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Everything posted by WATP84JRL

  1. This should be in the i just did a jobby section
  2. PSG TWENTE BENFICA LEGIA WARSAW BORUSSIA MONCHENGLADBACH QPR to win BTTS 36.59/1 sky bet stuck a fiver on it.
  3. Starting to think he dosent know the difference between a tactic and a tic tac to be honest
  4. Av no seen a tactical sub fa Warburton yit. Seems like it gets to 60-65 mins then he decides to give a few players a game just to keep them happy. Never seen a manager sub players every game at the same time just for the sake of it. Its like fucking groundhog day
  5. It defo will. If he sends a team out tonight hes well lost the plot.
  6. Had to get one replaced a couple of weeks ago. Ticket office sent it out free of charge.
  7. No bad works a treat.
  8. Log into your playstation account online you can download it to your playstation there.
  9. Just stuck it on to have a look when you are on select home or away screen press square to edit personal data then select command configurations you can edit the buttons in their.
  10. Just stuck it on to have a look when you are on select home or away screen press square to edit personal data then select command configurations you can edit the buttons in their.
  11. On the menu when you select which controller side you want to be pretty sure you can edit controller setup there.
  12. Was a top finish from boyd. It's old timer hill that should be taking the flack for that goal.if you Cany keep up with a player like boyd you should be a centre half imop
  13. Ps4 every game I play it's like a lag blur when passing or crossing in a corner
  14. This is the best football game ever. I seem to be getting a blur motion when passing the ball is it the demo? Or do you think it's my TV settings?
  15. Anyone been here recently. Am off to Blackpool on Friday so looking for a bear pub for the Motherwell game
  16. You never missed much to be honest Delighted to sign a new contract America went well Not worried about tav n waggy new deals Looking forward to season ahead.
  17. Stood in the pissing rain for 2 hours at the rangers shop in sauchihall street to get a ticket for this game. Was about 15-20 bears left in the cue infront of me. Manager of the shop come out and told us the tickets were sold out. Gutted so a was.
  18. No mate just moved from br2 to sw4.
  19. You will probably get a letter this week. This is my second season using zebra. From my experience it takes around 2 weeks.
  20. http://fernandomagazine.com
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