets. Despite not having a ST that year I got a ticket via corporate connections, just a ticket no grub, and was happy to get it. I was on a supporters' bus for years and have had ST's at times when I was able to go every fortnight. I was also at the Barcelona game in '72. I'm also a shareholder in the club. My point is : People can be serious Rangers Fans without going to every game home and away. We should not consider them as some inferior species because they don't dedicate all their time to following the team. Feel free to flame this post but I won't read any such replies.
  10. I'm amazed at how clear people's memories are of the matches they have attended. I have been in a number of +100k crowds at Ibrox & Hampden but I do not recall exactly which games. I can remember one was a cup final when I was young because I was amazed at all the fans from far far away (like Canada). I remember the crush when the crowd pushed forward if something big happened and exotic things like a girl peeing on the terracing but I can't pick out specific games.
  11. Happy with Hampden. Assuming we get offered more than 50% of the seats we should be able to full most of the place. It's our last chance to win the wee diddy 'Ramsdens' cup. Looking forward to the day out though I would prefer corporate hospitality with Rangers for the big day but those times are past (drinks, grub and special guests at Ibrox then the coach to Hampden).
  12. Please, no more discussions about titles. We will not lose any titles. Talk about football. Don't bring misery back!
  13. Nope, but I was saved from a ball in the face recently. Sitting in the Copland front just to the side of the temporary goal they use for goalkeeping practice pre-match. I was on the iPhone when a hand came up in front of my face and smacked a ball away. There were several near misses from other balls.
  14. How can anyone criticise Vladimir Weiss? He was a great wee loan player for us & played his part in a major win over 'them'. He has a Rangers tattoo I think & was in the crowd at Ibrox after he left leading the singing. His father guides his career I believe and it's unlikely he would be allowed to come back as he can get better money and football elsewhere.
  15. If you look at the bottom of the left pillar you can see it's fake. Red on the pavement.
  16. Nope. Just want to get past this one. We are playing a team that needs to win. They think they can win the league & avoid the playoffs. We have to win the league and look like doing so and will hopefully have a more open game than of late. Fortunately our goalie proved that he has what it takes so if we play well we will win but I don't expect a shut out. Even if we win we still have to work hard every week to get the result we require. It's not over till it's over and the fat lady & all of us are singing 'Simply the Best'
  17. Glad he is staying to the season's end (assuming we agree to keep him that is). I'm pretty sure he would have still had some jet lag in the last game. He was missed when he was away and I'm expecting him to get back to normal -v- Hibs
  18. septic fan comments off the BBC Jim, Motherwell: "Celtic pass the ball around 20 times and can't even penetrate the 18 yard box - Molde make 4 passes and get a goal. This has to be the worst Celtic performance I have ever witnessed - so ashamed that this is being broadcast around the world!" Anonymous: "always felt Ronny had to be given time to introduce a euro type play system but nothing has changed and its time to let him go,its getting embarassing watching the hoops home or away in europe."
  19. This is very true. They can't sit back and defend so they may score but so will we.
  20. About the goals, nobody expected us to win by a margin of 5 or 6 goals. We expected the parked bus as usual but we were not expecting the pre-planned thuggery which Livingston dished out. I wonder whether their manager told the players directly to be savage or just gave a few hints here and there. Look at the guy grabbing the ball and huddling with it to slow the game down. Who does that? Surely they were instructed in ways to interrupt our rhythm otherwise there would not have been so coordinated an approach. Hopefully soon teams will wise up to the fact that the parked bus just does not work and they are as well trying to entertain their own fans rather than try for an unlikely draw.
  21. It's all been said already. How could he be acting the clown? He was running with the ball and no doubt under orders from his manager the moron with the worst face in Scotland came crunching in. I don't think Nathan will give in and go back down south but I do expect this and similar events to make Mark Warburton wary of taking more youngsters on loan as he will see what could happen to them & be worried about causing them harm. I don't remember this kind of thing happening when Brian Laudrup came on the scene (obviously Brian was the complete article and gloriously gifted while Nathan is still developing). At first other teams could not stop him and then they upped their game to try & compete.
  22. It's ridiculous that they ended with ten men. When Burchill remonstrated with the official about Andy Halliday tackling one of their players I was howling with derision. I'm pretty certain he sent people out there with instructions to hurt our players. He should be ashamed. As for the ugly incident with the ugly player grabbing the ball and trying to stop play continuing, what happened, our player was booked??? Referee ????
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