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Everything posted by IanFerguson2013

  1. 2 things I learn from this thread: 1. People will complain about anything 2. Swearing is never a good thing
  2. Not sure it's a stronghold but Egremont in Cumbria seems to have a strong Rangers presence for some reason.
  3. We will attract better players once we are promoted & back where we belong. By January it may be pretty obvious to outsiders that promotion is in the bag but people still may hold off until it's a cert.
  4. I would like us to play on grass not artificial, otherwise I don't care though home would be nice of course. It's our only chance to win this one.
  5. Not on his Facebook page. It's not being updated very often. Anyway a piece of well cooked chicken is pretty healthy. Better than a big bowl of pasta
  6. That link does not go to Colin Stein footage, just conspiracy stuff about decisions that went agains us
  7. Thanks for the tip. I'm on their website. It's pretty confusing offering a train with 2 changes from Newcastle to Glasgow taking over 6 hours. I usually travel up from Alnmouth station either direct to Glasgow or changing in Edinburgh so I will stick to my current route. I assume transpennine would take me across to the west then up but not going to work out.
  8. Helicopter sunday is the one I wish I had been in our crowd. I was at the 72 Barcelona game and the Manchester final and lots of great cup finals and other big wins but I missed that one.
  9. I have only taken my wife a couple of times, to the club deck corporate hospitality. The one I remember, In the club europe lounge was fine as there was an other woman where we were sitting and they were chatting but out in the ground we had a great front row seat but behind us were some very foul mouthed people sitting in corporate seats belonging to a Glasgow law firm so she was not happy. Much better taking my daughter who I have taken loads of times, usually corporate but once she was older in among the proper crowd. She was not allowed to swear but loved hearing it from everyone else.
  10. Probably the only post in this thread worth reading. Not really about Rangers is it? just a rant about some members of a religious group who happen to dislike our team. I have friends who are catholic and support ceptic and none of them has given me a hard time over the past 3 years. Me, I'm a Protestant Athiest who has supported Rangers all my days.
  11. Oduwa because he has not shown what he can do with his head yet.
  12. It will be late March or early April. We would need to be over 30 points ahead to win the league by the end of February. We will all be hoping for a home game to coincide with the big event. It won't be -v- hibs as our last game against them is too early. Of course Falkirk Raith Hibs & QoS could all do badly & we could celebrate earlier.
  13. I would criticise but I'm able to make the revised date but could not make the 9th so I don't mind but lets hope MW does not make a habit of this, especially in a few months as the league will be in the bag
  14. You got your wish. The Kirkcaldy Rovers are in 3rd place. Both Hibs & Falkirk dropped points so we are beginning to open up a gap.
  15. so is this the Bayern game ? (I was at all the Cup Winners Cup home games and the final)
  16. I'm worried that I won't be able to get BBC Scotland to watch our team win. Otherwise NO, we did not have 2 poor results, when teams park the bus it's very hard to play. Our defence v Dumbarton was not good enough but otherwise I'm not unhappy about our prospects for a win tonight.
  17. Won't be long before the street sellers are punting them at us outside Ibrox. "Get your TAV bandages here, only £5"
  18. Predictions for tomorrow? read the papers to see them eat humble pie. Prediction for today's game: 4 - 2 for Rangers.
  19. I expect us to win. They can't cope with Oduwa and will be surprised at how good wee Barrie has become. Waggy and Tav will be up for this one as they will want to show they can do it against 'superior' opposition. So long as our defence holds up we will be fine. PS: On their forum they have 'Sevco v Saints 22/10 Match Thread'
  20. Looks like we will score more against teams that want points rather than the no hopers. I thought our play was ok though not enough flair. Shows what I know I would have subbed Waghorn & kept on Barrie. Nice that Falkirk dropped 2 points as it pushes us ahead of them and Hibs. They play each other soon as well.
  21. My broadband went down just before the substitutions so I have missed the goal and I'm still not back watching just following Twitter
  22. No idea really. First game at Ibrox was Rangers - v -Kilmarnock and I think it was when I was 7. A Man gave me an orange. We were sitting in the main stand. As to when I was a real supporter I guess about 14 when I started going on the supporters bus.
  23. David Templeton had a great first game for Rangers. When he was playing I thought that he kept trying to beat men until he lost the ball but otherwise he played well enough. His confidence must get bashed really easily because he is capable of playing but just does not manage to turn it on. Maybe he just needs to find the right team. We could not give Charlie Adam a starting place but he went on to do great things at Blackpool so maybe Temps just needs the situation that suits him.
  24. Another month and we will have played and probably beaten every team we will meet in the league. We will then have to see if the team can keep the momentum up. So long as the attractive football continues we should be OK but we might be in a position where nobody can beat us and we all just start thinking about next season. The attendances have to stay high for the good of the club.
  25. I don't want to see any septic strip in Bears Den. There is a laugh at septic thread elsewhere on the forum
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